50,142 research outputs found

    Report on the Information Retrieval Festival (IRFest2017)

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    The Information Retrieval Festival took place in April 2017 in Glasgow. The focus of the workshop was to bring together IR researchers from the various Scottish universities and beyond in order to facilitate more awareness, increased interaction and reflection on the status of the field and its future. The program included an industry session, research talks, demos and posters as well as two keynotes. The first keynote was delivered by Prof. Jaana Kekalenien, who provided a historical, critical reflection of realism in Interactive Information Retrieval Experimentation, while the second keynote was delivered by Prof. Maarten de Rijke, who argued for more Artificial Intelligence usage in IR solutions and deployments. The workshop was followed by a "Tour de Scotland" where delegates were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen for the European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR 2017

    Affective feedback: an investigation into the role of emotions in the information seeking process

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    User feedback is considered to be a critical element in the information seeking process, especially in relation to relevance assessment. Current feedback techniques determine content relevance with respect to the cognitive and situational levels of interaction that occurs between the user and the retrieval system. However, apart from real-life problems and information objects, users interact with intentions, motivations and feelings, which can be seen as critical aspects of cognition and decision-making. The study presented in this paper serves as a starting point to the exploration of the role of emotions in the information seeking process. Results show that the latter not only interweave with different physiological, psychological and cognitive processes, but also form distinctive patterns, according to specific task, and according to specific user

    Agent familiarity and emotional context influence the everyday empathic responding of young children with autism

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    Whereas research addressing empathy in ASD tends to employ pencil-and-paper and lab-based behavioural methods, the current study is novel in eliciting parent-report data regarding everyday empathy, sampling various emotional situations regularly encountered by children. Parents of typically-developing children and children diagnosed with ASD and DS completed the newly-developed Day-to-Day Child Empathy Questionnaire. Analysis of descriptions of their children’s responses to the various empathy-inducing situations supports the notion of an empathy deficit in ASD, confirming previous laboratory-based findings. However, important moderation effects were also demonstrated, for both control and clinical groups. In particular, parents reported children in all groups to be more likely to respond empathically to a familiar agent. The nature of children’s responses also according to the specific emotional context

    Plug-in to fear: game biosensors and negative physiological responses to music

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    The games industry is beginning to embark on an ambitious journey into the world of biometric gaming in search of more exciting and immersive gaming experiences. Whether or not biometric game technologies hold the key to unlock the “ultimate gaming experience” hinges not only on technological advancements alone but also on the game industry’s understanding of physiological responses to stimuli of different kinds, and its ability to interpret physiological data in terms of indicative meaning. With reference to horror genre games and music in particular, this article reviews some of the scientific literature relating to specific physiological responses induced by “fearful” or “unpleasant” musical stimuli, and considers some of the challenges facing the games industry in its quest for the ultimate “plugged-in” experience

    The influence of cognition and emotion on Nigerian undergraduates frustration during e-Registration

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    This study was designed to investigate the relative and combined contributions of cognition and emotion to Nigerian undergraduates’ level of computer frustration in online environments. The 1972 students who participated in the study were randomly selected from the two state-owned universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The data for the study were collected through the use of the Students’ Cognition Scale, Students’ Emotion Scale, and Students’ Computer Frustration Scale. Data analysis involved the use of mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics, as well as the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis as inferential statistics. The research findings revealed that students encountered various frustrating experiences during e-Registration and that a combination of the predictor variables, cognition and emotion, significantly accounted for 2.5% of the variance in the students’ level of frustration. Cognition was found to be the more potent contributor to this frustration. The results of this study further indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the level of computer frustration among students at the two universities, potentially due to the relative differences in the schools’ technology facilities. Recommendations are made at the end of this paper in accordance with the findings of the study

    Examining the antecedents and outcomes of Romanian entrepreneurial orientation

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    The purpose of the current study is to examine the impact of Romanian entrepreneurs' thinking styles on their entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and emotional intelligence (EI). More specifically, we examine how thinking style and risk preference - both separately and interactively - contribute to an individual's EO and EI. In addition, we examine the ways in which EO and EI impact affective organizational commitment. Consistent with expectations, Romanian entrepreneurs with high risk preference demonstrated greater EI than those with low risk preference. Furthermore, Romanian entrepreneurs with a nonlinear thinking style and high risk preference exhibited greater EO than those with a linear thinking style and low risk preference. Finally, Romanian entrepreneurs with high EI and high EO demonstrated greater affective organizational commitment than entrepreneurs with low EI and low EO. We conclude with a discussion of the study's findings, research limitations, and implications for future research.Entrepreneurial cognition; entrepreneurial orientation; international entrepreneurship.

    Affect-based information retrieval

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    One of the main challenges Information Retrieval (IR) systems face nowadays originates from the semantic gap problem: the semantic difference between a user’s query representation and the internal representation of an information item in a collection. The gap is further widened when the user is driven by an ill-defined information need, often the result of an anomaly in his/her current state of knowledge. The formulated search queries, which are submitted to the retrieval systems to locate relevant items, produce poor results that do not address the users’ information needs. To deal with information need uncertainty IR systems have employed in the past a range of feedback techniques, which vary from explicit to implicit. The first category of feedback techniques necessitates the communication of explicit relevance judgments, in return for better query reformulations and recommendations of relevant results. However, the latter happens at the expense of users’ cognitive resources and, furthermore, introduces an additional layer of complexity to the search process. On the other hand, implicit feedback techniques make inferences on what is relevant based on observations of user search behaviour. By doing so, they disengage users from the cognitive burden of document rating and relevance assessments. However, both categories of RF techniques determine topical relevance with respect to the cognitive and situational levels of interaction, failing to acknowledge the importance of emotions in cognition and decision making. In this thesis I investigate the role of emotions in the information seeking process and develop affective feedback techniques for interactive IR. This novel feedback framework aims to aid the search process and facilitate a more natural and meaningful interaction. I develop affective models that determine topical relevance based on information gathered from various sensory channels, and enhance their performance using personalisation techniques. Furthermore, I present an operational video retrieval system that employs affective feedback to enrich user profiles and offers meaningful recommendations of unseen videos. The use of affective feedback as a surrogate for the information need is formalised as the Affective Model of Browsing. This is a cognitive model that motivates the use of evidence extracted from the psycho-somatic mobilisation that occurs during cognitive appraisal. Finally, I address some of the ethical and privacy issues that arise from the social-emotional interaction between users and computer systems. This study involves questionnaire data gathered over three user studies, from 74 participants of different educational background, ethnicity and search experience. The results show that affective feedback is a promising area of research and it can improve many aspects of the information seeking process, such as indexing, ranking and recommendation. Eventually, it may be that relevance inferences obtained from affective models will provide a more robust and personalised form of feedback, which will allow us to deal more effectively with issues such as the semantic gap

    Student profiling in a dispositional learning analytics application using formative assessment

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    How learning disposition data can help us translating learning feedback from a learning analytics application into actionable learning interventions, is the main focus of this empirical study. It extends previous work where the focus was on deriving timely prediction models in a data rich context, encompassing trace data from learning management systems, formative assessment data, e-tutorial trace data as well as learning dispositions. In this same educational context, the current study investigates how the application of cluster analysis based on e-tutorial trace data allows student profiling into different at-risk groups, and how these at-risk groups can be characterized with the help of learning disposition data. It is our conjecture that establishing a chain of antecedent-consequence relationships starting from learning disposition, through student activity in e-tutorials and formative assessment performance, to course performance, adds a crucial dimension to current learning analytics studies: that of profiling students with descriptors that easily lend themselves to the design of educational interventions
