4 research outputs found

    Adaptive Project Monitoring and Control with Variable Reviewing Intervals

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    This paper presents a managerial project control scheme in which the time between the control points is not fixed but instead is a function of the distance between the planned and the current performance levels. Varying the reviewing interval improves the efficiency of the project monitoring and control process and allows project managers to obtain the required information more quickly. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, a systematic computational experiment is carried out. Besides, a practical case study is given to illustrate the applicability of the proposed scheme. The results reveal the satisfactory performance of the adaptive control scheme

    Simulation supported facility design: Application in a manufacturing system

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    Sistem simülasyonu gerçek sistem üzerinde değişiklik yapılmasının mümkün olmadığı ya da oldukça maliyetli olduğu durumlarda kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Simülasyon, araştırmacılar tarafından birçok alanda uygulanmış ve başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada; üretim yapan bir işletmede tesis yerleşiminden kaynaklı problemlerin çözümü için simülasyon yönteminden yararlanılacaktır. Üretim yapan bir işletmede sistematik bir yerleşim düzeni çalışmasının bulunmaması halinde işletmeye ait iş akış süreçlerinde makine ve iş beklemeleri, makine ve işçilerin aşırı yüklenmesi vb. durumlarla karşılaşmayı kaçınılmaz kılar. Ayrıca yerleşim düzeninin yeterli olmaması bölümler/makineler arasında gereksiz taşıma maliyetlerinin oluşmasına sebebiyet verir. Eğer işletme tesis yerleşimi sistematik bir biçimde düzenlenirse; taşıma maliyetlerinin azalmasıyla birlikte üretim maliyetleri de azalma gösterecektir. Bu çalışmada; üretim yapan bir işletmenin yanlış yerleşiminden kaynaklanan maliyet artışlarının ortadan kaldırılması hedeflenmektedir. İlk olarak işletmenin tesis yerleşimi incelenerek; sistematik bir şekilde iyileştirme önerileri yapılacaktır. Daha sonra mevcut durum ve önerilen durum simüle edilerek taşıma maliyetleri, darboğaz kaynaklar, vb. açıdan karşılaştırma yapılacaktır. Ayrıca yine mevcut sistemde darboğaz oluşturan kaynaklar belirlenip; farklı senaryolar ile kaynak planlaması için önerilerde bulunulacaktır.System simulation is a very useful method when it is not possible to make changes on the reel system or it is very costly. Simulation has been applied by researchers in many fields and successful results have been obtained. In this study, the simulation method will be used to solve the problems arising from the facility layout in a manufacturing enterprise. Lack of a systematic layout study in a manufacturing enterprise; it makes it inevitable to encounter situations such as machine and job waiting, overloading of machinery and workers in the workflow processes of the enterprise. Insufficient layout causes unnecessary transportation costs between departments/machines. If business facility layout is systematically arranged; with the reduction of transportation costs, production costs can be reduced, and the competitiveness of the company can be increased. In this study, it is aimed to eliminate the cost increases caused by settlement in a manufacturing enterprise. The production system is first examined by examining the facility layout; systematic suggestions for improvement will be made. Due to the difficulty of implementing it on the real system; the comparison of the current situation and the proposed situation can be made by using simulation method. Also, through the simulation of the existing system, resources that create a bottleneck in the system are determined. Suggestions will be made for resource planning with different scenarios

    Integration of occupational safety and health in project management

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    Projektni menadžment idealan je instrument za ostvarivanje ciljeva sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u tvrtkama i drugim organizacijama. Sigurnost i zdravlje na radu trebali bi biti integrirani u sve procese i sve proizvode te na taj način pridonijeti društveno odgovornomu poslovanju organizacije i održivomu razvoju tvrtke. Integriranost sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u procese projektnog menadžmenta i/ili u određeni projekt trebala bi predstavljati početak inkrementalne izmjene već uspostavljenih koncepata i načina, zbog traganja za novim rješenjima i konceptima, čime bi se pridonijelo razvoju sigurnosne znanosti i struke. Cilj je rada na temelju sustavnoga pregleda domaće i strane stručne literature utvrditi stupanj integriranosti sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu u projektni menadžment ili određeni projekt te uputiti na mogućnosti za daljnje istraživanje. Rezultatima iz istraživanja širi se raspon znanja i vještina o raspoloživim načinima za uspješnije postizanje ciljeva u sigurnosnoj znanosti i struci koji će imati teorijske i praktične implikacije za njezin daljnji razvoj.Project management is an ideal instrument for achieving occupational health and safety objectives in enterprises and other organizations. Occupational safety and health should be integrated into all processes and products, thus contributing to the corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. The integration of occupational safety and health into project management processes and/or into a single project is supposed to be the beginning of an incremental change in already established concepts and in searching for new solutions and concepts, thus contributing to the development of safety science and the profession. The purpose of the paper is to determine, on the basis of a systematic review of domestic and foreign literature, the degree of integration of occupational safety and health in project management or individual project, and identify the groundwork for further research. Based on the results obtained from the theoretical research we will expand knowledge of the available ways to achieve more successfully the goals in safety science, which will have theoretical and practical implications for its further development

    Determining the timing of project control points using a facility location model and simulation

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    Projects are usually performed in relatively unstable environments. As such, changes to the baseline schedules of projects are inevitable. Therefore, project progress needs to be monitored and controlled. The control process can be assumed as a continuum in which one side is continuous control and the other side is no-control. Continuous control and no-control strategies are cost-wise prohibited. Hence, project progress should be controlled at some discrete points in time during the project's duration. The optimal number and timing of control points are the main issues that should be addressed. In this paper, taking a dynamic view to the project control, for the first time we use an adapted version of the facility location model (FLM) to find the optimal timing of project control points. Initially, the adapted FLM determines the optimum timing of the control points in the project's duration. A simulation model is then used to predict the possible disruptions in the time period between the beginning of the project and the first control point (monitoring phase). If no disruptions are observed, the project's progress is monitored in the second control point, otherwise possible corrective actions are taken using an activity compression model. Whenever due to disruptions, the baseline schedule is to be updated, the FLM is run again to determine the new timing of the control points for the rest of the project's duration. In an iterative manner, this process continues until the timing of the last control point is determined.status: publishe