3 research outputs found

    Development Process of Intrinsic Gamification in a Learning Difficulty Context

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    The paper explores the development process of intrinsic gamification in a learning difficulty context through an in-depth case study. We found out that simplicity is the most vital mechanic and the freedom in the software benefits users physically, mentally and socially. As a result, the software meets user’s competence, autonomy and connection needs and thus intrinsically motivates them to use it more

    Systematic Review of Gamification Research in IS Education: A Multi-method Approach

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    Gamification refers to the use of game mechanics and game dynamics in non-gaming environments and contexts. Gamification is increasingly gaining attention among system designers across various industries especially in education due to the benefits associated with its implementation. The adoption of gamification in information systems (IS) education is promising for engaging and motivating students to complete their degree programs. Call for research in this area is particularly on the increase in the IS field. Accordingly, we need to organize the aggregation of research in this area and use common terminologies to promote progressive research practice in the field. In this paper, we use a multi-method approach to systematically review existing research on gamification in IS education to identify common terminologies, identify trends in topics studied, highlight understudied areas, and, thus, present opportunities for future research. The multi-method approach combines classical systematic review method and social network analysis to provide additional insight into the knowledge structure of researchers involved in the gamification of IS education. This review also highlights possible interventions that can improve student retention in IS education through the design of effective gamified courses

    Design characteristics of fitness games in a Learning Disabilities context

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    Motivating people with learning disabilities (LD) to carry out physical exercise is a difficult task. Adapted fitness games can address this problem. Yet the design characteristics of the fitness games for this particular user group have not been studied before. Combining game design guidelines and inclusive design principles, this research explores the design characteristics in six categories: purposes, user requirements study, mechanics, technology, motivations and types. A mixed-method approach has been adopted. Firstly, a case study of the development of a fitness game for LD users was conducted through 10 interviews and 3 observations, gathering insights of game designers and end users about the general design characteristics of LD fitness games. Based on the qualitative findings and a literature review, a questionnaire was generated addressing the important design characteristics in six categories. The questionnaire surveyed 235 people from both game and healthcare industries to assess their agreement to the design characteristics. By identifying critical design characteristics in each aspect, this research contextualizes and clarifies general game design literature including game development process models, fitness game design guidelines and motivation theories. The findings of the research conceptually enrich the seven inclusive design principles and clarify each principle in a context of designing for LD users. The study provides an example on how to combine qualitative and quantitative methods for comprehensive data collection in research on fitness game design. With the recognition of a large population of relevant experts, the design characteristics proposed provide game designers with a structured approach to make fitness games for LD users