1,395 research outputs found

    Printing of Fine Metal Electrodes for Organic Thin‐Film Transistors

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    Attributed to the excellent mechanical flexibility and compatibility with low‐cost and high‐throughput printing processes, the organic thin‐film transistor (OTFT) is a promising technology of choice for a wide range of flexible and large‐area electronics applications. Among various printing techniques, the drop‐on‐demand inkjet printing is one of the most versatile ones to form patterned electrodes with the advantages of mask‐less patterning, non‐contact, low cost, and scalability to large‐area manufacturing. However, the limited positional accuracy of the inkjet printer system and the spreading of the ink droplets on the substrate surface, which is influenced by both the ink properties and the substrate surface energy, make it difficult to obtain fine‐line morphologies and define the exact channel length as required, especially for relatively narrow‐line and short‐channel patterns. This chapter introduces the printing of uniform fine silver electrodes and down scaling of the channel length by controlling ink wetting on polymer substrate. All‐solution‐processed/printable OTFTs with short channels (<20 ”m) are also demonstrated by incorporating fine inkjet‐printed silver electrodes into a low‐voltage (<3 V) OTFT architecture. This work would provide a commercially competitive manufacturing approach to developing printable low‐voltage OTFTs for low‐power electronics applications

    All-inkjet-printed thin-film transistors: manufacturing process reliability by root cause analysis

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    We report on the detailed electrical investigation of all-inkjet-printed thin-film transistor (TFT) arrays focusing on TFT failures and their origins. The TFT arrays were manufactured on flexible polymer substrates in ambient condition without the need for cleanroom environment or inert atmosphere and at a maximum temperature of 150 degrees C. Alternative manufacturing processes for electronic devices such as inkjet printing suffer from lower accuracy compared to traditional microelectronic manufacturing methods. Furthermore, usually printing methods do not allow the manufacturing of electronic devices with high yield (high number of functional devices). In general, the manufacturing yield is much lower compared to the established conventional manufacturing methods based on lithography. Thus, the focus of this contribution is set on a comprehensive analysis of defective TFTs printed by inkjet technology. Based on root cause analysis, we present the defects by developing failure categories and discuss the reasons for the defects. This procedure identifies failure origins and allows the optimization of the manufacturing resulting finally to a yield improvement

    Current Status and Opportunities of Organic Thin-Film Transistor Technologies

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    Ajudes: National Key Research and Development Program of "Strategic Advanced Electronic Materials" under Grant 2016YFB0401100 and in part by the NSFC of China under Grant 61274083 and Grant 61334008.Attributed to its advantages of super mechanical flexibility, very low-temperature processing, and compatibility with low cost and high throughput manufacturing, organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) technology is able to bring electrical, mechanical, and industrial benefits to a wide range of new applications by activating nonflat surfaces with flexible displays, sensors, and other electronic functions. Despite both strong application demand and these significant technological advances, there is still a gap to be filled for OTFT technology to be widely commercially adopted. This paper providesa comprehensive reviewof the current status of OTFT technologies ranging from material, device, process, and integration, to design and system applications, and clarifies the real challenges behind to be addressed

    Compact Modeling and Physical Design Automation of Inkjet-Printed Electronics Technology

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    Technologies for printing sensors and electronics over large flexible substrates: a review

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    Printing sensors and electronics over flexible substrates is an area of significant interest due to low-cost fabrication and possibility of obtaining multifunctional electronics over large areas. Over the years, a number of printing technologies have been developed to pattern a wide range of electronic materials on diverse substrates. As further expansion of printed technologies is expected in future for sensors and electronics, it is opportune to review the common features, complementarities and the challenges associated with various printing technologies. This paper presents a comprehensive review of various printing technologies, commonly used substrates and electronic materials. Various solution/dry printing and contact/non-contact printing technologies have been assessed on the basis of technological, materials and process related developments in the field. Critical challenges in various printing techniques and potential research directions have been highlighted. Possibilities of merging various printing methodologies have been explored to extend the lab developed standalone systems to high-speed roll-to-roll (R2R) production lines for system level integration

