2 research outputs found

    Risk management prioritization in medical device SMEs based on AHP analysis

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    Purpose - Risk management is crucial for the longevity of companies and it is also required by many standards and regulations, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. Particularly for the medical device industry the standards are stricter, due to the level of risk that products can represent. However, each standard is particular on its requirements and establishing the risk management process can be challenging, namely for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This research aims to identify and prioritize the key features for the risk management of medical device SMEs. Design/methodology/approach - The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied as follows: from the literature review and the above-mentioned standards the authors defined the problem, objectives, alternatives and identified 5 evaluation criteria and 8 evaluation subcriteria, organized in the hierarchical structuring of four matrices, which were the basis for data collection and analysis. Five experts from Brazilian and Portuguese companies operating in the sector were interviewed and asked to evaluate each of the matrices, establishing the relative importance among the criteria, for the calculation of local priorities. Findings - The results led to the involvement of employees as the most important criterion for risk management, followed by employees training and qualification. Organizational culture was listed as the least important criterion, with four of the five evaluators considering training and qualification as a way to work towards a cultural change and encourage risk-based thinking. Originality/value - Recent researches highlight the need for methodological and scientific support on risk management for the companies. This paper provides discussion regarding whether the literature reflects the reality of organizations and how the process is considered by them.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(undefined

    Análise do gerenciamento de riscos no setor de dispositivos médicos por meio do estudo de casos múltiplos

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    Considering its potential for innovation and the large number of micro and small businesses, the medical device sector has become a relevant object of study. Due to the characteristics of their activities, companies are subject to several standards and regulations, such as the ISO 13485 which defines the requirements for Quality Management Systems (QMS) and based on the standard ISO 9001, leaves implicit the need to manage risks. The adoption of risk management practices is considered a major challenge for small companies, and the need for scientific and methodological support for such organizations is evidenced in the literature. In this context, this research aims to propose a systematic approach to risk management, suitable for QMS of innovative companies in the medical device sector, and to compare the proposal with the practices performed by companies, in order to verify its suitability for medical devices SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises). The method applied was the Multiple Case Study, through the following steps: initially a systematic literature review was conducted in order to identify how companies have performed the risk management in the normative and practical contexts, establishing the basis of the proposal and also analyzing the aspects discussed in the literature about this issue; then 11 cases were selected, six Brazilian companies and five Portuguese companies; the case study protocol was elaborated and validated through a pilot test; finally, data collection and elaboration of individual and crossed case reports were performed. Some relations were identified among the cases, suggesting the existence of potential patterns. Among the results we highlight that the normative process in the national scenario is considered by companies as something bureaucratic, and meeting the requirements becomes subject to the auditors' interpretation, which ends up leading companies to opt for the use of FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis), which is not observed in the international scenario. The study shows that previous experience is always a requirement for risk management, no matter how it is implemented, and it can be a challenge for the companies. Regarding the systematic, it was verified that it can positively impact the guidance and preparation of the team to implement the process, although it may face resistance to change among companies with already structured risk management. The analyses suggest that the systematic may be more beneficial to SMEs that are at the beginning of the process of risk management implementation.O setor de dispositivos médicos possui grande parcela de micro e pequenos negócios com potencial de inovação. Devido às características de suas atividades, essas empresas são submetidas a diversas normas e regulamentos, como a ISO 13485, que define os requisitos para os Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) e, tendo como base a norma ISO 9001, deixa implícita a necessidade de se gerenciar os riscos. Para pequenas empresas a adoção de práticas de gerenciamento de riscos é considerada um dos maiores desafios, sendo evidenciada na literatura a necessidade de suporte científico e metodológico para tais organizações. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa objetiva propor uma sistemática para gerenciamento de riscos aplicável aos SGQ de startups do setor de dispositivos médicos, e confrontar a proposta com as práticas realizadas pelas empresas, de forma a verificar sua adequação e implementação para pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) do setor. O método aplicado foi o Estudo de Casos Múltiplos, por meio das seguintes etapas: inicialmente foi conduzida uma revisão sistemática de literatura, de forma a identificar como as empresas têm realizado o gerenciamento de riscos nos contextos normativo e prático, estabelecendo a base da proposta e, ainda, analisando os aspectos discutidos na literatura acerca da problemática estabelecida; em seguida 11 casos foram selecionados, sendo seis empresas brasileiras e cinco empresas portuguesas; foi elaborado o protocolo do estudo de casos, validado por meio de teste piloto; e, em seguida, realizada a coleta de dados e elaboração dos relatórios de casos individuais e cruzados. Foram identificadas algumas relações entre os casos, que sugerem a existência de possíveis padrões. Dentre os resultados destaca-se que o processo normativo no cenário nacional é visto pelas empresas como algo burocrático, e o atendimento aos requisitos fica sujeito a interpretação dos auditores, o que acaba levando as empresas a optarem pelo uso da recomendada FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis); o que não é verificado no cenário internacional. O estudo evidencia que a experiência prévia sempre será um requisito para o gerenciamento de riscos, independentemente de como ele será implementado, podendo ser uma dificuldade para as empresas. Com relação a sistemática, verifica-se que ela pode impactar positivamente no direcionamento e preparação da equipe para a realização do processo, podendo enfrentar resistência a mudança em empresas com gerenciamento de riscos já estruturado. As análises sugerem que a sistemática pode ser mais benéfica para PMEs que estão no início do processo