10 research outputs found

    Developing a comprehensive framework for multimodal feature extraction

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    Feature extraction is a critical component of many applied data science workflows. In recent years, rapid advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have led to an explosion of feature extraction tools and services that allow data scientists to cheaply and effectively annotate their data along a vast array of dimensions---ranging from detecting faces in images to analyzing the sentiment expressed in coherent text. Unfortunately, the proliferation of powerful feature extraction services has been mirrored by a corresponding expansion in the number of distinct interfaces to feature extraction services. In a world where nearly every new service has its own API, documentation, and/or client library, data scientists who need to combine diverse features obtained from multiple sources are often forced to write and maintain ever more elaborate feature extraction pipelines. To address this challenge, we introduce a new open-source framework for comprehensive multimodal feature extraction. Pliers is an open-source Python package that supports standardized annotation of diverse data types (video, images, audio, and text), and is expressly with both ease-of-use and extensibility in mind. Users can apply a wide range of pre-existing feature extraction tools to their data in just a few lines of Python code, and can also easily add their own custom extractors by writing modular classes. A graph-based API enables rapid development of complex feature extraction pipelines that output results in a single, standardized format. We describe the package's architecture, detail its major advantages over previous feature extraction toolboxes, and use a sample application to a large functional MRI dataset to illustrate how pliers can significantly reduce the time and effort required to construct sophisticated feature extraction workflows while increasing code clarity and maintainability

    Design of a Virtual Assistant to Improve Interaction Between the Audience and the Presenter

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    This article presents a novel design of a Virtual Assistant as part of a human-machine interaction system to improve communication between the presenter and the audience that can be used in education or general presentations for improving interaction during the presentations (e.g., auditoriums with 200 people). The main goal of the proposed model is the design of a framework of interaction to increase the level of attention of the public in key aspects of the presentation. In this manner, the collaboration between the presenter and Virtual Assistant could improve the level of learning among the public. The design of the Virtual Assistant relies on non-anthropomorphic forms with ‘live’ characteristics generating an intuitive and self-explainable interface. A set of intuitive and useful virtual interactions to support the presenter was designed. This design was validated from various types of the public with a psychological study based on a discrete emotions’ questionnaire confirming the adequacy of the proposed solution. The human-machine interaction system supporting the Virtual Assistant should automatically recognize the attention level of the audience from audiovisual resources and synchronize the Virtual Assistant with the presentation. The system involves a complex artificial intelligence architecture embracing perception of high-level features from audio and video, knowledge representation, and reasoning for pervasive and affective computing and reinforcement learning to teach the intelligent agent to decide on the best strategy to increase the level of attention of the audience

    The “Narratives” fMRI dataset for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension

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    The “Narratives” collection aggregates a variety of functional MRI datasets collected while human subjects listened to naturalistic spoken stories. The current release includes 345 subjects, 891 functional scans, and 27 diverse stories of varying duration totaling ~4.6 hours of unique stimuli (~43,000 words). This data collection is well-suited for naturalistic neuroimaging analysis, and is intended to serve as a benchmark for models of language and narrative comprehension. We provide standardized MRI data accompanied by rich metadata, preprocessed versions of the data ready for immediate use, and the spoken story stimuli with time-stamped phoneme- and word-level transcripts. All code and data are publicly available with full provenance in keeping with current best practices in transparent and reproducible neuroimaging

    Integrating media content analysis, reception analysis, and media effects studies

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    Every day, the world of media is at our fingertips, whether it is watching movies, listening to the radio, or browsing online media. On average, people spend over 8 h per day consuming messages from the mass media, amounting to a total lifetime dose of more than 20 years in which conceptual content stimulates our brains. Effects from this flood of information range from short-term attention bursts (e.g., by breaking news features or viral ‘memes’) to life-long memories (e.g., of one’s favorite childhood movie), and from micro-level impacts on an individual’s memory, attitudes, and behaviors to macro-level effects on nations or generations. The modern study of media’s influence on society dates back to the 1940s. This body of mass communication scholarship has largely asked, “what is media’s effect on the individual?” Around the time of the cognitive revolution, media psychologists began to ask, “what cognitive processes are involved in media processing?” More recently, neuroimaging researchers started using real-life media as stimuli to examine perception and cognition under more natural conditions. Such research asks: “what can media tell us about brain function?” With some exceptions, these bodies of scholarship often talk past each other. An integration offers new insights into the neurocognitive mechanisms through which media affect single individuals and entire audiences. However, this endeavor faces the same challenges as all interdisciplinary approaches: Researchers with different backgrounds have different levels of expertise, goals, and foci. For instance, neuroimaging researchers label media stimuli as “naturalistic” although they are in many ways rather artificial. Similarly, media experts are typically unfamiliar with the brain. Neither media creators nor neuroscientifically oriented researchers approach media effects from a social scientific perspective, which is the domain of yet another species. In this article, we provide an overview of approaches and traditions to studying media, and we review the emerging literature that aims to connect these streams. We introduce an organizing scheme that connects the causal paths from media content → brain responses → media effects and discuss network control theory as a promising framework to integrate media content, reception, and effects analyses

