67,911 research outputs found

    Mass loss from inhomogeneous hot star winds III. An effective-opacity formalism for line radiative transfer in accelerating, clumped two-component media, and first results on theory and diagnostics

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    [Abridged] We develop and benchmark a fast and easy-to-use effective-opacity formalism for line and continuum radiative transfer in an accelerating two-component clumpy medium. The formalism bridges the limits of optically thin and thick clumps, and is here used to i) design a simple vorosity-modified Sobolev with exact integration (vmSEI) method for analyzing UV wind resonance lines in hot, massive stars, and ii) derive simple correction factors to the line force driving the outflows of such stars. We show that (for a given ionization factor) UV resonance doublets may be used to analytically predict the upward corrections in empirically inferred mass-loss rates associated with porosity in velocity space (a.k.a. velocity-porosity, or vorosity), but that severe solution degeneracies exist. For an inter-clump density set to 1 % of the mean density, we for O and B supergiants derive upward empirical mass-loss corrections of typically factors of either ~5 or ~50, depending on which of the two applicable solutions is chosen. Overall, our results indicate this solution dichotomy severely limits the use of UV resonance lines as direct mass-loss indicators of clumped hot stellar winds. We next apply the effective-opacity formalism to the standard CAK theory of line-driven winds. By analytic and numerical hydrodynamics calculations, we show that in cases where vorosity is important at the critical point setting the mass-loss rate, the reduced line-force leads to a lower theoretical mass loss, by a factor scaling with the normalized velocity filling factor fvel. On the other hand, if vorosity is important only above this critical point, the predicted mass loss is not affected, but the wind terminal speed is reduced. This shows that porosity in velocity space can have a significant impact not only on the diagnostics, but also on the dynamics and theory of radiatively driven winds.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Emission line taxonomy and the nature of AGN-looking galaxies in the SDSS

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    Massive spectroscopic surveys like the SDSS have revolutionized the way we study AGN and their relations to the galaxies they live in. A first step in any such study is to define samples of different types of AGN on the basis of emission line ratios. This deceivingly simple step involves decisions on which classification scheme to use and data quality censorship. Galaxies with weak emission lines are often left aside or dealt with separately because one cannot fully classify them onto the standard Star-Forming, Seyfert of LINER categories. This contribution summarizes alternative classification schemes which include this very numerous population. We then study how star-formation histories and physical properties of the hosts vary from class to class, and present compelling evidence that the emission lines in the majority of LINER-like systems in the SDSS are not powered by black-hole accretion. The data are fully consistent with them being galaxies whose old stars provide all the ionizing power needed to explain their line ratios and luminosities. Such retired galaxies deserve a place in the emission line taxonomy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 267, Co-Evolution of Central Black Holes and Galaxie

    Basin bifurcations, oscillatory instability and rate-induced thresholds for AMOC in a global oceanic box model

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    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) transports substantial amounts of heat into the North Atlantic sector, and hence is of very high importance in regional climate projections. The AMOC has been observed to show multi-stability across a range of models of different complexity. The simplest models find a bifurcation associated with the AMOC `on' state losing stability that is a saddle node. Here we study a physically derived global oceanic model of Wood {\em et al} with five boxes, that is calibrated to runs of the FAMOUS coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. We find the loss of stability of the `on' state is due to a subcritical Hopf for parameters from both pre-industrial and doubled CO2{}_2 atmospheres. This loss of stability via subcritical Hopf bifurcation has important consequences for the behaviour of the basin of attraction close to bifurcation. We consider various time-dependent profiles of freshwater forcing to the system, and find that rate-induced thresholds for tipping can appear, even for perturbations that do not cross the bifurcation. Understanding how such state transitions occur is important in determining allowable safe climate change mitigation pathways to avoid collapse of the AMOC.Comment: 18 figure

    The Effects of Magnetic Fields and Inhomogeneities on Accretion Disk Spectra and Polarization

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    We present the results of one and three-dimensional radiative transfer calculations of polarized spectra emerging from snapshots of radiation magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the local vertical structure of black hole accretion disks. The simulations cover a wide range of physical regimes relevant for the high/soft state of black hole X-ray binaries. We constrain the uncertainties in theoretical spectral color correction factors due to the presence of magnetic support of the disk surface layers and strong density inhomogeneities. For the radiation dominated simulation, magnetic support increases the color correction factor by about ten percent, but this is largely compensated by a ten percent softening due to inhomogeneities. We also compute the effects of inhomogeneities and Faraday rotation on the resulting polarization. Magnetic fields in the simulations are just strong enough to produce significant Faraday depolarization near the spectral peak of the radiation field. X-ray polarimetry may therefore be a valuable diagnostic of accretion disk magnetic fields, being able to directly test simulations of magnetorotational turbulence.Comment: 18 pages, accepted for publication in Ap