3 research outputs found

    Gamified Feedback in Electronic Negotiation Training

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    Negotiations are a relevant and highly complex business skill. Therefore, extensive training is required to become a good negotiator. Such training is offered by universities for their students and by companies for their employees. The present paper designs gamified feedback features in electronic negotiation training and evaluates their potential and their effects. Following a design science research method, feedback mechanisms in electronic negotiation training are derived from literature. An assessment regarding their relevance for e-negotiation training shows a preparation quiz, set and track goals and expert reviews to be the most useful gamified feedback mechanisms. Dedicated mock-ups implementing these feedback mechanisms are designed and evaluated in semi-structured interviews showing their capability to improve relevant negotiation skills, as well as motivation and competence of the learners. Out of the three mock-ups, the interviewees prefer the feedback mechanisms “expert review” and “set and track goals”; both mechanisms provide a competence-confirming learning experience and an autonomous learning experience

    Developing Analytic, Cognitive and Linguistic Skills with an Electronic Negotiation System

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    An increasing number of Web-based systems, including brainstorming, decision-making, and negotiation support systems, are being developed to aid users in solving particular types of problems in various contexts. These systems can be effectively used in language teaching providing learning experience in an authentic setting. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the value of integrating Inspire, a Web-based negotiation support system, to augment conventional teaching of communication and academic skills in second language courses. Inspire provides a platform and tools for negotiators to work together to resolve their differences. The preparation for the negotiation and the conduct of the negotiation in an asynchronous mode are designed to give the users control over the process and the outcome of their negotiations. Exchange of offers, counteroffers and messages creates a framework for a meaningful interaction, where results depend on the users ’ decisions and their ability to communicate effectively. Going through different phases of the negotiation, the students develop analytic, cognitive and linguistic skills, albeit some better than others. The paper argues that systems oriented on solving problems in a group setting lend themselves to the communicative approach to language teaching embedded in the theory of second language acquisition. It also discusses issues related to its adoption, and suggests strategies for its diffusion