66 research outputs found

    An overview of memristive cryptography

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    Smaller, smarter and faster edge devices in the Internet of things era demands secure data analysis and transmission under resource constraints of hardware architecture. Lightweight cryptography on edge hardware is an emerging topic that is essential to ensure data security in near-sensor computing systems such as mobiles, drones, smart cameras, and wearables. In this article, the current state of memristive cryptography is placed in the context of lightweight hardware cryptography. The paper provides a brief overview of the traditional hardware lightweight cryptography and cryptanalysis approaches. The contrast for memristive cryptography with respect to traditional approaches is evident through this article, and need to develop a more concrete approach to developing memristive cryptanalysis to test memristive cryptographic approaches is highlighted.Comment: European Physical Journal: Special Topics, Special Issue on "Memristor-based systems: Nonlinearity, dynamics and applicatio

    Analyse et Conception d'Algorithmes de Chiffrement LĂ©gers

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    The work presented in this thesis has been completed as part of the FUI Paclido project, whose aim is to provide new security protocols and algorithms for the Internet of Things, and more specifically wireless sensor networks. As a result, this thesis investigates so-called lightweight authenticated encryption algorithms, which are designed to fit into the limited resources of constrained environments. The first main contribution focuses on the design of a lightweight cipher called Lilliput-AE, which is based on the extended generalized Feistel network (EGFN) structure and was submitted to the Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) standardization project initiated by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Another part of the work concerns theoretical attacks against existing solutions, including some candidates of the nist lwc standardization process. Therefore, some specific analyses of the Skinny and Spook algorithms are presented, along with a more general study of boomerang attacks against ciphers following a Feistel construction.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet FUI Paclido, qui a pour but de définir de nouveaux protocoles et algorithmes de sécurité pour l’Internet des Objets, et plus particulièrement les réseaux de capteurs sans fil. Cette thèse s’intéresse donc aux algorithmes de chiffrements authentifiés dits à bas coût ou également, légers, pouvant être implémentés sur des systèmes très limités en ressources. Une première partie des contributions porte sur la conception de l’algorithme léger Lilliput-AE, basé sur un schéma de Feistel généralisé étendu (EGFN) et soumis au projet de standardisation international Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) organisé par le NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Une autre partie des travaux se concentre sur des attaques théoriques menées contre des solutions déjà existantes, notamment un certain nombre de candidats à la compétition LWC du NIST. Elle présente donc des analyses spécifiques des algorithmes Skinny et Spook ainsi qu’une étude plus générale des attaques de type boomerang contre les schémas de Feistel

    Modern and Lightweight Component-based Symmetric Cipher Algorithms: A Review

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    Information security, being one of the corner stones of network and communication technology, has been evolving tremendously to cope with the parallel evolution of network security threats. Hence, cipher algorithms in the core of the information security process have more crucial role to play here, with continuous need for new and unorthodox designs to meet the increasing complexity of the applications environment that keep offering challenges to the current existing cipher algorithms. The aim of this review is to present symmetric cipher main components, the modern and lightweight symmetric cipher algorithms design based on the components that utilized in cipher design, highlighting the effect of each component and the essential component among them, how the modern cipher has modified to lightweight cipher by reducing the number and size of these components, clarify how these components give the strength for symmetric cipher versus asymmetric of cipher. Moreover, a new classification of cryptography algorithms to four categories based on four factors is presented. Finally, some modern and lightweight symmetric cipher algorithms are selected, presented with a comparison between them according to their components by taking into considerations the components impact on security, performance, and resource requirements

    Survey on Lightweight Primitives and Protocols for RFID in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies is becoming widespread in all kind of wireless network-based applications. As expected, applications based on sensor networks, ad-hoc or mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) can be highly benefited from the adoption of RFID solutions. There is a strong need to employ lightweight cryptographic primitives for many security applications because of the tight cost and constrained resource requirement of sensor based networks. This paper mainly focuses on the security analysis of lightweight protocols and algorithms proposed for the security of RFID systems. A large number of research solutions have been proposed to implement lightweight cryptographic primitives and protocols in sensor and RFID integration based resource constraint networks. In this work, an overview of the currently discussed lightweight primitives and their attributes has been done. These primitives and protocols have been compared based on gate equivalents (GEs), power, technology, strengths, weaknesses and attacks. Further, an integration of primitives and protocols is compared with the possibilities of their applications in practical scenarios

    On Selection of Samples in Algebraic Attacks and a New Technique to Find Hidden Low Degree Equations

