4 research outputs found

    A Review of Opportunities and Challenges of Carers’ Support on Online Social Platforms

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate opportunities and challenges of carers’ support on online social platforms. We conducted a systematic literature review of 20 journal articles, and explored positive and negative aspects of online social platforms in three main categories: (i) Carer Wellbeing, (ii) Care Service, and (iii) Common Opportunities or Challenges. A Demographic analysis of publication year, country, user type, and research method have been discussed. The study uncovered that online platforms have a proportional amount of positive and negative impacts. We found that (i) the challenges guide us on how to educate carers and plan for uncertainties, and (ii) the opportunities shed a ray of hope on ways to assist the carers using online social networks. Results guide future research in mitigating challenges and strengthening opportunities for supporting and empowering carers on online social platforms

    Development and application of a tool designed to evaluate web sites providing information on alzheimer's disease

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    Informal carers of people with Alzheimer's disease require access to high-quality information, which may be available through the Internet. Tools that have been developed to evaluate the contents of health-related web sites tend to be generic and not specific for diseases or patient groups. The aim of this study was to develop a tool that was specifically designed to evaluate web sites that provide information about Alzheimer's disease for informal carers of people with the disease. The tool was used to evaluate a sample of 15 web sites. The results were compared with those obtained using four generic tools in an earlier study. Several web sites attained high scores using the specific tool, although almost half of the 15 web sites achieved scores of less than 50%. There was a poor correlation between the rankings obtained using the specific tool compared with the generic tool. Web sites generally scored lower using the specific tool compared with one of the generic tools. Further work is required to develop and evaluate the Alzheimer's disease web site evaluation tool to help improve the quality of information available to carers through the Internet

    Developing an instrument to evaluate the quality of dementia information website

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    With website becoming a major information source, consumers are likely to resort on website for information about dementia. They maynot have the knowledge or experience in distinguishing quality information from opinion pieces; therefore, the aim of this research Master project is to develop and validate an instrument to measure the quality of dementia information website. The aim was achieved by reaching four objectives: (1) identify the existing methods for evaluating dementia information website. (2) identify the existing methods for evaluating health information website. (3) develop an instrument to measure the quality of dementia website. (4) use this developed instrument to evaluate the 15 common dementia websites. Each objective was answered by one to two research questions. The literature review was conducted to identify existing methods to evaluate dementia and health information website. Based on the analysis of the previous methods and approaches to evaluate dementia and health information website, it was decided that the questionnaire survey is the optimal method for assessing the quality of dementia website for the public. Then the researcher obtained the representative criteria from the general health information evaluation tools, and specific criteria from dementia website evaluation tools as the candidate items to develop a dementia-specific instrument