5,143 research outputs found

    Semi-Annual Report to Congress for the Period of April 1, 2009 to September 30, 2009

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    [Excerpt] I am pleased to submit this Semiannual Report to Congress, which highlights the most significant activities and accomplishments of the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General (DOL-OIG), for the six-month period ending September 30, 2009. During this reporting period, our investigative work led to 214 indictments, 221 convictions, and 123.1millioninmonetaryaccomplishments.Inaddition,weissued22auditandotherreports.OIGauditsandinvestigationscontinuetoassesstheeffectiveness,efficiency,economy,andintegrityofDOL’sprogramsandoperations.Wealsocontinuetoinvestigatelaborracketeeringand/ororganizedcrimeinfluenceagainstunions,employeebenefitplans,andworkers.Fromanauditperspective,theOIGishighlyengagedinensuringtheintegrityofDOLactivitiesrelatedtotheAmericanRecoveryandReinvestmentActof2009(RecoveryAct)funding.Duringthisreportingperiod,weissuedfivereportstothatend.AmongourfindingsarethatDOLimplementedproceduresfortheaccountingofRecoveryActfinancialactivity,actedquicklytoimplementthepremium−assistanceprovisionsforworkerswhotemporarilymaintaintheirhealthinsuranceatgroupratesafterlosingtheirjobs,andeffectivelyimplementedthetemporaryprogramforadditionalunemploymentcompensationforeligiblerecipients.Wealsoidentifiedareasforimprovementrelatedtofinancialandperformancereportingandprogrammaticcoordinationwithstates.AnauditfoundshortcomingswithDOL’snewiCertsystem,whichisdesignedtoidentifyinaccuraciesinH−1Blaborconditionapplications(LCAs)forforeignworkers.Wefoundthat,becauseofmissingelectronicchecks,manualreviewsoftheLCAsbyanalystsarenecessary.However,increasesinthevolumeofapplicationsmayresultinanalystsnotbeingabletoperforma100percentreview.ThisincreasestheriskofLCAsbeingimproperlycertified.OurauditsalsocontinuetorevealthatsomeJobCorpscentersdonotcomplywithrequirementsforreportingperformanceforstudentattendanceandaccountability.Wealsofoundthat,atthreecenters,acontractorhadnotensuredcompliancewithprocedurestoaddressstudentmisconduct.AnauditofthehandlingofinjuredFederalemployees’reemploymentstatusattwoFederalworkers’compensationdistrictofficesfoundthattheDepartmentdidnotensurethatconsistentinterventionactionsweretakentowardremovingcasesfromtheperiodicroll.ThisincreasedtheriskofclaimantscontinuingtoreceivefullFederalEmployee’sCompensationActbenefitsaftertheywereabletoreturntoworkoraftertheircompensationcouldhavebeenreduced.Ourinvestigationscontinuetocombatorganizedcrimeand/orlaborracketeeringinvolvingthemoniesinunion−sponsoredbenefitplans,internalunioncorruption,andlabor−managementrelations.AmajorOIGinvestigationdisclosedmorethan30yearsoforganizedcrimecontroloftheInternationalLongshoremen’sAssociationLocal1235,whichrepresentsportworkersinNewJersey.Inanotherinvestigation,thebusinessmanagerfortheElectricalWorkersLocalUnionNo.3,whowasaformerNewYorkStateassemblyman,wassentencedto10years’imprisonmentonracketeering,bankfraud,andfalsestatementchargesinvolvinganumberofschemescarriedoutforpersonalgain.OIGinvestigationsalsoidentifiedvulnerabilitiesandfraudinDOLprograms,suchastheforeignlaborcertification(FLC)program.OneOIGinvestigationledtotherecentsentencingofViktarKrusandhisco−conspiratorstovariousperiodsofincarcerationforfraudulentlyobtainingvisasformorethan3,800foreignnationalsanddefraudingthegovernmentof123.1 million in monetary accomplishments. In addition, we issued 22 audit and other reports. OIG audits and investigations continue to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and integrity of DOL’s programs and operations. We also continue to investigate labor racketeering and/or organized crime influence against unions, employee benefit plans, and workers. From an audit perspective, the OIG is highly engaged in ensuring the integrity of DOL activities related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) funding. During this reporting period, we issued five reports to that end. Among our findings are that DOL implemented procedures for the accounting of Recovery Act financial activity, acted quickly to implement the premium-assistance provisions for workers who temporarily maintain their health insurance at group rates after losing their jobs, and effectively implemented the temporary program for additional unemployment compensation for eligible recipients. We also identified areas for improvement related to financial and performance reporting and programmatic coordination with states. An audit found shortcomings with DOL’s new iCert system, which is designed to identify inaccuracies in H-1B labor condition applications (LCAs) for foreign workers. We found that, because of missing electronic checks, manual reviews of the LCAs by analysts are necessary. However, increases in the volume of applications may result in analysts not being able to perform a 100 percent review. This increases the risk of LCAs being improperly certified. Our audits also continue to reveal that some Job Corps centers do not comply with requirements for reporting performance for student attendance and accountability. We also found that, at three centers, a contractor had not ensured compliance with procedures to address student misconduct. An audit of the handling of injured Federal employees’ reemployment status at two Federal workers’ compensation district offices found that the Department did not ensure that consistent intervention actions were taken toward removing cases from the periodic roll. This increased the risk of claimants continuing to receive full Federal Employee’s Compensation Act benefits after they were able to return to work or after their compensation could have been reduced. Our investigations continue to combat organized crime and/or labor racketeering involving the monies in union- sponsored benefit plans, internal union corruption, and labor-management relations. A major OIG investigation disclosed more than 30 years of organized crime control of the International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1235, which represents port workers in New Jersey. In another investigation, the business manager for the Electrical Workers Local Union No. 3, who was a former New York State assemblyman, was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment on racketeering, bank fraud, and false statement charges involving a number of schemes carried out for personal gain. OIG investigations also identified vulnerabilities and fraud in DOL programs, such as the foreign labor certification (FLC) program. One OIG investigation led to the recent sentencing of Viktar Krus and his co-conspirators to various periods of incarceration for fraudulently obtaining visas for more than 3,800 foreign nationals and defrauding the government of 7.4 million in payroll taxes. Because of our investigative expertise, the OIG is a member of the International Organized Crime (IOC) strategy headed by the U.S. Attorney General. The IOC is committed to combating crime by international organized groups. Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to former DOL Inspector General Gordon S. Heddell, who is now serving as the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Defense. During his leadership of more than eight years, the DOL-OIG consistently achieved significant results similar to those presented in this report. As Acting Inspector General, I look forward to continuing to work with the Secretary of Labor and her management team in ensuring the effectiveness of DOL in delivering services and protecting the rights and benefits of American workers and retirees