    Printed and drawn flexible electronics based on cellulose nanocomposites

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    Sustainability, flexibility, and low-power consumption are key features to meet the growing re- quirements of simplicity and multifunctionality of low-cost, disposable/recyclable smart electronic -of- -based composites hold po- tential to fulfill such demands when explored as substrate and/or electrolyte-gate, or as active channel layer on printed transistors and integrated circuits based on ionic responses (iontronics). In this work, a new generation of reusable, healable and recyclable regenerated cellulose hydro- gels with high ionic conductivity and conformability, capable of being provided in the form of stick- ers, are demonstrated. These hydrogels are obtained from a simple, fast, low-cost, and environ- mental-friendly aqueous alkali salt/urea dissolution method of native cellulose, combined with eration and simultaneous ion incorporation with acetic acid. Their electrochemical properties can be also merged with the mechanical robustness, thermal resistance, transparency, and smooth- - strate. Beyond gate dielectrics, a water-based screen-printable ink, composed of CMC binder and com- mercial zinc oxide (ZnO) semiconducting nanoparticles, was formulated. The ink enables the printing of relatively smooth and densely packed films on office paper with semiconducting func- tionality at room temperature. The rather use of porous ZnO nanoplates is beneficial to form per- colative pathways at lower contents of functional material, at the cost of rougher surfaces. The engineered cellulose composites are successfully integrated into flexible, recyclable, low- voltage (<3.5 V), printed electrolyte-gated office paper or on the ionically modified nanopaper. Ubiquitous calligraphy accessories are used -the- out on the target substrate, where are already printed the devices. Such concept paves the way for a worldwide boom of creativity, where we can freely create personal electronic kits, while having fun at it and without generating waste.Sustentabilidade, flexibilidade e baixo consumo energĂ©tico sĂŁo caracterĂ­sticas chave para atender aos crescentes requisitos de simplicidade e multifuncionalidade de sistemas eletrĂłnicos inteligentes de baixo custo, das- CompĂłsitos Ă  base de celulose tĂȘm potencial para atender a tais necessidades quando explora- dos como substrato e/ou porta-de-eletrĂłlito ou como camada de canal ativo em transĂ­stores impressos e circuitos integrados baseados em respostas iĂłnicas (iontronics). Neste trabalho, Ă© demonstrada uma nova geração de hidrogĂ©is reutilizĂĄveis, reparĂĄveis e reciclĂĄveis baseados em celulose regenerada, que apresentam alta condução iĂłnica e conformabilidade, podendo ser fornecidos na forma de adesivos. Estes hidrogĂ©is sĂŁo obtidos a partir de um mĂ©todo simples, rĂĄpido, barato e amigo do ambiente que permite a dissolução de celulose nativa em soluçÔes aquosas com mistura de sal alcalino e ureia, combinado com carboximetil celulose (CMC) para melhorar a sua robustez, seguido da regeneração e simultĂąneo enriquecimento iĂłnico com ĂĄcido acĂ©tico. As suas propriedades eletroquĂ­micas podem ser combinadas com a inbase de celulose micro/nanofibrilada para obter um substrato eletrolĂ­tico semelhante a papel. Para alĂ©m de portas-dielĂ©tricas, foi formulada uma tinta aquosa compatĂ­vel com serigrafia, composta por CMC como espessante e nanopartĂ­culas semicondutoras de ZnO. A tinta permite a impressĂŁo de filmes pouco rugosos e densamente percolados sobre papel de escritĂłrio, e com funcionalidade semicondutora Ă  temperatura ambiente. O uso alternativo de nanoplacas porosas de ZnO Ă© benĂ©fico para criar caminhos percolativos com menores teores de material funcional, apesar de se obter filmes rugosos. Os compĂłsitos Ă  base celulose foram integrados com sucesso em transĂ­stores e portas lĂłgicas porta-eletrolĂ­tica, os quais foram impressos em papel de escritĂłrio ou no "nanopapel" iconicamente modificado. AcessĂłrios de caligrafia permitem a fĂĄcil e rĂĄpida padronização de pistas condutoras/resistivas, desenhando-as no substrato alvo, onde estĂŁo impressos os dispositivos. Este conceito despoleta um mundo criativo, onde Ă© possĂ­vel criar livremente kits eletrĂłnicos customizados de forma divertida e sem gerar resĂ­duos

    Tattoo-Paper Transfer as a Versatile Platform for All-Printed Organic Edible Electronics

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    The use of natural or bioinspired materials to develop edible electronic devices is a potentially disruptive technology that can boost point-of-care testing. The technology exploits devices which can be safely ingested, along with pills or even food, and operated from within the gastrointestinal tract. Ingestible electronics could potentially target a significant number of biomedical applications, both as therapeutic and diagnostic tool, and this technology may also impact the food industry, by providing ingestible or food-compatible electronic tags that can smart track goods and monitor their quality along the distribution chain. We hereby propose temporary tattoo-paper as a simple and versatile platform for the integration of electronics onto food and pharmaceutical capsules. In particular, we demonstrate the fabrication of all-printed Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs) on untreated commercial tattoo-paper, and their subsequent transfer and operation on edible substrates with a complex non-planar geometry

    Low-voltage 2D materials-based printed field-effect transistors for integrated digital and analog electronics on paper

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    Paper is the ideal substrate for the development of flexible and environmentally sustainable ubiquitous electronic systems, which, combined with two-dimensional materials, could be exploited in many Internet-of-Things applications, ranging from wearable electronics to smart packaging. Here we report high-performance MoS2 field-effect transistors on paper fabricated with a “channel array” approach, combining the advantages of two large-area techniques: chemical vapor deposition and inkjet-printing. The first allows the pre-deposition of a pattern of MoS2; the second, the printing of dielectric layers, contacts, and connections to complete transistors and circuits fabrication. Average ION/IOFF of 8 × 103 (up to 5 × 104) and mobility of 5.5 cm2 V−1 s−1 (up to 26 cm2 V−1 s−1) are obtained. Fully functional integrated circuits of digital and analog building blocks, such as logic gates and current mirrors, are demonstrated, highlighting the potential of this approach for ubiquitous electronics on paper