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    The best way of selecting samples in algebraic attacks against block ciphers is not well explored and understood. We introduce a simple strategy for selecting the plaintexts and demonstrate its strength by breaking reduced-round KATAN, LBLOCK and SIMON. For each case, we present a practical attack on reduced round version which outperforms previous attempts of algebraic cryptanalysis whose complexities were close to exhaustive search. The attack is based on the selection of samples using cube attack and ELIMLIN which was presented at FSE'12, and a new technique called proning. In the case of LBLOCK, we break 10 out of 32 rounds. In KATAN, we break 78 out of 254 rounds. Unlike previous attempts which break smaller number of rounds, we do not guess any bit of the key and we only use structural properties of the cipher to be able to break a higher number of rounds with much lower complexity. We show that cube attacks owe their success to the same properties and therefore, can be used as a heuristic for selecting the samples in an algebraic attack. The performance of ELIMLIN is further enhanced by the new proning technique, which allows to discover linear equations that are not found by ELIMLIN

    Fault-Resilient Lightweight Cryptographic Block Ciphers for Secure Embedded Systems

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    The development of extremely-constrained environments having sensitive nodes such as RFID tags and nano-sensors necessitates the use of lightweight block ciphers. Indeed, lightweight block ciphers are essential for providing low-cost confidentiality to such applications. Nevertheless, providing the required security properties does not guarantee their reliability and hardware assurance when the architectures are prone to natural and malicious faults. In this thesis, considering false-alarm resistivity, error detection schemes for the lightweight block ciphers are proposed with the case study of XTEA (eXtended TEA). We note that lightweight block ciphers might be better suited for low-resource environments compared to the Advanced Encryption Standard, providing low complexity and power consumption. To the best of the author\u27s knowledge, there has been no error detection scheme presented in the literature for the XTEA to date. Three different error detection approaches are presented and according to our fault-injection simulations for benchmarking the effectiveness of the proposed schemes, high error coverage is derived. Finally, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementations of these proposed error detection structures are presented to assess their efficiency and overhead. The proposed error detection architectures are capable of increasing the reliability of the implementations of this lightweight block cipher. The schemes presented can also be applied to lightweight hash functions with similar structures, making the presented schemes suitable for providing reliability to their lightweight security-constrained hardware implementations

    A Related-Key Chosen-IV Distinguishing Attack on Full Sprout Stream Cipher

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    Sprout is a new lightweight stream cipher proposed at FSE 2015. According to its designers, Sprout can resist time-memory-data trade-off (TMDTO) attacks with small internal state size. However, we find a weakness in the updating functions of Sprout and propose a related-key chosen-IV distinguishing attacks on full Sprout. Under the related-key setting, our attacks enable the adversary to detect non-randomness on full 320-round Sprout with a practical complexity of O~(24)\tilde{O}(2^4) and find collisions in 256 output bits of full Sprout with a complexity of O~(27)\tilde{O}(2^7). Furthermore, when considering possible remedies, we find that only by modifying the updating functions and output function seems unlikely to equip Sprout with better resistance against this kind of distinguisher. Therefore, it is necessary for designers to give structural modifications

    WARP : Revisiting GFN for Lightweight 128-bit Block Cipher

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    In this article, we present WARP, a lightweight 128-bit block cipher with a 128-bit key. It aims at small-footprint circuit in the field of 128-bit block ciphers, possibly for a unified encryption and decryption functionality. The overall structure of WARP is a variant of 32-nibble Type-2 Generalized Feistel Network (GFN), with a permutation over nibbles designed to optimize the security and efficiency. We conduct a thorough security analysis and report comprehensive hardware and software implementation results. Our hardware results show that WARP is the smallest 128-bit block cipher for most of typical hardware implementation strategies. A serialized circuit of WARP achieves around 800 Gate Equivalents (GEs), which is much smaller than previous state-of-the-art implementations of lightweight 128-bit ciphers (they need more than 1,0001,000 GEs). While our primary metric is hardware size, WARP also enjoys several other features, most notably low energy consumption. This is somewhat surprising, since GFN generally needs more rounds than substitution permutation network (SPN), and thus GFN has been considered to be less advantageous in this regard. We show a multi-round implementation of WARP is quite low-energy. Moreover, WARP also performs well on software: our SIMD implementation is quite competitive to known hardware-oriented 128-bit lightweight ciphers for long input, and even much better for small inputs due to the small number of parallel blocks. On 8-bit microcontrollers, the results of our assembly implementations show that WARP is flexible to achieve various performance characteristics
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