17 research outputs found

    Strategic Use of Electronic Commerce by SMEs: Some Lessons from Cases in Japanese Distribution Channel and Research Framework

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    Nowadays, e-commerce and its applicability are in controversy throughout the world. Firms in all sizes are facing with various barriers in adopting e-commerce. For case of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), there are much more obstacles than large companies have face with, therefore, the model that is fit and effective for SMEs may quite different from large enterprises’ ones. This paper takes up case of Japanese distribution channels to illustrate the major impact of information technology on SMEs, finds out the role of e-commerce within SMEs distribution systems in Japanese economy, and then, points out some major barriers that prevent SMEs from entering into e-commerce. Finally, we propose an analytical framework for e-commerce penetration into SMEs as a guideline of future research in this area

    Electronic Commerce in Korea: Critical Success Factors

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    Ex-ante and Ex-post Ecommerce Evaluation: current status and directions for future research

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    After the recent “dotcom meltdown”, many organisations now appear to be re-evaluating their e-Commerce ventures. Similarly, some firms are exhibiting healthy business operations. E-Commerce evaluation remains an important but difficult issue. The application of these evaluation methods may assist in correcting system behaviour and improving future performance. These methods receive considerable attention in the literature, and debate surrounding their efficacy continues. This paper argues that, despite the apparent differences between conventional information systems and newer e-Commerce systems, e-Commerce evaluation should fall within the context of more traditional IS evaluation. However, this evaluation may be best conducted before and after system adoption. The paper discusses perspectives for undertaking such evaluation, and proposes valuable avenues for further research in the area

    Characteristics of Adoption and Use of B2B Enabling Technologies in Australian Companies

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    This paper uses data from Australian companies to compare and examine characteristics of adoption and use of emerging technologies such as the Internet. In order to achieve this the use of emerging technologies is compared to the use of established technologies (such as EDI) on the basis of company size, industry and ANZSIC code (an industry classification code similar to the International Standard Industrial Classification ISIC). The functions of current and planned websites are also compared on the basis of these demographic variables, and a causal model is used to examine the implications of implementation of Internet technologies. The results indicate that many of the same characteristics identified for the adoption and use of established technologies will not hold true for emerging technologies such as the Internet. It is, however, also noted that some critical characteristics for improving performance through the use of these enabling technologies appear unchanged, irrespective of their improved ease of implementation and use

    Performance Analysis of Three Database Server Distribution Algorithms

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    Although the concept of the distributed database has been around for over 20 years, it has not dominated the computer landscape especially in business-related applications. This paper will explore the effectiveness of distributed database under a variety of conditions by conducting experiments using a number of different combinations of variables listed below. Specifically, the following questions will be researched: How does the workload intensity influence the need and performance of distributed database applications? How does the number of nodes the database is stored upon affect the data access time? How does the method used to assign a given query to a specific database node influence the access time? The first variable is workload intensity. It is expected as intensity increases the need to utilize some form of distributed database increases. The second factor is number of nodes upon which the database is distributed. One would expect that as the number of nodes increases, access time would be reduced. The third variable is the algorithm used to distribute the inquiries across multiple nodes. A symmetric algorithm, one that provides an equal chance of any given inquiry landing on any specific node, would be expected to offer the most promise. However, results indicate the load balanced method outperforms both the sequential and random selection methods


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    As compras coletivas surgiram no Brasil em meados de 2010 e rapidamente fixaram-se como uma forte fonte de publicidade digital ao intermediar relações entre clientes e empresas na modalidade de comércio digital de produtos e serviços. Seu diferencial consiste em ofertar vantagem a seus stakeholders – clientes e investidores, seja por meio de descontos nas compras, como por meio de marketing digital. O caso em questão aborda o tema ao ilustrar o comportamento de uma estudante brasileira adicta ao website Peixe Urbano, portal da Internet que incorporou o país ao fenômeno das compras coletivas, e levará o leitor a compreender e questionar as nuances do mercado digital, bem como a forte influência do comércio eletrônico como base do negócio

    O turismo no Centro Histórico de Florianópolis (SC): Um estudo realizado no Facebook sob a ótica dos 4 a’s do benchmarking

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as vitrines de marketing de empresas de turismo que divulgam o centro histórico de Florianópolis (SC) como um atrativo turístico, no Facebook, utilizando como metodologia os 4 A’S (acessibilidade, atração, animação e ação) da matriz do Modelo Inglês de Benchmarking e como ferramenta para análise de dados o software Iramuteq. A hipótese formulada foi confirmada. As vitrines apresentam dados da matriz dos 4 A’s do Modelo Inglês de Benchmarking e as informações são divulgadas sob a forma de Roteiros Turísticos, os quais associam os atrativos turísticos culturais do Centro Histórico a outros atrativos turísticos culturais e naturais, como paisagens e praias. Importante salientar a relevância dada à divulgação do meio de transporte terrestre e dos períodos que ele é disponibilizado. Os resultados obtidos poderão contribuir com a elaboração/qualificação das vitrines de marketing de empresas de turismo que divulgam os centros históricos das cidades, com a criação de movimentos que resultem na criação de políticas públicas em prol da preservação/conservação do patrimônio cultural e com o desenvolvimento do turismo cultural, promovendo oportunidades para o crescimento da renda para as entidades públicas, privadas e para os residentes

    Determinants of B2B E-commerce Implementation and Performance: a Causal Model from Australian Empirical Evidence

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    Much of the literature proposes an extensive set of benefits for organizations that choose to implement a range of B2B e-commerce technologies. Another parallel theme that emerges is that implementation has been limited for many of the established technologies and practices such as EDI. This paper seeks to address the question of what some of the determinants of implementation of these technologies could be, and how these relate to the issue of business performance. A causal model has been developed based on data from 335 Australian companies that have been involved in the use of B2B enabling technologies for the management of their supply chains. The results provide some interesting insights, particularly in clarifying the nature of the relationship between extent of implementation and performance. In the case of the former, extent of implementation has no significant direct effect on performance, although they are highly correlated. The nature of the relationship is shown to result from their shared dependence on other organizational factors such as capability, process for formulation of strategic logic and knowledge of technological options and potential

    Estudio bibliográfico sobre el tipo de presencia de las empresas en Internet

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    El tema de Internet sigue suscitando un gran interés en la sociedad actual. Sin embargo, y considerando lo mucho que se escribe sobre el tema, sobretodo en la prensa popular, para las empresas la decisión de “entrar en el mundo virtual” empieza por ser un poco confusa. En este trabajo son analizadas y clasificadas las diferentes utilizaciones que las empresas pueden hacer de Internet a través de sus sitios web. La clasificación de las diferentes utilizaciones identificadas es realizada con base en su aportación para las tareas y actividades desarrolladas en el seno de la empresa, las cuales fueran agrupadas, siguiendo el enfoque sistémico, en los subsistemas de Dirección y Gestión, Comercial, de Producción/Operaciones, Financiero, de Recursos Humanos y de Información