589 research outputs found

    Developmental Robots - A New Paradigm

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    It has been proved to be extremely challenging for humans to program a robot to such a sufficient degree that it acts properly in a typical unknown human environment. This is especially true for a humanoid robot due to the very large number of redundant degrees of freedom and a large number of sensors that are required for a humanoid to work safely and effectively in the human environment. How can we address this fundamental problem? Motivated by human mental development from infancy to adulthood, we present a theory, an architecture, and some experimental results showing how to enable a robot to develop its mind automatically, through online, real time interactions with its environment. Humans mentally “raise” the robot through “robot sitting” and “robot schools” instead of task-specific robot programming

    Developmental Learning: A Case Study in Understanding “Object Permanence”

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    The concepts of muddy environment and muddy tasks set the ground for us to understand the essence of intelligence, both artificial and natural, which further motivates the need of Developmental Learning for machines. In this paper, a biologically inspired computational model is proposed to study one of the fundamental and controversial issues in cognitive science – “Object Permanence.” This model is implemented on a robot, which enables us to examine the robot’s behavior based on perceptual development through realtime experiences. Our experimental result shows consistency with prior researches on human infants, which not only sheds light on the highly controversial issue of object permanence, but also demonstrates how biologically inspired developmental models can potentially develop intelligent machines and verify computationalmodeling that has been established in cognitive science

    Conjunctive Visual and Auditory Development via Real-Time Dialogue

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    Human developmental learning is capable of dealing with the dynamic visual world, speech-based dialogue, and their complex real-time association. However, the architecture that realizes this for robotic cognitive development has not been reported in the past. This paper takes up this challenge. The proposed architecture does not require a strict coupling between visual and auditory stimuli. Two major operations contribute to the “abstraction” process: multiscale temporal priming and high-dimensional numeric abstraction through internal responses with reduced variance. As a basic principle of developmental learning, the programmer does not know the nature of the world events at the time of programming and, thus, hand-designed task-specific representation is not possible. We successfully tested the architecture on the SAIL robot under an unprecedented challenging multimodal interaction mode: use real-time speech dialogue as a teaching source for simultaneous and incremental visual learning and language acquisition, while the robot is viewing a dynamic world that contains a rotating object to which the dialogue is referring

    Novelty and Reinforcement Learning in the Value System of Developmental Robots

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    The value system of a developmental robot signals the occurrence of salient sensory inputs, modulates the mapping from sensory inputs to action outputs, and evaluates candidate actions. In the work reported here, a low level value system is modeled and implemented. It simulates the non-associative animal learning mechanism known as habituation effect. Reinforcement learning is also integrated with novelty. Experimental results show that the proposed value system works as designed in a study of robot viewing angle selection

    Creative Product Problem-solving Game

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    Creativity is a talent that undergirds invention and innovation, making it an important skill in today’s society. Although students are often told to “be creative,” they many times do not know how and have little practice in this skill. This document presents an analysis of 33 creative products made by adult participants at a state conference for educators working with preK-12 gifted students or their teachers as a model for what teachers can do in their classrooms to allow students to practice creative thinking. During the conference presentation, Torrance’s creative strengths were reviewed with photographic examples, definitions, and suggestions printed on handouts. For the problem-solving game, each participant was given an identical set of recycled/craft materials, and about 30 minutes to create an object or scene fitting with a given theme. This presentation was delivered each of the two days of the conference with a different theme each day: “under water” was the theme the first day and “cool space” was the theme for the products on the second day. Participants each created an object that exhibited creative strengths and followed game-rules using the additional tools of scissors, glue, markers, and thread. Photographs of the final products are shown with their creative strengths identified. Most participants were successful in developing products that showed five creative strengths as required by the game rules. The most common approach to making a creative product that exhibited creative strengths was to tell an original story involving some motion that was detailed, artistically appealing, or humorous, and contained characters with emotional expressions. Because of the success and enthusiasm of participants for the game, the authors recommend it for students, clubs, and recreational activities. [7 Tables, 33 Figures, 6 References

    Peer coaching: To what extent can it support the development of professional attributes required to be a teacher?

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    Students on a science PGCE course were introduced to peer coaching. This article describes the structures developed to enhance student teachers’ professional attributes and then reports the results. The students were given questionnaires to ascertain to what extent they felt they had developed their professional attributes as a result of being involved in peer coaching. The questionnaire design provided both qualitative and quantitative data. The evidence indicates that the peer coaching procedures had a positive impact on student teachers’ professional development. Data was analysed and has been used to draw conclusions to inform peer coaching in an education setting