2 research outputs found


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    Chinese C2C market grows rapidly. However, it is plagued by serious trust fraud problems. The level of price dispersion in C2C platforms is relatively high. The mixed interaction between “lemons market” problem and high level of price dispersion makes it hard for buyers to identify trustworthy sellers with low price. We are interested in the generation of initial trust and purchase intention when the buyers search a product and receive a list of widely distributed prices, rather than a list of narrowly distributed prices. However, limited knowledge can be gained from previous studies regarding this issue. This study puts forward a theoretical model to explain how price dispersion interacts with other important factors in C2C purchase (e.g. initial trust, perceived risk, perceived value and purchase intention). Product type (high- touch/low-touch) is taken into consideration as well since the level of uncertainty faced by buyers is different. A proposal for experiment is described. This research-in-progress has the potential to lead to various theoretical and practical implications. For example, the results will enhance the literature on trust, help buyers do better purchase decision, assist sellers in designing pricing strategy, and be utilized by platforms to propose new mechanisms

    Proses Distribusi dan Strategi Optimasi Pengiriman Paket dan Dokumen Dalam Negeri pada Kantor Pos Besar Surabaya Utara 60000

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    Perusahaan milik pemerintah tidak bisa berkembang dengan optimal beberapa dekade ini.Salah satu infrastruktur logistik yang mengalami kemunduran dalam melakukan manajemen perusahaannya adalah PT. POS Indonesia. Maka dibutuhkan pengamatan lebih lanjut dalam proses distribusi dan pengiriman paket dan dokumen dalam negeri sehingga didapatkan permasalahan yang kemudian dapat dirumuskan strategi pengembangannya dikemudian hari. Penelusuran mengenai proses distribusi dan strategi optimalisasi pengiriman paket dan dokumen dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan primer dan sekunder. Hingga didapatkan bahwa keempat tahapan distribusinya masih belum efisien, seperti proses collecting, processing,transporting, dan delivery yang lebih banyak mengandalkan tenaga manusia dalam prosesnya dibandingkan software serta peralatan modern yang dapat mengurangi kemungkinan barang hilang, rusak, dan tidak terkirimkan tepat waktu ke tangan konsumen