3 research outputs found

    Automatic Fish Feeder and Telegram Based Aquarium Water Level Monitoring

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    An important factor in maintaining fish in an aquarium is the timeliness of feeding fish. Most fish keepers are worried about the aquarium's feeding and water conditions, which must be done every day. Therefore, an automatic fish feeding tool and telegram-based monitoring of aquarium water levels were made to make it easier for fish keepers and aquarium owners to provide and monitor fish feed automatically according to a predetermined schedule. Monitoring the remaining feed and water level in the aquarium is done via Telegram. The components used in this tool are Esp 8266 as a microcontroller, RTC as a timer for scheduling fish feed, Ultrasonic as a detector for remaining fish feed, JSN-SR04T as a water level detector, LCD to display time and date as well as notifications and a servo motor functions to open and close the fish feed. The conclusion from the results obtained from this device is that the device works well and helps the aquarium owner to monitor and feed efficiently, despite some challenges such as delay due to poor internet connection

    Implementação de Rede de Sensores Sem Fios para Monitorização e Controlo de Sistema de Aquaponia

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    A expansão e evolução das redes de sensores e a IoT (Internet of Things), verificada nos anos mais recentes, tornou esta tecnologia apelativa e aplicável para a monitorização e controlo em diferentes áreas, como a ambiental de interior ou exterior, da saúde e bem-estar e de equipamentos. A monitorização e controlo da aquaponia e do meio onde esta se insere é essencial para o bom funcionamento do sistema. Neste sentido, este projeto descreve a implementação de uma rede de sensores sem fios para monitorização e controlo do sistema de aquaponia instalado no ISEP. A pesquisa bibliográfica efetuada permitiu identificar as necessidades da aquaponia e os métodos usados para a monitorizar. Realizou-se o estudo das tecnologias de rede sem fios, plataformas de aquisição e visualização dos dados. O levantamento de requisitos, definiu as grandezas físicas a ser monitorizadas, tendo a escolha dos sensores ido ao encontro dos requisitos colocados. Para integrar os sensores e criar a rede, foi necessário recorrer hardware e software, que permitiu o desenvolvimento do sistema de aquisição, comunicação e visualização. Neste projeto teve sempre consideração que o custo deveria ser o mais baixo possível, sem comprometer a sua funcionalidade. O projeto culminou com o desenvolvimento de uma rede de sensores sem fios, baseada em Wi-Fi e ZigBee, com a utilização da plataforma Arduino para a aquisição dos dados, o armazenamento e visualização foi efetuado com recurso as plataformas da Google com um custo global inferior a 500 euros. A rede de sensores sem fios, foram efetuados vários testes para aferir o funcionamento, robustez e fiabilidade da rede.The expansion and evolution of sensor networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), verified in recent years, has made this an appealing technology and applicable for monitoring and control in different areas, such as indoor or outdoor environmental, health and wellness and equipment. Monitoring and control of aquaponics and the environment where it is part is essential for the proper functioning of the system. In this sense, this project describes the implementation of a wireless sensors network for monitoring and control of the aquaponics system installed in ISEP. The bibliographic research made possible to identify the needs of aquaponics and the methods used to monitor it. The study of wireless network technologies, platforms for data acquisition and visualization was carried out. The requirements gathering defined the physical quantities to be monitored, and the choice of sensors met the requirements. To integrate the sensors and create the network, it was necessary to use hardware and software, which allowed the development of the acquisition, communication, and visualization system. In this project he always considered that the cost should be as low as possible, without compromising its functionality. The project culminated in the development of a wireless sensor network, based on Wi-Fi and ZigBee, with the use of the Arduino platform for data acquisition, storage and visualization was carried out using Google platforms at an overall cost of less than 500 euros. The wireless sensor network has been carried out several tests to measure the operation, robustness, and reliability of the network