    Machine-Learning-aided indicator extraction from HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) & cancer-related medical articles

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    Indicator detection in medical articles to collaborate in data extraction from structured text.Detección de indicadores en artículos médicos para colaborar en la extracción de datos en formato de texto estruturado.Detecció d'indicadors en articles mÚdics per col·laborar en l'extracció de dades en format de text estructrat

    High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography During Passive Movie Viewing: A Platform for Naturalistic Functional Brain Mapping

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    Human neuroimaging techniques enable researchers and clinicians to non-invasively study brain function across the lifespan in both healthy and clinical populations. However, functional brain imaging methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are expensive, resource-intensive, and require dedicated facilities, making these powerful imaging tools generally unavailable for assessing brain function in settings demanding open, unconstrained, and portable neuroimaging assessments. Tools such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) afford greater portability and wearability, but at the expense of cortical field-of-view and spatial resolution. High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (HD-DOT) is an optical neuroimaging modality directly addresses the image quality limitations associated with traditional fNIRS techniques through densely overlapping optical measurements. This thesis aims to establish the feasibility of using HD-DOT in a novel application demanding exceptional portability and flexibility: mapping disrupted cortical activity in chronically malnourished children. I first motivate the need for dense optical measurements of brain tissue to achieve fMRI-comparable localization of brain function (Chapter 2). Then, I present imaging work completed in Cali, Colombia, where a cohort of chronically malnourished children were imaged using a custom HD-DOT instrument to establish feasibility of performing field-based neuroimaging in this population (Chapter 3). Finally, in order to meet the need for age appropriate imaging paradigms in this population, I develop passive movie viewing paradigms for use in optical neuroimaging, a flexible and rich stimulation paradigm that is suitable for both adults and children (Chapter 4)

    Schema and value: Characterizing the role of the rostral and ventral medial prefrontal cortex in episodic future thinking

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    As humans we are not stuck in an everlasting present. Instead, we can project ourselves into both our personal past and future. Remembering the past and simulating the future are strongly interrelated processes. They are both supported by largely the same brain regions including the rostral and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) but also the hippocampus, the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), as well as other regions in the parietal and temporal cortices. Interestingly, this core network for episodic simulation and episodic memory partially overlaps with a brain network for evaluation and value-based decision making. This is particularly the case for the mPFC. This part of the brain has been associated both with a large number of different cognitive functions ranging from the representation of memory schemas and self-referential processing to the representation of value and affect. As a consequence, a unifying account of mPFC functioning has remained elusive. The present thesis investigates the unique contribution of the mPFC to episodic simulation by highlighting its role in the representation of memory schemas and value. In a first functional MRI and pre-registered behavioral replication study, we demonstrate that the mPFC encodes representations of known people as well as of known locations from participants’ everyday life. We demonstrate that merely imagined encounters with liked vs. disliked people at these locations can change our attitude toward the locations. The magnitude of this simulation-induced attitude change was predicted by activation in the mPFC during the simulations. Specifically, locations simulated with liked people exhibited significantly larger increases in liking than those simulated with disliked people. In a second behavioral study, we examined the mechanisms of simulation-based learning more closely. To this end, participants also simulated encounters with neutral people at neutral locations. Using repeated behavioral assessments of participants’ memory representations, we reveal that simulations cause an integration of memory representations for jointly simulated people and locations. Moreover, compared to the neutral baseline condition we demonstrate a transfer of positive valence from liked and of negative valence from disliked people to their paired locations. We also provide evidence that simulations induce an affective experience that aligns with the valence of the person and that this experience can account for the observed attitude change toward the location. In a final fMRI study, we examine the structure of memory representations encoded in the mPFC. Specifically, we provide evidence for the hypothesis that the mPFC encodes schematic representations of our social and physical environment. We demonstrate that representations of individual exemplars of these environments (i.e., individual people and locations) are closely intertwined with a representation of their value. In sum, our findings show that we can learn from imagined experience much as we learn from actual past experience and that the mPFC plays a key role in simulation-based learning. The mPFC encodes information about our environment in value-weighted schematic representations. These representations can account for the overlap of mnemonic and evaluative functions in the mPFC and might play a key role in simulation-based learning. Our results are in line with a view that our memories of the past serve us in ways that are oriented toward the future. Our ability to simulate potential scenarios allows us to anticipate the future consequences of our choices and thereby fosters farsighted decision making. Thus, our findings help to better characterize the functional role of the mPFC in episodic future simulation and valuation