    From Emotional Suppression to Regulated Empathy: The Changing Face of Control in the CES

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    Between the 1970s and the 1990s the level and type of emotionality in the Commonwealth Employment Service (the Australian national employment service) altered. Within a context of changing economic conditions and concomitant work intensification, it is argued that untenable working conditions resulted in new recruits adopting a coping strategy that led to the use rather than the suppression of emotions. The use of emotions provided workers with job satisfaction and greater control over service interactions. Management subsequently commandeered the use of emotions to complement the introduction of private sector management techniques and service delivery reforms, regaining control over worker-client interactions

    Service Implementation Framework in Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study

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    The culture and the operational methods of service management have become a formidable competitive weapon even for manufacturing firms. The term "service factory" has been proposed for identifying that particular integration of products and services, achieved by the excellent manufacturing firm, where "service is a multidimensional concept". The creation of a service factory necessarily implies a radical change in the operational and organizational characteristics of the firm. In order to support manufacturing firms in adopting a service strategy, it is relevant on the one hand to identify the bundle of services which have to be provided for the customers and, on the other hand, to understand the implications for firm management model. As regards the first point, the paper proposes a framework which classifies the services along with two dimensions: Timedimension and target-dimension. The proposed framework is of interest for manufacturing firms because it allows a better recognition of services that are more perceptible for the customers. In the second part of the paper, authors discuss the implications of a service strategy adoption on the management model of manufacturing firms. In order to carry out this analysis, authors propose a model that combines four service dimensions with three decision-making categories (Organization, Methodologies and Technologies). In the end, the proposed framework has been applied in a sample of Italian hot water heater manufacturers and a case study analysis has been carried out

    Lilly Endowment, Inc. - 2008 Annual Report

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    Contains board chair and president's message; program information; education and religion grantee profiles; grants list; grant guidelines; financial statements; and lists of board members and officers

    Human Trafficking by the Numbers: The Initial Benchmark of Prevalence and Economic Impact for Texas

