5 research outputs found

    AHEAD: Adaptive Hierarchical Decomposition for Range Query under Local Differential Privacy

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    For protecting users' private data, local differential privacy (LDP) has been leveraged to provide the privacy-preserving range query, thus supporting further statistical analysis. However, existing LDP-based range query approaches are limited by their properties, i.e., collecting user data according to a pre-defined structure. These static frameworks would incur excessive noise added to the aggregated data especially in the low privacy budget setting. In this work, we propose an Adaptive Hierarchical Decomposition (AHEAD) protocol, which adaptively and dynamically controls the built tree structure, so that the injected noise is well controlled for maintaining high utility. Furthermore, we derive a guideline for properly choosing parameters for AHEAD so that the overall utility can be consistently competitive while rigorously satisfying LDP. Leveraging multiple real and synthetic datasets, we extensively show the effectiveness of AHEAD in both low and high dimensional range query scenarios, as well as its advantages over the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we provide a series of useful observations for deploying AHEAD in practice

    Differential Privacy for Nearest Neighbor Queries

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    We examine the problem of providing differential privacy for nearest neighbor queries. Very few mechanisms exist that achieve this, most notable geo-indistinguishability in the context of location privacy. However it uses an extended definition of differential privacy and restricts the sensitivity of queries. This work presents a new mechanism for DP nearest neighbor queries that is general to many applications and is based on tree data-structures and traversal. The biggest challenge with existing local differential private solutions is poor utility, requiring the addition of a restriction on the sensitivity of queries. We provide two variations, one which uses a similar restriction and one that does not. We explore different tree traversal algorithms. We evaluate our method on artificial datasets as well as real world location data. The results show that the variant using a restricted sensitivity does not perform better than geo-indistinguishability, while the unrestricted variant offers a method with good utility

    Differentially Private and Skew-Aware Spatial Decompositions for Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) is a paradigm for collecting large-scale sensor data by leveraging mobile devices equipped with small and low-powered sensors. MCS has recently received considerable attention from diverse fields, because it can reduce the cost incurred in the process of collecting a large amount of sensor data. However, in the task assignment process in MCS, to allocate the requested tasks efficiently, the workers need to send their specific location to the requester, which can raise serious location privacy issues. In this paper, we focus on the methods for publishing differentially a private spatial histogram to guarantee the location privacy of the workers. The private spatial histogram is a sanitized spatial index where each node represents the sub-regions and contains the noisy counts of the objects in each sub-region. With the sanitized spatial histograms, it is possible to estimate approximately the number of workers in the arbitrary area, while preserving their location privacy. However, the existing methods have given little concern to the domain size of the input dataset, leading to the low estimation accuracy. This paper proposes a partitioning technique SAGA (Skew-Aware Grid pArtitioning) based on the hotspots, which is more appropriate to adjust the domain size of the dataset. Further, to optimize the overall errors, we lay a uniform grid in each hotspot. Experimental results on four real-world datasets show that our method provides an enhanced query accuracy compared to the existing methods

    Differentially Private and Skew-Aware Spatial Decompositions for Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) is a paradigm for collecting large-scale sensor data by leveraging mobile devices equipped with small and low-powered sensors. MCS has recently received considerable attention from diverse fields, because it can reduce the cost incurred in the process of collecting a large amount of sensor data. However, in the task assignment process in MCS, to allocate the requested tasks efficiently, the workers need to send their specific location to the requester, which can raise serious location privacy issues. In this paper, we focus on the methods for publishing differentially a private spatial histogram to guarantee the location privacy of the workers. The private spatial histogram is a sanitized spatial index where each node represents the sub-regions and contains the noisy counts of the objects in each sub-region. With the sanitized spatial histograms, it is possible to estimate approximately the number of workers in the arbitrary area, while preserving their location privacy. However, the existing methods have given little concern to the domain size of the input dataset, leading to the low estimation accuracy. This paper proposes a partitioning technique SAGA (Skew-Aware Grid pArtitioning) based on the hotspots, which is more appropriate to adjust the domain size of the dataset. Further, to optimize the overall errors, we lay a uniform grid in each hotspot. Experimental results on four real-world datasets show that our method provides an enhanced query accuracy compared to the existing methods

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum