2 research outputs found

    Developing heuristic evaluation methods for large screen information exhibits based on critical parameters

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    Evaluation is the key to effective interface design. It becomes even more important when the interfaces are for cutting edge technology, in application areas that are new and with little prior design knowledge. Knowing how to evaluate new interfaces can decrease development effort and increase the returns on resources spent on formative evaluation. The problem is that there are few, if any, readily available evaluation tools for these new interfaces. This work focuses on the creation and testing of a new set of heuristics that are tailored to the large screen information exhibit (LSIE) system class. This new set is created through a structured process that relies upon critical parameters associated with the notification systems design space. By inspecting example systems, performing claims analysis, categorizing claims, extracting design knowledge, and finally synthesizing heuristics; we have created a usable set of heuristics that is better equipped for supporting formative evaluation. Contributions of this work include: a structured heuristic creation process based on critical parameters, a new set of heuristics tailored to the LSIE system class, reusable design knowledge in the form of claims and high level design issues, and a new usability evaluation method compariso

    Software de gestão pedagógica e administrativa para as escolas

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    Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professor Doutor José Carlos Metrôlho, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.Existe uma utilização crescente dos meios informáticos na escola, como mecanismo essencial para proceder à tão desejada mudança e modernização. Este relatório descreve um projeto que pretende concentrar todo o processo de avaliação numa única aplicação web, permitindo criar mecanismo autónomos de tratamento de informação, e estatísticos, inerentes ao processo de avaliação, produção de gráficos, notificações, relatórios e comunicações, de forma a reduzir drasticamente a dispersão e redundância de documentos e assim melhorar substancialmente a produtividade dos professores da escola. O conjunto de dados produzidos permitirá suportar a informação necessária à Avaliação Externa das Instituições. A investigação documental e ativa foi desenvolvida no Agrupamento de Escolas de Arronches que atualmente se encontra a implementar o Plano de Ação de Melhoria, que de entre outras ações visa melhorar os níveis de sucesso às disciplinas de Português e Matemática.ABSTRACT: There is an increasing use of electronic means in the school, as an essential mechanism for the much desired change and modernization. This report describes a project that aims to focus the entire evaluation process in a single web application, allowing to create autonomous mechanisms of information and statistical processing that are inherent to the evaluation process, production of graphics, notifications, reports and communications in order to drastically reduce dispersion and document redundancy, and thereby substantially improve the productivity of school teachers. The set of data produced will support the necessary information to the External Evaluation committee. The documental and active research was developed in Arronches Schools Group which is currently implementing the Improvement Action Plan, which among other things aims to improve the levels of success in the disciplines of Portuguese and Mathematics