8 research outputs found


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    Soft Robotics: Design for Simplicity, Performance, and Robustness of Robots for Interaction with Humans.

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    This thesis deals with the design possibilities concerning the next generation of advanced Robots. Aim of the work is to study, analyse and realise artificial systems that are essentially simple, performing and robust and can live and coexist with humans. The main design guideline followed in doing so is the Soft Robotics Approach, that implies the design of systems with intrinsic mechanical compliance in their architecture. The first part of the thesis addresses design of new soft robotics actuators, or robotic muscles. At the beginning are provided information about what a robotic muscle is and what is needed to realise it. A possible classification of these systems is analysed and some criteria useful for their comparison are explained. After, a set of functional specifications and parameters is identified and defined, to characterise a specific subset of this kind of actuators, called Variable Stiffness Actuators. The selected parameters converge in a data-sheet that easily defines performance and abilities of the robotic system. A complete strategy for the design and realisation of this kind of system is provided, which takes into account their me- chanical morphology and architecture. As consequence of this, some new actuators are developed, validated and employed in the execution of complex experimental tasks. In particular the actuator VSA-Cube and its add-on, a Variable Damper, are developed as the main com- ponents of a robotics low-cost platform, called VSA-CubeBot, that v can be used as an exploratory platform for multi degrees of freedom experiments. Experimental validations and mathematical models of the system employed in multi degrees of freedom tasks (bimanual as- sembly and drawing on an uneven surface), are reported. The second part of the thesis is about the design of multi fingered hands for robots. In this part of the work the Pisa-IIT SoftHand is introduced. It is a novel robot hand prototype designed with the purpose of being as easily usable, robust and simple as an industrial gripper, while exhibiting a level of grasping versatility and an aspect comparable to that of the human hand. In the thesis the main theo- retical tool used to enable such simplification, i.e. the neuroscience– based notion of soft synergies, are briefly reviewed. The approach proposed rests on ideas coming from underactuated hand design. A synthesis method to realize a desired set of soft synergies through the principled design of adaptive underactuated mechanisms, which is called the method of adaptive synergies, is discussed. This ap- proach leads to the design of hands accommodating in principle an arbitrary number of soft synergies, as demonstrated in grasping and manipulation simulations and experiments with a prototype. As a particular instance of application of the method of adaptive syner- gies, the Pisa–IIT SoftHand is then described in detail. The design and implementation of the prototype hand are shown and its effec- tiveness demonstrated through grasping experiments. Finally, control of the Pisa/IIT Hand is considered. Few different control strategies are adopted, including an experimental setup with the use of surface Electromyographic signals

    Medical robots for MRI guided diagnosis and therapy

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides the capability of imaging tissue with fine resolution and superior soft tissue contrast, when compared with conventional ultrasound and CT imaging, which makes it an important tool for clinicians to perform more accurate diagnosis and image guided therapy. Medical robotic devices combining the high resolution anatomical images with real-time navigation, are ideal for precise and repeatable interventions. Despite these advantages, the MR environment imposes constraints on mechatronic devices operating within it. This thesis presents a study on the design and development of robotic systems for particular MR interventions, in which the issue of testing the MR compatibility of mechatronic components, actuation control, kinematics and workspace analysis, and mechanical and electrical design of the robot have been investigated. Two types of robotic systems have therefore been developed and evaluated along the above aspects. (i) A device for MR guided transrectal prostate biopsy: The system was designed from components which are proven to be MR compatible, actuated by pneumatic motors and ultrasonic motors, and tracked by optical position sensors and ducial markers. Clinical trials have been performed with the device on three patients, and the results reported have demonstrated its capability to perform needle positioning under MR guidance, with a procedure time of around 40mins and with no compromised image quality, which achieved our system speci cations. (ii) Limb positioning devices to facilitate the magic angle effect for diagnosis of tendinous injuries: Two systems were designed particularly for lower and upper limb positioning, which are actuated and tracked by the similar methods as the first device. A group of volunteers were recruited to conduct tests to verify the functionality of the systems. The results demonstrate the clear enhancement of the image quality with an increase in signal intensity up to 24 times in the tendon tissue caused by the magic angle effect, showing the feasibility of the proposed devices to be applied in clinical diagnosis

