7 research outputs found

    Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis System for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits of Acousto-Magnetic EAS Devices

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    Ā© 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The paper discusses fault diagnosis of the electronic circuit board, part of acousto-magnetic electronic article surveillance detection devices. The aim is that the end-user can run the fault diagnosis in real time using a portable FPGA-based platform so as to gain insight into the failures that have occurred.Peer reviewe

    Fault Diagnosis for Power Electronics Converters based on Deep Feedforward Network and Wavelet Compression

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    A fault diagnosis method for power electronics converters based on deep feedforward network and wavelet compression is proposed in this paper. The transient historical data after wavelet compression are used to realize the training of fault diagnosis classifier. Firstly, the correlation analysis of the voltage or current data running in various fault states is performed to remove the redundant features and the sampling point. Secondly, the wavelet transform is used to remove the redundant data of the features, and then the training sample data is greatly compressed. The deep feedforward network is trained by the low frequency component of the features, while the training speed is greatly accelerated. The average accuracy of fault diagnosis classifier can reach over 97%. Finally, the fault diagnosis classifier is tested, and final diagnosis result is determined by multiple-groups transient data, by which the reliability of diagnosis results is improved. The experimental result proves that the classifier has strong generalization ability and can accurately locate the open-circuit faults in IGBTs.Comment: Electric Power Systems Researc

    Fault prognostic based on AR-LSSVR for electrolytic capacitor

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    U radu se opisuje metoda predviđanja greÅ”ke na osnovu Autoregressive - Support Vector Regression Metode (AR-LSSVR) za elektrolitički kondenzator. Budući da je elektrolitički kondenzator jeftin, a velik, uveliko se primjenjuje u elektroničkim krugovima. Najprije se daje osnovni model i algoritam za predviđanje greÅ”ke za AR, LSSVM i AR-LSSVR. Model AR-LSSVR kombinira prednosti algoritma LSSVR-a i modela AR te ih dopunjuje kako bi se povećala točnost predviđanja. Daje se dijagram toka predviđanja pojave greÅ”ke na temelju AR-LSSVR. Konačno se AR-LSSVR model primjenjuje na Buck strujni krug. Rezultati pokazuju da je predviđanje greÅ”ke elektrolitičkog kondenzatora bolje primjenom modela AR-LSSVR.This paper puts forward a method of fault prognostic based on Autoregressive - Support Vector Regression Method (AR-LSSVR) for electrolytic capacitor. Because the electrolytic capacitor is low in cost and large in volume, it is widely used in power electronic circuits. Firstly it introduces the basic model and the fault prognostic algorithm of the AR, LSSVM and AR-LSSVR. The AR-LSSVR prediction model combines the prediction algorithm advantage of the LSSVR and the AR model and complements the two to enhance prediction accuracy. It introduces the flow chart of fault trend prediction based on AR-LSSVR. Finally, the AR-LSSVR model is applied to the Buck circuit. The results indicate that the AR-LSSVR model performs better in trend prediction of electrolytic capacitor

    Fault Modeling and Testing for Analog Circuits in Complex Space Based on Supply Current and Output Voltage

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    This paper deals with the modeling of fault for analog circuits. A two-dimensional (2D) fault model is first proposed based on collaborative analysis of supply current and output voltage. This model is a family of circle loci on the complex plane, and it simplifies greatly the algorithms for test point selection and potential fault simulations, which are primary difficulties in fault diagnosis of analog circuits. Furthermore, in order to reduce the difficulty of fault location, an improved fault model in three-dimensional (3D) complex space is proposed, which achieves a far better fault detection ratio (FDR) against measurement error and parametric tolerance. To address the problem of fault masking in both 2D and 3D fault models, this paper proposes an effective design for testability (DFT) method. By adding redundant bypassing-components in the circuit under test (CUT), this method achieves excellent fault isolation ratio (FIR) in ambiguity group isolation. The efficacy of the proposed model and testing method is validated through experimental results provided in this paper

