304 research outputs found

    Formal Reasoning Using an Iterative Approach with an Integrated Web IDE

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    This paper summarizes our experience in communicating the elements of reasoning about correctness, and the central role of formal specifications in reasoning about modular, component-based software using a language and an integrated Web IDE designed for the purpose. Our experience in using such an IDE, supported by a 'push-button' verifying compiler in a classroom setting, reveals the highly iterative process learners use to arrive at suitably specified, automatically provable code. We explain how the IDE facilitates reasoning at each step of this process by providing human readable verification conditions (VCs) and feedback from an integrated prover that clearly indicates unprovable VCs to help identify obstacles to completing proofs. The paper discusses the IDE's usage in verified software development using several examples drawn from actual classroom lectures and student assignments to illustrate principles of design-by-contract and the iterative process of creating and subsequently refining assertions, such as loop invariants in object-based code.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    The AutoProof Verifier: Usability by Non-Experts and on Standard Code

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    Formal verification tools are often developed by experts for experts; as a result, their usability by programmers with little formal methods experience may be severely limited. In this paper, we discuss this general phenomenon with reference to AutoProof: a tool that can verify the full functional correctness of object-oriented software. In particular, we present our experiences of using AutoProof in two contrasting contexts representative of non-expert usage. First, we discuss its usability by students in a graduate course on software verification, who were tasked with verifying implementations of various sorting algorithms. Second, we evaluate its usability in verifying code developed for programming assignments of an undergraduate course. The first scenario represents usability by serious non-experts; the second represents usability on "standard code", developed without full functional verification in mind. We report our experiences and lessons learnt, from which we derive some general suggestions for furthering the development of verification tools with respect to improving their usability.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Jasmin: high-assurance and high-speed cryptography

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    Jasmin is a framework for developing high-speed and high-assurance cryptographic software. The framework is structured around the Jasmin programming language and its compiler. The language is designed for enhancing portability of programs and for simplifying verification tasks. The compiler is designed to achieve predictability and effciency of the output code (currently limited to x64 platforms), and is formally verified in the Coq proof assistant. Using the supercop framework, we evaluate the Jasmin compiler on representative cryptographic routines and conclude that the code generated by the compiler is as efficient as fast, hand-crafted, implementations. Moreover, the framework includes highly automated tools for proving memory safety and constant-time security (for protecting against cache-based timing attacks). We also demonstrate the effectiveness of the verification tools on a large set of cryptographic routines.TEC4Growth - Pervasive Intelligence, Enhancers and Proofs of Concept with Industrial Impact/NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER- 000020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automated verification of Nested DFS

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    In this paper we demonstrate the automated verification of the Nested Depth-First Search (NDFS) algorithm for detecting accepting cycles. The starting point is a recursive formulation of the NDFS algorithm. We use Dafny to annotate the algorithm with invariants and a global specification. The global specification requires that NDFS indeed solves the accepting cycle problem. The invariants are proved automatically by the SMT solver Z3 underlying Dafny. The global specifications, however, need some inductive reasoning on paths in a graph. To prove these properties, some auxiliary lemmas had to be provided. The full specification is contained in this paper. It fits on 4 pages, is verified by Dafny in about 2 minutes, and was developed in a couple of weeks

    Specification Reuse using Data Refinement in Dafny

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    Data refinement is a technique for transforming system specifications into system implementation that differs in data types. It gives us the freedom to write specifications in a way that is independent of its implementation; moreover we can generate multiple implementations without changing the system specifications, the client does not have to worry about the underlying implementation. Abstraction Invariant is used to relate the high level abstract specification to its concrete implementation. Dafny is a research language developed by Microsoft. Its main focus is data refinement. The language provides the rich mathematical properties such as sequences, sets and multi-set, along with functions, predicates, methods and user defined data types. In Dafny the Abstraction Invariant is in the form of a function, which is added as a pre and post conditions to all of methods and functions. Given this function one can verify that the code is providing the implementation that satisfies its specifications even when the specification is defined in term of one data structure and the code is implemented in term of another data structure. Dafny works with Boogie which is a static program verifier and the SMT solver Z3. These are the main underlying technologies for verification: Dafny code is translated in to Boogie from which the verification conditions are generated for Z3 in order to verify the program. In this research the programmer over head is identified when replacing one implementation to another in terms of underlying data structure change while preserving the client specification. The motivation behind this work is to assist programmers to come up with a quick solution in situations such as “slow system performance” with new system implementation. Moreover, a semi automatic tool is developed for transforming one implementation to another without changing the client specifications. The result is the generation of a semi verified program whose implementation is in terms of a data structure other than that used in the specifications. The verification can be fully automatic through the provision of implementation details from the user

    Building an IDE for the Calculational Derivation of Imperative Programs

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    In this paper, we describe an IDE called CAPS (Calculational Assistant for Programming from Specifications) for the interactive, calculational derivation of imperative programs. In building CAPS, our aim has been to make the IDE accessible to non-experts while retaining the overall flavor of the pen-and-paper calculational style. We discuss the overall architecture of the CAPS system, the main features of the IDE, the GUI design, and the trade-offs involved.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338
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