6 research outputs found

    Fast Algorithms for Parameterized Problems with Relaxed Disjointness Constraints

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    In parameterized complexity, it is a natural idea to consider different generalizations of classic problems. Usually, such generalization are obtained by introducing a "relaxation" variable, where the original problem corresponds to setting this variable to a constant value. For instance, the problem of packing sets of size at most pp into a given universe generalizes the Maximum Matching problem, which is recovered by taking p=2p=2. Most often, the complexity of the problem increases with the relaxation variable, but very recently Abasi et al. have given a surprising example of a problem --- rr-Simple kk-Path --- that can be solved by a randomized algorithm with running time O(2O(klogrr))O^*(2^{O(k \frac{\log r}{r})}). That is, the complexity of the problem decreases with rr. In this paper we pursue further the direction sketched by Abasi et al. Our main contribution is a derandomization tool that provides a deterministic counterpart of the main technical result of Abasi et al.: the O(2O(klogrr))O^*(2^{O(k \frac{\log r}{r})}) algorithm for (r,k)(r,k)-Monomial Detection, which is the problem of finding a monomial of total degree kk and individual degrees at most rr in a polynomial given as an arithmetic circuit. Our technique works for a large class of circuits, and in particular it can be used to derandomize the result of Abasi et al. for rr-Simple kk-Path. On our way to this result we introduce the notion of representative sets for multisets, which may be of independent interest. Finally, we give two more examples of problems that were already studied in the literature, where the same relaxation phenomenon happens. The first one is a natural relaxation of the Set Packing problem, where we allow the packed sets to overlap at each element at most rr times. The second one is Degree Bounded Spanning Tree, where we seek for a spanning tree of the graph with a small maximum degree

    The Graph Motif problem parameterized by the structure of the input graph

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    The Graph Motif problem was introduced in 2006 in the context of biological networks. It consists of deciding whether or not a multiset of colors occurs in a connected subgraph of a vertex-colored graph. Graph Motif has been mostly analyzed from the standpoint of parameterized complexity. The main parameters which came into consideration were the size of the multiset and the number of colors. Though, in the many applications of Graph Motif, the input graph originates from real-life and has structure. Motivated by this prosaic observation, we systematically study its complexity relatively to graph structural parameters. For a wide range of parameters, we give new or improved FPT algorithms, or show that the problem remains intractable. For the FPT cases, we also give some kernelization lower bounds as well as some ETH-based lower bounds on the worst case running time. Interestingly, we establish that Graph Motif is W[1]-hard (while in W[P]) for parameter max leaf number, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first problem to behave this way.Comment: 24 pages, accepted in DAM, conference version in IPEC 201

    Mixing Color Coding-Related Techniques

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    Narrow sieves, representative sets and divide-and-color are three breakthrough color coding-related techniques, which led to the design of extremely fast parameterized algorithms. We present a novel family of strategies for applying mixtures of them. This includes: (a) a mix of representative sets and narrow sieves; (b) a faster computation of representative sets under certain separateness conditions, mixed with divide-and-color and a new technique, "balanced cutting"; (c) two mixtures of representative sets, iterative compression and a new technique, "unbalanced cutting". We demonstrate our strategies by obtaining, among other results, significantly faster algorithms for kk-Internal Out-Branching and Weighted 3-Set kk-Packing, and a framework for speeding-up the previous best deterministic algorithms for kk-Path, kk-Tree, rr-Dimensional kk-Matching, Graph Motif and Partial Cover