    Using Movies to Probe the Neurobiology of Anxiety

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    Over the past century, research has helped us build a fundamental understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of anxiety. Specifically, anxiety engages a broad range of cortico-subcortical neural circuitry. Core to this is a ‘defensive response network’ which includes an amygdala-prefrontal circuit that is hypothesized to drive attentional amplification of threat-relevant stimuli in the environment. In order to help prepare the body for defensive behaviors to threat, anxiety also engages peripheral physiological systems. However, our theoretical frameworks of the neurobiology of anxiety are built mostly on the foundations of tightly-controlled experiments, such as task-based fMRI. Whether these findings generalize to more naturalistic settings is unknown. To address this shortcoming, movie-watching paradigms offer an effective tool at the intersection of tightly controlled and entirely naturalistic experiments. Particularly, using suspenseful movies presents a novel and effective means to induce and study anxiety. In this thesis, I demonstrate the potential of movie-watching paradigms in the study of how trait and state anxiety impact the ‘defensive response network’ in the brain, as well as peripheral physiology. The key findings reveal that trait anxiety is associated with differing amygdala-prefrontal responses to suspenseful movies; specific trait anxiety symptoms are linked to altered states of anxiety during suspenseful movies; and states of anxiety during movies impact brain-body communication. Notably, my results frequently diverged from those of conventional task-based experiments. Taken together, the insights gathered from this thesis underscore the utility of movie-watching paradigms for a more nuanced understanding of how anxiety impacts the brain and peripheral physiology. These outcomes provide compelling evidence that further integration of naturalistic methods will be beneficial in the study of the neurobiology of anxiety

    High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography During Passive Movie Viewing: A Platform for Naturalistic Functional Brain Mapping

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    Human neuroimaging techniques enable researchers and clinicians to non-invasively study brain function across the lifespan in both healthy and clinical populations. However, functional brain imaging methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are expensive, resource-intensive, and require dedicated facilities, making these powerful imaging tools generally unavailable for assessing brain function in settings demanding open, unconstrained, and portable neuroimaging assessments. Tools such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) afford greater portability and wearability, but at the expense of cortical field-of-view and spatial resolution. High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (HD-DOT) is an optical neuroimaging modality directly addresses the image quality limitations associated with traditional fNIRS techniques through densely overlapping optical measurements. This thesis aims to establish the feasibility of using HD-DOT in a novel application demanding exceptional portability and flexibility: mapping disrupted cortical activity in chronically malnourished children. I first motivate the need for dense optical measurements of brain tissue to achieve fMRI-comparable localization of brain function (Chapter 2). Then, I present imaging work completed in Cali, Colombia, where a cohort of chronically malnourished children were imaged using a custom HD-DOT instrument to establish feasibility of performing field-based neuroimaging in this population (Chapter 3). Finally, in order to meet the need for age appropriate imaging paradigms in this population, I develop passive movie viewing paradigms for use in optical neuroimaging, a flexible and rich stimulation paradigm that is suitable for both adults and children (Chapter 4)

    Brain Function in Early Childhood: Individual Differences in Age and Attentive Traits

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    Children, like adults, are unique individuals with complex interwoven relationships between brain function, behaviour, and phenotypic traits, which further interact with rapid developmental processes. A nuanced description of variability between children will add to our knowledge of how they think and behave, and potentially advance the development of personalized early interventions. With functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we have gained insight into brain responses – however, due to practical considerations, we have been unable to render a complete understanding of brain-behaviour relationships in young children. The use of naturalistic stimuli in fMRI studies has increased the ecological validity and the retention of developmental neuroimaging data. In this dissertation, I sought to explore the relationships between age, attentive traits, and inter-individual variability of brain function in young children in naturalistic paradigms. I conducted a scoping review to synthesize the current and historical task- and naturalistic-fMRI literature on the development of visual processing in the brain, through the lens of two influential theories: the interactive specialization and maturational frameworks. I found that while there is generally a consensus of progressive development of visual brain function throughout childhood, there is not enough evidence to fully support other aspects of these theories. I also conducted two experiments, using naturalistic fMRI and an analysis technique called inter-subject correlation (ISC), which quantifies the spatiotemporal similarity of brain activity between individuals, to explore how age and attentive traits affect inter-individual variability of brain function in children aged 4-8 years. I found that children’s brain responses to movies “homogenized” with increasing age in our sample, with greater variability seen in the younger children. Further, both inattention and hyperactivity were associated with ISC in the sample, though the relationships with these traits were different in widespread regions of the brain. Together, my research advances our understanding of functional brain responses in children and underscores the importance of an individual differences approach to developmental neuroimaging