9 research outputs found

    Optimal transmit filters for constrained complexity channel shortening detectors

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    We consider intersymbol interference channels with reduced-complexity, mutual information optimized, channel shortening detectors. For a given channel and receiver complexity, we optimize the transmit filter to use. The cost function we consider is the (Shannon) achievable information rate of the entire transceiver system. By functional analysis, we can establish a general form of the optimal transmit filter, which can then be optimized by standard numerical methods. As a side result, we also obtain an insight of the behaviour of the standard waterfilling algorithm for intersymbol interference channels

    Write Channel Model for Bit-Patterned Media Recording

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    We propose a new write channel model for bit-patterned media recording that reflects the data dependence of write synchronization errors. It is shown that this model accommodates both substitution-like errors and insertion-deletion errors whose statistics are determined by an underlying channel state process. We study information theoretic properties of the write channel model, including the capacity, symmetric information rate, Markov-1 rate and the zero-error capacity.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, journa

    Lattice-Based Coding Schemes for Wireless Relay Networks

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    Compute-and-forward is a novel relaying paradigm in wireless communications in which relays in a network directly compute or decode functions of signals transmitted from multiple transmitters and forward them to a central destination. In this dissertation, we study three problems related to compute-and-forward. In the first problem, we consider the use of lattice codes for implementing a compute-and-forward protocol in wireless networks when channel state information is not available at the transmitter. We propose the use of lattice codes over Eisenstein integers and we prove the existence of a sequence of lattices over Eisenstein integers which are good for quantization and achieve capacity over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Using this, we show that the information rates achievable with nested lattice codebooks over Eisenstein integers are higher than those achievable with nested lattice codebooks over integers considered by Nazer and Gastpar in [6] in the average sense. We also propose a separation-based framework for compute-and-forward that is based on the concatenation of a non-binary linear code with a modulation scheme derived from the ring of Eisenstein integers, which enables the coding gain and shaping gain to be separated, resulting in significantly higher theoretically achievable computation rates. In the second problem, we construct lattices based on spatially-coupled low-density parity check (LDPC) codes and empirically show that such lattices can approach the Poltyrev limit very closely for the point-to-point unconstrained AWGN channel. We then employ these lattices to implement a compute-and-forward protocol and empirically show that these lattices can approach the theoretically achievable rates closely. In the third problem, we present a new coding scheme based on concatenating a newly introduced class of lattice codes called convolutional lattice codes with LDPC codes, which we refer to as concatenated convolutional lattice codes (CCLS) and study their application to compute-and-forward (CF). The decoding algorithm for CCLC is based on an appropriate combination of the stack decoder with a message passing algorithm, and is computationally much more efficient than the conventional decoding algorithm for convolutional lattice codes. Simulation results show that CCLC can approach the point-to-point uniform input AWGN capacity very closely with soft decision decoding. Also, we show that they possess the required algebraic structure which makes them suitable for recovering linear combinations (over a finite field) of the transmitted signals in a multiple access channel. This facilitates their use as a coding scheme for the compute-and-forward paradigm. Simulation results show that CCLC can approach theoretically achievable rates very closely when implemented for the compute-and-forward