338 research outputs found

    A novel plasticity rule can explain the development of sensorimotor intelligence

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    Grounding autonomous behavior in the nervous system is a fundamental challenge for neuroscience. In particular, the self-organized behavioral development provides more questions than answers. Are there special functional units for curiosity, motivation, and creativity? This paper argues that these features can be grounded in synaptic plasticity itself, without requiring any higher level constructs. We propose differential extrinsic plasticity (DEP) as a new synaptic rule for self-learning systems and apply it to a number of complex robotic systems as a test case. Without specifying any purpose or goal, seemingly purposeful and adaptive behavior is developed, displaying a certain level of sensorimotor intelligence. These surprising results require no system specific modifications of the DEP rule but arise rather from the underlying mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking due to the tight brain-body-environment coupling. The new synaptic rule is biologically plausible and it would be an interesting target for a neurobiolocal investigation. We also argue that this neuronal mechanism may have been a catalyst in natural evolution.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 7 video

    Legged Robots for Object Manipulation: A Review

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    Legged robots can have a unique role in manipulating objects in dynamic, human-centric, or otherwise inaccessible environments. Although most legged robotics research to date typically focuses on traversing these challenging environments, many legged platform demonstrations have also included "moving an object" as a way of doing tangible work. Legged robots can be designed to manipulate a particular type of object (e.g., a cardboard box, a soccer ball, or a larger piece of furniture), by themselves or collaboratively. The objective of this review is to collect and learn from these examples, to both organize the work done so far in the community and highlight interesting open avenues for future work. This review categorizes existing works into four main manipulation methods: object interactions without grasping, manipulation with walking legs, dedicated non-locomotive arms, and legged teams. Each method has different design and autonomy features, which are illustrated by available examples in the literature. Based on a few simplifying assumptions, we further provide quantitative comparisons for the range of possible relative sizes of the manipulated object with respect to the robot. Taken together, these examples suggest new directions for research in legged robot manipulation, such as multifunctional limbs, terrain modeling, or learning-based control, to support a number of new deployments in challenging indoor/outdoor scenarios in warehouses/construction sites, preserved natural areas, and especially for home robotics.Comment: Preprint of the paper submitted to Frontiers in Mechanical Engineerin

    Locomotion Analysis of Hexapod Robot

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    Efficient PID Controller based Hexapod Wall Following Robot

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    This paper presents a design of wall followingbehaviour for hexapod robot based on PID controller. PIDcontroller is proposed here because of its ability to controlmany cases of non-linear systems. In this case, we proposed aPID controller to improve the speed and stability of hexapodrobot movement while following the wall. In this paper, PIDcontroller is used to control the robot legs, by adjusting thevalue of swing angle during forward or backward movement tomaintain the distance between the robot and the wall. Theexperimental result was verified by implementing the proposedcontrol method into actual prototype of hexapod robot

    Unified Behavior Framework in an Embedded Robot Controller

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    Robots of varying autonomy have been used to take the place of humans in dangerous tasks. While robots are considered more expendable than human beings, they are complex to develop and expensive to replace if lost. Recent technological advances produce small, inexpensive hardware platforms that are powerful enough to match robots from just a few years ago. There are many types of autonomous control architecture that can be used to control these hardware platforms. One in particular, the Unified Behavior Framework, is a flexible, responsive control architecture that is designed to simplify the control system’s design process through behavior module reuse, and provides a means to speed software development. However, it has not been applied on embedded systems in robots. This thesis presents a development of the Unified Behavior Framework on the Mini-WHEGS™, a biologically inspired, embedded robotic platform. The Mini-WHEGS™ is a small robot that utilize wheel- legs to emulate cockroach walking patterns. Wheel-legs combine wheels and legs for high mobility without the complex control system required for legs. A color camera and a rotary encoder completes the robot, enabling the Mini-WHEGS™ to identify color objects and track its position. A hardware abstraction layer designed for the Mini-WHEGS™ in this configuration decouples the control system from the hardware and provide the interface between the software and the hardware. The result is a highly mobile embedded robot system capable of exchanging behavior modules with much larger robots while requiring little or no change to the modules