    Design and Evaluation of a Knee-Extension-Assist

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    Quadriceps muscle weakness is a condition that can result from a wide variety of causes, from diseases like polio and multiple sclerosis to injuries of the head and spine. Individuals with weakened quadriceps often have difficulty supplying the knee-extension moments required during common mobility tasks. Existing powered orthoses that provide an assistive knee-extension moment are large and heavy, with power supplies that generally last less than two hours. A new device that provides a knee-extension-assist moment was designed to aid an individual with quadriceps muscle weakness to stand up from a seated position, sit from a standing position, and walk up and down an inclined surface. The knee-extension-assist (KEA) was designed as a modular component to be incorporated into existing knee-ankle-foot-orthoses (KAFO). The KEA consists of three springs that are compressed, as the knee is flexed under bodyweight, by cables that wrap around a sheave at the knee. The KEA returns the stored energy from knee flexion as an extension moment during knee extension. During swing or other non-weight bearing activities, the device is disengaged from the KAFO by decoupling the sheave from the KAFO knee joint, allowing free knee joint motion. A prototype was built and mechanically tested to determine KEA behaviour during loading and extension and to ensure proper KEA function. For biomechanical evaluation, able-bodied subjects used the prototype KEA while performing sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit, ramp ascent, and ramp descent tasks. The KEA facilitated sitting and standing, providing an average of 53 % of the required extension moment for the two participants, which allowed one participant to reduce quadriceps usage by 38 % and the other to perform sit-to-stand in a slower and more controlled manner that was not possible without the KEA. KEA use during ramp gait caused an overall increase in quadriceps activation by 76 %, on average, with use. Future efforts will be made to modify the design to improve functionality, especially for ramp gait, and to reduce device size and weight

    Volume 1 – Symposium

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    We are pleased to present the conference proceedings for the 12th edition of the International Fluid Power Conference (IFK). The IFK is one of the world’s most significant scientific conferences on fluid power control technology and systems. It offers a common platform for the presentation and discussion of trends and innovations to manufacturers, users and scientists. The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at the TU Dresden is organizing and hosting the IFK for the sixth time. Supporting hosts are the Fluid Power Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e. V. (DVF) and GWT-TUD GmbH. The organization and the conference location alternates every two years between the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems in Dresden and the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems in Aachen. The symposium on the first day is dedicated to presentations focused on methodology and fundamental research. The two following conference days offer a wide variety of application and technology orientated papers about the latest state of the art in fluid power. It is this combination that makes the IFK a unique and excellent forum for the exchange of academic research and industrial application experience. A simultaneously ongoing exhibition offers the possibility to get product information and to have individual talks with manufacturers. The theme of the 12th IFK is “Fluid Power – Future Technology”, covering topics that enable the development of 5G-ready, cost-efficient and demand-driven structures, as well as individual decentralized drives. Another topic is the real-time data exchange that allows the application of numerous predictive maintenance strategies, which will significantly increase the availability of fluid power systems and their elements and ensure their improved lifetime performance. We create an atmosphere for casual exchange by offering a vast frame and cultural program. This includes a get-together, a conference banquet, laboratory festivities and some physical activities such as jogging in Dresden’s old town.:Group A: Materials Group B: System design & integration Group C: Novel system solutions Group D: Additive manufacturing Group E: Components Group F: Intelligent control Group G: Fluids Group H | K: Pumps Group I | L: Mobile applications Group J: Fundamental

