674 research outputs found

    A Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset

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    To facilitate future research in unsupervised induction of syntactic structure and to standardize best-practices, we propose a tagset that consists of twelve universal part-of-speech categories. In addition to the tagset, we develop a mapping from 25 different treebank tagsets to this universal set. As a result, when combined with the original treebank data, this universal tagset and mapping produce a dataset consisting of common parts-of-speech for 22 different languages. We highlight the use of this resource via two experiments, including one that reports competitive accuracies for unsupervised grammar induction without gold standard part-of-speech tags

    Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual NLP

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    Distributed word representations (word embeddings) have recently contributed to competitive performance in language modeling and several NLP tasks. In this work, we train word embeddings for more than 100 languages using their corresponding Wikipedias. We quantitatively demonstrate the utility of our word embeddings by using them as the sole features for training a part of speech tagger for a subset of these languages. We find their performance to be competitive with near state-of-art methods in English, Danish and Swedish. Moreover, we investigate the semantic features captured by these embeddings through the proximity of word groupings. We will release these embeddings publicly to help researchers in the development and enhancement of multilingual applications.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL'201

    An improved neural network model for joint POS tagging and dependency parsing

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    We propose a novel neural network model for joint part-of-speech (POS) tagging and dependency parsing. Our model extends the well-known BIST graph-based dependency parser (Kiperwasser and Goldberg, 2016) by incorporating a BiLSTM-based tagging component to produce automatically predicted POS tags for the parser. On the benchmark English Penn treebank, our model obtains strong UAS and LAS scores at 94.51% and 92.87%, respectively, producing 1.5+% absolute improvements to the BIST graph-based parser, and also obtaining a state-of-the-art POS tagging accuracy at 97.97%. Furthermore, experimental results on parsing 61 "big" Universal Dependencies treebanks from raw texts show that our model outperforms the baseline UDPipe (Straka and Strakov\'a, 2017) with 0.8% higher average POS tagging score and 3.6% higher average LAS score. In addition, with our model, we also obtain state-of-the-art downstream task scores for biomedical event extraction and opinion analysis applications. Our code is available together with all pre-trained models at: https://github.com/datquocnguyen/jPTDPComment: 11 pages; In Proceedings of the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, to appea

    On Multilingual Training of Neural Dependency Parsers

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    We show that a recently proposed neural dependency parser can be improved by joint training on multiple languages from the same family. The parser is implemented as a deep neural network whose only input is orthographic representations of words. In order to successfully parse, the network has to discover how linguistically relevant concepts can be inferred from word spellings. We analyze the representations of characters and words that are learned by the network to establish which properties of languages were accounted for. In particular we show that the parser has approximately learned to associate Latin characters with their Cyrillic counterparts and that it can group Polish and Russian words that have a similar grammatical function. Finally, we evaluate the parser on selected languages from the Universal Dependencies dataset and show that it is competitive with other recently proposed state-of-the art methods, while having a simple structure.Comment: preprint accepted into the TSD201

    Parsing the SynTagRus Treebank of Russian

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    We present the first results on parsing the SYNTAGRUS tree bank of Russian with a data-driven dependency parser, achieving labeled attachment score of over 82%and an unlabeled attachment score of 89%.A feature analysis shows that high parsing accuracy is crucially dependent on the use of both lexical and morphological features. We conjecture that the latter result can be generalized to richly inflected languages in general, provided that sufficient amounts of training data are available

    Conversion of a Russian dependency treebank into HPSG derivations

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    Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Editors: Markus Dickinson, Kaili Müürisep and Marco Passarotti. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 9 (2010), 7-18. © 2010 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15891