123 research outputs found

    Differential Privacy - A Balancing Act

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    Data privacy is an ever important aspect of data analyses. Historically, a plethora of privacy techniques have been introduced to protect data, but few have stood the test of time. From investigating the overlap between big data research, and security and privacy research, I have found that differential privacy presents itself as a promising defender of data privacy.Differential privacy is a rigorous, mathematical notion of privacy. Nevertheless, privacy comes at a cost. In order to achieve differential privacy, we need to introduce some form of inaccuracy (i.e. error) to our analyses. Hence, practitioners need to engage in a balancing act between accuracy and privacy when adopting differential privacy. As a consequence, understanding this accuracy/privacy trade-off is vital to being able to use differential privacy in real data analyses.In this thesis, I aim to bridge the gap between differential privacy in theory, and differential privacy in practice. Most notably, I aim to convey a better understanding of the accuracy/privacy trade-off, by 1) implementing tools to tweak accuracy/privacy in a real use case, 2) presenting a methodology for empirically predicting error, and 3) systematizing and analyzing known accuracy improvement techniques for differentially private algorithms. Additionally, I also put differential privacy into context by investigating how it can be applied in the automotive domain. Using the automotive domain as an example, I introduce the main challenges that constitutes the balancing act, and provide advice for moving forward

    DPWeka: Achieving Differential Privacy in WEKA

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    Organizations belonging to the government, commercial, and non-profit industries collect and store large amounts of sensitive data, which include medical, financial, and personal information. They use data mining methods to formulate business strategies that yield high long-term and short-term financial benefits. While analyzing such data, the private information of the individuals present in the data must be protected for moral and legal reasons. Current practices such as redacting sensitive attributes, releasing only the aggregate values, and query auditing do not provide sufficient protection against an adversary armed with auxiliary information. In the presence of additional background information, the privacy protection framework, differential privacy, provides mathematical guarantees against adversarial attacks. Existing platforms for differential privacy employ specific mechanisms for limited applications of data mining. Additionally, widely used data mining tools do not contain differentially private data mining algorithms. As a result, for analyzing sensitive data, the cognizance of differentially private methods is currently limited outside the research community. This thesis examines various mechanisms to realize differential privacy in practice and investigates methods to integrate them with a popular machine learning toolkit, WEKA. We present DPWeka, a package that provides differential privacy capabilities to WEKA, for practical data mining. DPWeka includes a suite of differential privacy preserving algorithms which support a variety of data mining tasks including attribute selection and regression analysis. It has provisions for users to control privacy and model parameters, such as privacy mechanism, privacy budget, and other algorithm specific variables. We evaluate private algorithms on real-world datasets, such as genetic data and census data, to demonstrate the practical applicability of DPWeka

    Differential Privacy: on the trade-off between Utility and Information Leakage

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    Differential privacy is a notion of privacy that has become very popular in the database community. Roughly, the idea is that a randomized query mechanism provides sufficient privacy protection if the ratio between the probabilities that two adjacent datasets give the same answer is bound by e^epsilon. In the field of information flow there is a similar concern for controlling information leakage, i.e. limiting the possibility of inferring the secret information from the observables. In recent years, researchers have proposed to quantify the leakage in terms of R\'enyi min mutual information, a notion strictly related to the Bayes risk. In this paper, we show how to model the query system in terms of an information-theoretic channel, and we compare the notion of differential privacy with that of mutual information. We show that differential privacy implies a bound on the mutual information (but not vice-versa). Furthermore, we show that our bound is tight. Then, we consider the utility of the randomization mechanism, which represents how close the randomized answers are, in average, to the real ones. We show that the notion of differential privacy implies a bound on utility, also tight, and we propose a method that under certain conditions builds an optimal randomization mechanism, i.e. a mechanism which provides the best utility while guaranteeing differential privacy.Comment: 30 pages; HAL repositor
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