1,725 research outputs found


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    In this study we use data envelopment analysis (DEA), and an extension of DEA called value efficiency analysis (VEA), to explore the production of quality of life within counties in the mid-Atlantic region and the extent to which production frontiers and efficiency differ between rural and urban counties. These methods allow us to identify counties that are inefficient in their quality of life production, and to rank those counties according to their distance from a performance standard established by other observed counties (using DEA), or by a single unit designated as most preferred (using VEA) .International Development,

    Could small dairy farms in Switzerland compete with their French counterparts? A metafrontier analysis during 1990-2004

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    The objective of the paper is to investigate whether Swiss farms specialised in dairy (the prevailing production of the country), which are small in international standards, would have a survival potential if they had to compete more directly with EU farms. More specifically, we investigate whether Swiss dairy farms would be able to compete with their French counterparts (located in mountainous areas, but larger than Swiss ones) in a future made of increased globalisation and reduced borders. For this we evaluate which country, during the period 1990-2004, would have been more able to use efficiently a common hypothetical technology, and would have had a more productive (own) technology. Efficiency scores and technology ratios are calculated using the concept of metafrontier and the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. Results indicate that Swiss farms would have been slightly less efficient on average with respect to the common frontier, and that they had a less productive technology, the productivity gap with France being however only 5 percent. Regression results suggest that the efficiency differential and the productivity gap between Swiss farms and French farms were mainly due to larger Swiss farms with lower labour per livestock unit and higher proportion of family labour.technical efficiency, technology gap, Data Envelopment Analysis, dairy farming, Switzerland, France, Agricultural and Food Policy, Productivity Analysis, Q12, D24,

    Comparing Efficiency Across Markets: An Extension and Critique of the Zhang and Bartels (1998) Methodology

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    The use of non-parametric frontier methods for the evaluation of product market efficiency in heterogeneous markets seems to have gained some popularity recently. However, the statistical properties of these frontier estimators have been largely ignored. The main point is that nonparametric frontier estimators are biased and that the degree of bias depends on specific sample properties, most importantly sample size and number of dimensions of the model. To investigate the effect of this bias on comparing market efficiency, this contribution estimates the efficiency for several datasets for two main product categories. Following Zhang and Bartels (1998), these results comprise re-estimates for the larger samples limiting their size to that of the smaller samples when the model dimensions for different samples are identical. Furthermore, sample sizes are adjusted to mitigate the eventual differences in dimensions in specification. This allows comparing market efficiency for different markets on a more equal footing, since it reduces the bias effect to a minimum making the comparison of market efficiency possible. However, the article also points out the critical limitations of this Zhang and Bartels (1998) approach in certain respects. Apart from reporting these negative results, we also offer some suggestions for future work.Market Efficiency, Heterogeneous Product Markets, Bias, Monte-Carlo Simulation

    Using DEA and VEA to Evaluate Quality of Life in the Mid-Atlantic States

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    In this study we use data envelopment analysis (DEA) and an extension of DEA called value efficiency analysis (VEA) to explore the “"production”" of quality of life within counties in the mid-Atlantic region and the extent to which production frontiers and efficiency differ between rural and urban counties. These methods allow us to identify counties that are inefficient in their quality of life production, and to rank (using DEA) those counties according to their distance from a performance standard established by other observed counties(using VEA), or by a single unit designated as "“most preferred"(using VEA).”data envelopment analysis, value efficiency analysis, quality of life, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Tourism productivity: incentives and obstacles to fostering growth

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    This paper intends firstly to estimate tourism productivity in 208 countries in the years 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2004. Secondly, it analyzes if the differential of productivity across countries could be due to some structural characteristics of the countries themselves. The study uses a stochastic production frontier approach and a technical efficiency model to analyze the determinants of efficiency across countries. Private capital and labour result to be more influential than public capital on the number of arrivals. The results suggest that the tertiary school enrolment, the level of communication technologies, the country openness to international trade all significantly contribute to efficiency.Tourism productivity; Economic growth; Labor; Public capital; Private capital

    Efficiency of public and publicly-subsidised high schools in Spain. Evidence from PISA 2006

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare the efficiency of the Spanish public and publicly-subsidised private high schools using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) fed by the results provided by a hierarchical linear model (HLM) applied to PISA-2006 (Programme for International Students Assessment) microdata. This study places special emphasis on the estimation of the determinants of school outcomes, the educational production function being estimated through an HLM that takes into account the nested nature of PISA data. Inefficiencies are then measured through the DEA and decomposed into managerial (related to individual performance) and programme (related to structural differences between management models), following Silva Portela and Thanassoulis (2001) approach. Once differences in pupils’ background and individual management inefficiencies have been eliminated, results reveal that Spanish public high schools are more efficient than publicly-subsidised private ones

    Heterogeneity and Evolutionary Change - Empirical Conception, Findings and Unresolved Issues

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    In this position paper we deal with the conception of heterogeneity as both the force and the result of evolutionary change. We ask, how this heterogeneity can be measured empirically and how we can get a measure which allows to get a broad comparable empirical account especially on several levels of aggregation. Based on this discussion we suggest that for several questions the measures of total factor productivity (TFP) and local changes of TFP seem to be acceptable candidates for measuring heterogeneity and its dynamics. Examples out of a number of empirical investigations applying this measures show how interesting empirical facts about evolutionary change on several levels of aggregation can be detected. The paper concludes by raising a number of unresolved issues mainly related to the question about the relationship between evolutionary dynamics on several levels of aggregation.