    Biyomimetik Bir Alt Uzuv Dış Iskelet Robotun Tasarımı Ve Denetimi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje15.04.2017Dış iskelet robotlar, insan uzuvları ile etkileşim halinde çalışan, giyilebilir elektromekanikyapılardır. Bu robotlar, yürüme engeli olan ya da yaşlı kişilerde yardımcı uzuv, felçli kişilerderehabilitasyon ve sağlıklı insanlarda güç artırımı amacı ile kullanılmaktadır. Bu projede, insanvücudu eklemlerinin biyomekanik davranışlarından esinlenilerek enerji verimli, kararlı, güvenli,esnek ve kullanıcı ile uyumlu bir alt uzuv dış iskelet robotun biyomimetik tasarımı ve denetimigerçekleştirilmiştir.İnsan vücudunun kas-iskelet sistemi, bağlı bulundukları eklemlerde sertlik ve sönümlemeyidevamlı değiştirerek esnek ve kararlı bir hareket kabiliyeti sağlamaktadır. Bu projedegeliştirilen dış iskelet robotun bilek eklemlerinde hem sertlik hem de sönümleme değerlerinibağımsız değiştirebilen karma eyleyici tasarımı, diz ve kalça eklemlerinde ise seri elastikeyleyici ile sönümlemesi değiştirilebilir eyleyici içeren karma eyleyici tasarımları kullanılmıştır.Böylece, bütün eklemlerde mekanik olarak ayarlanabilir empedans (sertlik ve sönümleme)değerleri ile çalışabilen biyomimetik esnek bir dış iskelet robot literatüre kazandırılmıştır. Dışiskelet robotun geliştirilmesi aşamasında, sertliği değiştirilebilir eyleyiciler, sönümlemesideğiştirilebilir eyleyiciler ve dış iskelet robotun bütünü için benzetim çalışmalarıgerçekleştirilmiştir ve dış iskelet robotun bir bütün olarak üretimi yapılmıştır. Bu dış iskeletrobotun kontrol performansını denemek için de bir dizi deneysel kontrol çalışmalarıgerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen bu deneysel çalışmalar; sertliği değiştirilebilir eyleyicininkuvvet kontrol ve pozisyon kontrol deneyleri, insan bilek sertliğinin EMG sinyalleri tabanlıgerçek zamanlı olarak kestirimi, bunun sertliği değiştirilebilir eyleyiciye uygulanması,sönümlemesi değiştirilebilir eyleyicinin istenen sönümleme torklarının kontrolü deneyleri, buiki eyleyicinin birleşiminden oluşan karma eyleyicinin deneysel performans çalışmaları vedaha sonrada geliştirilen dış iskelet robotun kullanıcı-baskın ve robot-baskın kontroldeneylerdir. Böylelikle, bu projede biyomimetik bir dış iskelet robotun tasarımı ve üretimigerçekleştirilmiş, kontrol çalışmaları deneysel olarak denenerek robotun temel performansdeğerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır.Exoskeleton robots are wearable electromechanical structures which can work interacting withhuman limbs. These robots are used as assistive limb, rehabilitation and power augmentationpurposes for elderly or disabled person, paralyzed person and healthy person respectively. Thisproject aims at designing and controlling of a lower limb exoskeleton robot which is energyefficient, stable, safe and user compatible by the inspiration of the human body jointbiomechanical behaviors and neuro-muscular control.Human body neuro-muscular system varies stiffness and damping of the human joints regularlyand thus provides flexible and stable movement capability. An hybrid actuator design variyingstiffness and damping independently in the ankle joints and another hybrid actuator designincluding series eleastic actuator and variable damping actuator in the knee and hip joints wereused in the exoskeleton robot developed in this project. Hence, a biomimetic compliantexoskeleton robot operating with mechanically adjustable impedance coefficients (stiffness anddamping) is contributed to the literature. During the development stage of the exoskeleton robot,some simulation studies were carried out for all variable stiffness, variable damping actuatorsand whole exoskleton robot. In addition, a set of experimental control studies was conducted toevaulate the control performance of this exoskeleton robot. These experimental studies areimpedans force control experiments of the varaible stiffness actuators, position controlexperiments of the varaible stiffness actuators, real time estimation experiments of human anklejoint stiffness based on EMG signals, applying those on the varaible stiffness actuators, desiredtork and damping experiments of the varaible damping actuators, experimental performancestudies of the hybrid actuators including these two types and then user in charge and robot incharge experiments of the whole exosekeleton robot. In this way, a biomimetic lower limbexoskeleton robot was designed and manufactured, and its performance was evaluated with aset of experimental control studies