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    Prevalence HighlightsCurrently, there are approximately 79,000 minor and youth victims of sex trafficking in Texas.Currently, there are approximately 234,000 workers who are victims of labor trafficking in Texas.Currently, there arean estimated 313,000 victims of human trafficking in Texas.Cost HighlightsMinor and youth sex trafficking costs the state of Texas approximately 6.6billion.Traffickersexploitapproximately6.6 billion. Traffickers exploit approximately 600 million from victims of labor trafficking in Texas.BackgroundThough human trafficking is widespread in geographically large states with large urban centers like Texas, the true scope of this hidden crime is largely unconfirmed as data on human trafficking are difficult to ascertain. Existing data gathered in anti-trafficking efforts focus almost exclusively on identified victims, shedding light on only a fraction of the problem. The first phase of the Statewide Human Trafficking Mapping Project of Texas focused on providing empiricallygrounded data as a benchmark about the extent of human trafficking across the state. The following three primary research questions guided our data collection efforts, which included queries of existing databases, interviews, focus groups, and web-based surveys.1.What is the prevalence of human trafficking in Texas?2.What is the economic impact of human trafficking in Texas?3.What is our understanding of human trafficking in Texas?MethodsThe findings in this report were derived using a multi-methods approach to quantify the prevalence and economic impact of human trafficking in Texas. Higher-than-average risk industry and community segments were chosen for sex and labor markets. We defined community segments asgroups of people considered to be at higher-than-average risk of trafficking because of risk indicators found in trafficking cases (e.g. homelessness). More specifically, rather than attempting to establish prevalence of trafficking among the 27.4 million people living in Texas, for the purposes of demonstrating our methodology, establishing some benchmarks on human trafficking prevalence and economic impact estimates, and providing a concrete example of our planned activities moving forward, victimization rates were applied to a select few community segments that are at higher-than-average risk of trafficking.The methodology has addressed the critical industry and community segments to accurately estimate prevalencewhile reducing overlap between the chosen segments

    One-Stop Innovations: Leading Change Under the WIA One-Stop System Final Report

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    This publication reports the findings of a national review of One-Stop Career Centers operating under the Workforce Investment Act. It details the success stories and promising practices of One-Stop Career Centers

    By Design: Engaging Employers in Workforce Development Organizations

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    Workforce development practitioners and policymakers have come to recognize the importance of employers as customers. Too often, however, not enough time is devoted to considering (much less implementing) the organizational and programmatic changes necessary to truly engage employers. By Design describes strategies used by three organizations to effectively engage employers in workforce development efforts. Jewish Vocational Service, San Francisco; Training, Inc., Boston and WIRE-Net, Cleveland, have successfully involved employers in a variety of different waysfrom including them on the Board of Directors to having them teach training classes. By Design outlines employer-engagement strategies in detail to help other organizations substantively involve employers in daily activities and services

    The Great Recession and Serving Dislocated Workers with Disabilities: Perspectives from One-Stop Career Centers and Rapid Response Coordinators

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    Recognizing the scope of long term unemployment and the consequences it exerts on all jobseekers, but especially people with disabilities, the report seeks to gain a better understanding of the extent to which people with disabilities who had lost their jobs in the Great Recession were seeking services from the public workforce system. The report also seeks to identify strategies, if any, being used at the state and local levels to help job seekers with disabilities reconnect with the labor market

    Human Factors Survey of Aviation Technical Manuals, Phase 1: Manual Development Procedures

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    This report contains the results from Phase 1 of a three-phase research effort. Phase 1 examines aviation industry procedures for developing maintenance technical data. Phase 2 will document user problems with maintenance technical data. Phase 3 will identify maintenance technical data development improvements by applying human factors principles. Five aircraft manufacturers were surveyed regarding company policy, communication, data tracking, user feedback, and error reduction efforts. The five industry participants represent both regional and large commercial transport manufacturers. Phase 1 survey results revealed three significant maintenance technical data issues: inconsistent development process guidelines, reactive rather than proactive response to user feedback, and inadequate assessment of errors involving usability as opposed to accuracy. Phase 1 results will later be compared to Phase 2 surveys of user problems with maintenance technical data to identify the impact of development procedures on the users perception of manual quality

    The case of Foxconn in Turkey: benefiting from free labour and anti-union policy

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    Starting from the 2000s Foxconn invested in Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia and Turkey, implementing a territorial diversification strategy aimed at getting nearer to its end markets. This chapter investigates the development of Foxconn in Turkey where the multinational owns a plant with about 400 workers. A few kilometres from the city of \uc7orlu and close to highways, ports and international airports, the plant enables Foxconn to implement an efficient global supply chain. We illustrate this process by examining the company\u2019s localisation within a special economic zone, underlining the economic advantages derived from such a tax regime, bringing labour costs down to the Chinese level and obtaining proximity to European, North African and Middle East customers, thus lowering logistic costs. We also analyse the roles of labour flexibility and trade unions. In order to impose far-reaching flexibility on its workers Foxconn put in place a range of strategies, including an hours bank system, multitask operators and the recruitment of apprentices thanks a special programme funded by the state. We show how these have been crucial for Foxconn\u2019s just-in-time production contrasting its labour turnover problem. Finally, we highlight how the company has been able to implement a flexible working pattern, weaken the trade unions and undercut workers\u2019 opposition, thanks to favourable labour laws approved by successive governments in the past thirty years