    Aging detection capability for switch-mode power converters

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    The detection of degradations and resulting failures in electronic components/systems is of paramount importance for complex industrial applications including nuclear power reactors, aerospace, automotive, and space applications. There is an increasing acceptance of the importance of detection of failures and degradations in electronic components and of the prospect of system-level health monitoring to make a key contribution to detecting and predicting any impending failures. This paper describes a parametric system identification-based health-monitoring method for detecting aging degradations of passive components in switch-mode power converters (SMPCs). A nonparametric system response is identified by perturbing the system with an optimized multitone sinusoidal signal of the order of mVs. The parametric system model is estimated from nonparametric system response using recursive weighted least-square (WLS) algorithm. Finally, the power-stage component values, including their parasitics, are extracted from numerator and denominator coefficients based on the assumed Laplace system model. These extracted component values provide direct diagnostic information of any degradation or anomalies in the components and the system. A proof of concept is initially verified on a simple point-of-load (POL) converter but the same methodology can be applied to other topologies of SMPC


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    Degradation of electronic components is typically accompanied by a deviation in their electrical parameters from their initial values. Such parametric drifts in turn will cause degradation in performance of the circuit they are part of, eventually leading to function failure due to parametric faults. The existing approaches for predicting failures resulting from electronic component parametric faults emphasize identifying monotonically deviating parameters and modeling their progression over time. However, in practical applications where the components are integrated into a complex electronic circuit assembly, product or system, it is generally not feasible to monitor component-level parameters. To address this problem, a prognostics method that exploits features extracted from responses of circuit-comprising components exhibiting parametric faults is developed in this dissertation. The developed prognostic method constitutes a circuit health estimation step followed by a degradation modeling and remaining useful life (RUL) prediction step. First, the circuit health estimation method was developed using a kernel-based machine learning technique that exploits features that are extracted from responses of circuit-comprising components exhibiting parametric faults, instead of the component-level parameters. The performance of kernel learning technique depends on the automatic adaptation of hyperparameters (i.e., regularization and kernel parameters) to the learning features. Thus, to achieve high accuracy in health estimation the developed method also includes an optimization method that employs a penalized likelihood function along with a stochastic filtering technique for automatic adaptation of hyperparameters. Second, the prediction of circuitā€™s RUL is realized by a model-based filtering method that relies on a first principles-based model and a stochastic filtering technique. The first principles-based model describes the degradation in circuit health with progression of parametric fault in a circuit component. The stochastic filtering technique on the other hand is used to first solve a joint ā€˜circuit health stateā€”parametric faultā€™ estimation problem, followed by prediction problem in which the estimated ā€˜circuit health stateā€”parametric faultā€™ is propagated forward in time to predict RUL. Evaluations of the data from simulation experiments on a benchmark Sallenā€“Key filter circuit and a DCā€“DC converter system demonstrate the ability of the developed prognostic method to estimate circuit health and predict RUL without having to monitor the individual component parameters

    Development of Approaches to Common Cause Dependencies with Applications to Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plant

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    The term ā€œcommon cause dependenciesā€ encompasses the possible mechanisms that directly compromise components performances and ultimately cause degradation or failure of multiple components, referred to as common cause failure (CCF) events. The CCF events have been a major contributor to the risk posed by the nuclear power plants and considerable research efforts have been devoted to model the impacts of CCF based on historical observations and engineering judgment, referred to as CCF models. However, most current probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) studies are restricted to single reactor units and could not appropriately consider the common cause dependencies across reactor units. Recently, the common cause dependencies across reactor units have attracted a lot of attention, especially following the 2011 Fukushima accident in Japan that involved multiple reactor unit damages and radioactive source term releases. To gain an accurate view of a site's risk profile, a site-based risk metric representing the entire site rather than single reactor unit should be considered and evaluated through a multi-unit PRA (MUPRA). However, the multi-unit risk is neither formally nor adequately addressed in either the regulatory or the commercial nuclear environments and there are still gaps in the PRA methods to model such multi-unit events. In particular, external events, especially seismic events, are expected to be very important in the assessment of risks related to multi-unit nuclear plant sites. The objective of this dissertation is to develop three inter-related approaches to address important issues in both external events and internal events in the MUPRA. 1) Develop a general MUPRA framework to identify and characterize the multi-unit events, and ultimately to assess the risk profile of multi-unit sites. 2) Develop an improved approach to seismic MUPRA through identifying and addressing the issues in the current methods for seismic dependency modeling. The proposed approach can also be extended to address other external events involved in the MUPRA. 3) Develop a novel CCF model for components undergoing age-related degradation by superimposing the maintenance impacts on the component degradation evolutions inferred from condition monitoring data. This approach advances the state-of-the-art CCF analysis in general and assists in the studies of internal events of the MUPRA