3 research outputs found

    Ptosis linked to myasthenia: Case Report

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    Ptosis is the consequence of a general or an ophthalmologic pathology, whose etiological diagnosis and treatment can be complex. Eliminating life-threatening emergencies or chronic and severe diseases remain an obsession for the neurologist or the ophthalmologist. Autoimmune myasthenia gravis is a leading to evoke, especially when ptosis is fluctuating. In this disease, ptosis can be unilateral or bilateral, painless; variable during the day, aggravated by exertion, and it is frequently associated with diplopia. Ocular signs are indicative of the disease in half of the cases. We report a case of seropositive myasthenia (presence of acetylcholine receptor antibodies) in a 35 years old patient admitted for ptosis, and monitored for unexplained disorders of chewing for about a month

    Eye Movement Alterations in Post-COVID-19 Condition: A Proof-of-Concept Study

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    Pathophysiology; Post-COVID-19 condition; Saccadic movementFisiopatología; Condición post-COVID-19; Movimiento sacádicoFisiopatologia; Condició post-COVID-19; Moviment sacàdicThere is much evidence pointing out eye movement alterations in several neurological diseases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first video-oculography study describing potential alterations of eye movements in the post-COVID-19 condition. Visually guided saccades, memory-guided saccades, and antisaccades in horizontal axis were measured. In all visual tests, the stimulus was deployed with a gap condition. The duration of the test was between 5 and 7 min per participant. A group of n=9 patients with the post-COVID-19 condition was included in this study. Values were compared with a group (n=9) of healthy volunteers whom the SARS-CoV-2 virus had not infected. Features such as centripetal and centrifugal latencies, success rates in memory saccades, antisaccades, and blinks were computed. We found that patients with the post-COVID-19 condition had eye movement alterations mainly in centripetal latency in visually guided saccades, the success rate in memory-guided saccade test, latency in antisaccades, and its standard deviation, which suggests the involvement of frontoparietal networks. Further work is required to understand these eye movements’ alterations and their functional consequences

    Diagnosis of Ocular Myasthenia Gravis by means of tracking eye parameters

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    10.1109/EMBC.2014.69438762014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 20141460-146