2 research outputs found

    Development and Integration of a Local Solar Atlas into a GEOSS compliant Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI)

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    International audienceIn the framework of the Architecture Implementation Pilot - Phase 5 (AIP-5) of GEO (Group on Earth Observation) and with the support of the European Commission FP7-project (Seventh Framework Program) ENDORSE (ENergy DOwnstReam SErvices - Providing energy components for GMES; 2011-2013), we have developed a scenario to provide a free-access infrastructure to discover and exploit the solar potential of the Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur (PACA) region located in the South East of France. Several tens of calibrated maps of solar irradiation have been produced at a high spatial resolution (200 m) allowing to perform local level studies, i.e. at 1/250 000 scale. Provid-ing online map and time series services offers an interesting trade-off between an educative and a fully expert ap-proach to access solar radiation information as on-line local atlas. It is suitable for decision-support in solar energy policy planning and private investment as well as for educational purpose to promote solar energy. A Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) has been developed that includes a community portal, a geographical server for hosting geospatial data, a geospatial data catalog allowing search and discovery of data of interest and a WebGIS client providing a user friendly application gathering in a single and dedicate GUI (Graphical User Interface) all data need-ed for practitioner to enable decision making for energy related projects. Thanks to the respect of international standards enabling interoperability, the components of the GSDI has been integrated and connected among others to larger international initiative such as GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and UNEP-GRID (United Nation Education Program) allowing a wider dissemination of the resources for the benefit of data providers on the one hand and of the renewable energy community on the other hand

    Energie solaire et observation de la terre

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    L’objet de ce document est de proposer une synthèse ainsi que les perspectives de mes activités de recherche depuis 2007 à MINES ParisTech. Cette recherche est bien sûr le fruit d’un travail collectif mené par l’équipe dont j’ai actuellement la responsabilité. Mon apport scientifique dans ce groupe réside essentiellement dans l’aide à la formalisation mathématique des problèmes et à leurs résolutions au moyen d’algorithmes mettant en oeuvre le traitement d’image, du signal, l’analyse statistique ou, de manière générale, les mathématiques appliquées. J’y apporte également mes connaissances dans la mesure du rayonnement par des instruments de mesures in-situ acquises ces dernières années