    Robotic Systems for Radiation Therapy

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    Locomotion Control of Hexapod Walking Robot with Four Degrees of Freedom per Leg

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    V této práci představujeme nového šestinohého robota jménem HAntR, kterého jsme vytvořili dle potřeb Laboratoře výpočetní robotiky Centra umělé inteligence fakulty Elektrotechnické Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze. Jeho hlavním účelem jest vylepšit schopnosti pohybu v těžkém terénu původního robotu přidáním čtvrtého stupně volnosti každé noze. Na základě nově navržené nohy jsme také přepracovali celé tělo robotu tak, aby splnilo i další požadavky, jako například menší rozměry, či možnost osazení alespoň šesti Lithium-Iontovými monočlánky. V práci pečlivě popisujeme motivace a úvahy, které nás k výslednému návrhu vedly. Uvádíme řešení přímé i inverzní kinematické úlohy řešené pomocí podmínky na ideální orientaci konce nohy a uvažující i důležité kinematické singularity. Navržený robot byl vyzkoušen v několika experimentech, při kterých byl použit námi navržený řídicí systém napsaný v jazyce C++. Ukázalo se, že HAntR vydrží díky zvýšené energetické hustotě a lepšímu rozkladu sil v končetinách autonomně fungovat přes hodinu. Robot je také schopen jít rychlostí až 0.42m/s, což předčí mnohé srovnatelné roboty. Při experimentu, kdy robot stál na nakloněné rovině, bylo prokázáno zlepšení oproti předchozímu robotu. A také jsme dle pokynů této práce potvrdili, že i HAntR je schopen adaptivní chůze spoléhající pouze na poziční zpětnou vazbu.In this thesis a novel six-legged robot called HAntR is presented. The robot was developed according to needs of the Robotics Laboratory, at the Artificial Intelligent Center, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Its main purpose is enhancing rough-terrain movement capabilities by upgrading a former design by adding fourth degree of freedom to each leg. We also revised robot torso to fit new leg design and incorporate other requirements such as smaller dimensions with space for at least six Lithium-Ion cells. We thoroughly describe motivations and considerations that led us to the presented particular solution. Further, the solutions of forward and inverse kinematic tasks with partial orientation constraint and important singularities avoidance are presented. The proposed design has been evaluated in several experimental deployments, which utilised developed software controller written in C++. Endurance tests showed, that HAntR is able to remotely operate for over an hour thanks to increased energy density. Maximal speed test resulted to 0.42m/s during tripod gait, which outpaces most of the comparable robotic platforms. Experiment where HAntR stood on platform with varying inclination showed qualitative improvement against former robot. Finally, in accord with the thesis assignment, we proved that HAntR is able to perform walking with adaptive gait using positional feedback only

    Design Issues for Hexapod Walking Robots

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    Hexapod walking robots have attracted considerable attention for several decades. Many studies have been carried out in research centers, universities and industries. However, only in the recent past have efficient walking machines been conceived, designed and built with performances that can be suitable for practical applications. This paper gives an overview of the state of the art on hexapod walking robots by referring both to the early design solutions and the most recent achievements. Careful attention is given to the main design issues and constraints that influence the technical feasibility and operation performance. A design procedure is outlined in order to systematically design a hexapod walking robot. In particular, the proposed design procedure takes into account the main features, such as mechanical structure and leg configuration, actuating and driving systems, payload, motion conditions, and walking gait. A case study is described in order to show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed design procedure

    Field Model Identification and Control of a Mobile Electromagnet for Remote Actuation of Soft Robots

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    The actuation of miniaturized robots through external magnetic fields has great potential for medical applications. The controllability properties of the miniaturized robots are affected by magnetic field generation modality. In this work, the magnetic field of a mobile electromagnet, notably capable to generate a desired magnetic field in large 3D workspaces, has been identified first. Then, a control model of the field generation system has been developed to produce a desired magnetic field designed to generate a locomotion gait in a legged miniaturized robot. Preliminary experiments prove the viability of the approach.</p