12 research outputs found

    Safe Robotic Grasping: Minimum Impact-Force Grasp Selection

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    This paper addresses the problem of selecting from a choice of possible grasps, so that impact forces will be minimised if a collision occurs while the robot is moving the grasped object along a post-grasp trajectory. Such considerations are important for safety in human-robot interaction, where even a certified "human-safe" (e.g. compliant) arm may become hazardous once it grasps and begins moving an object, which may have significant mass, sharp edges or other dangers. Additionally, minimising collision forces is critical to preserving the longevity of robots which operate in uncertain and hazardous environments, e.g. robots deployed for nuclear decommissioning, where removing a damaged robot from a contaminated zone for repairs may be extremely difficult and costly. Also, unwanted collisions between a robot and critical infrastructure (e.g. pipework) in such high-consequence environments can be disastrous. In this paper, we investigate how the safety of the post-grasp motion can be considered during the pre-grasp approach phase, so that the selected grasp is optimal in terms applying minimum impact forces if a collision occurs during a desired post-grasp manipulation. We build on the methods of augmented robot-object dynamics models and "effective mass" and propose a method for combining these concepts with modern grasp and trajectory planners, to enable the robot to achieve a grasp which maximises the safety of the post-grasp trajectory, by minimising potential collision forces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through several experiments with both simulated and real robots.Comment: To be appeared in IEEE/RAS IROS 201

    Surgical Applications of Compliant Mechanisms:A Review

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    Current surgical devices are mostly rigid and are made of stiff materials, even though their predominant use is on soft and wet tissues. With the emergence of compliant mechanisms (CMs), surgical tools can be designed to be flexible and made using soft materials. CMs offer many advantages such as monolithic fabrication, high precision, no wear, no friction, and no need for lubrication. It is therefore beneficial to consolidate the developments in this field and point to challenges ahead. With this objective, in this article, we review the application of CMs to surgical interventions. The scope of the review covers five aspects that are important in the development of surgical devices: (i) conceptual design and synthesis, (ii) analysis, (iii) materials, (iv) maim facturing, and (v) actuation. Furthermore, the surgical applications of CMs are assessed by classification into five major groups, namely, (i) grasping and cutting, (ii) reachability and steerability, (iii) transmission, (iv) sensing, and (v) implants and deployable devices. The scope and prospects of surgical devices using CMs are also discussed

    Développement de capteurs distribués à base de réseaux de Bragg pour la mesure de contrainte directionnelle

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    Les capteurs distribués qui font appel à des réseaux de Bragg inscrits dans des fibres optiques multicœurs sont de plus en plus utilisés pour mesurer différents paramètres physiques délocalisés. En utilisant l'information qui provient de chacun des cœurs de la fibre, il est possible de reconstruire sa forme tridimensionnelle, ce qui trouve actuellement de nombreuses applications innovantes, notamment en robotique et dans le domaine médical. Dans le cadre du programme Sentinelle Nord, le principal objectif de mon projet de maîtrise était de développer de tels capteurs pour le suivi des impacts du dégel du pergélisol dans les régions nordiques. Deux applications avaient initialement été ciblées. La première application consistait à mesurer la vitesse (et la direction) des écoulements d'eau souterraine qui jouent un rôle important dans la transmission de chaleur et qui doivent être considérés dans la modélisation numérique des processus physiques pour simuler la dynamique du pergélisol. La deuxième application consistait à suivre les tassements au dégel du pergélisol en reconstruisant le profil 3D d'un capteur à fibre optique qui y serait enfouie. Un modèle théorique de leur sensibilité à un écoulement d'eau a été développé et a permis de conclure que la vitesse des écoulements d'eau souterraine typiques était beaucoup trop faible pour être mesurée. Afin de s'attaquer à la seconde application, nous avons développé une nouvelle technologie de fibre multicœur où 3 fibres optiques ont été assemblées dans une préforme microstructurée en polycarbonate en l'étirant directement sur une tour à fibre. La caractérisation des réseaux de Bragg de cette fibre hybride verre-polymère a montré qu'elle est 7 fois plus sensible que les fibres optiques multicœurs traditionnelles. Les développements réalisés pour cette seconde application ont fait l'objet d'une publication d'un article scientifique dans le journal Optics Express. Dans le cadre de ce projet, et en parallèle à ces travaux, une méthode flexible d'inscription de réseaux de Bragg distribués sur une fibre optique avec un seul masque de phase uniforme a été développée. Grâce à cette méthode, une accordabilité record de 70 nm, soit plus de 15 fois supérieure à tout ce qui a été obtenu auparavant, a été atteinte.Fiber Bragg gratings distributed sensors in multicore fibers are gaining popularity for remote sensing of physical parameters. By measuring the information from each of its cores, its shape can be reconstructed which has numerous novel applications in robotic and the medical field. As part of the Sentinel North program, the principal goal of my research project was to develop such distributed sensors to monitor the impacts of permafrost degradation in Northern Quebec. Two applications were targeted : 1) the measurement of groundwater flow and its direction which play a major role in heat transfer and need to be considered in numerical modelling of permafrost dynamics and 2) the monitoring of thaw settlement of degrading ice rich permafrost using buried optical fiber with distributed fiber Bragg gratings. A theoretical model of the sensitivity of these sensors to measure groundwater flow was developed and led to the conclusion that the groundwater flow is too small to be detected with a multicore fiber. For the second application, a novel multicore fiber was developed where 3 optical fibers are assembled inside a microstructured polycarbonate preform by drawing it on a draw tower. The characterization of the resulting hybrid glass-polymer multicore fiber showed a sensitivity 7 times higher than standard multicore fibers. These findings were published in the journal Optics Express. In this research project, at the same time, a flexible method to write distributed arrays of fiber Bragg gratings with a single uniform phase mask was developed. A 70 nm accordability, which is more than 15 times higher than anything previously reported, was achieved with this method