4 research outputs found

    Studies of ionic liquid modified materials for adsorption of organic pollutants from aqueous media.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2015.Abstract available in PDF file

    Adsorbents for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery

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    Adsorption is a well-established operation used for water decontamination and the remediation of industrial effluents. It is also recognized as a key technology for recovering substances of economic interest or those at risk of scarcity. The new sustainability paradigm of the circular economy and the current context of promoting the efficient use of natural resources, water and energy have been motivating the search for eco-friendly adsorbents for water and wastewater treatment and resource recovery. This Special Issue compiles 21 papers (17 research articles and 4 reviews), addressing the removal of heavy metals, toxic metalloids, precious metals and organics from aqueous solution, using a wide variety of adsorbents derived from natural and waste materials

    Towards a circular economy: fabrication and characterization of biodegradable plates from sugarcane waste

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    Bagasse pulp is a promising material to produce biodegradable plates. Bagasse is the fibrous residue that remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. It is a renewable resource and is widely available in many countries, making it an attractive alternative to traditional plastic plates. Recent research has shown that biodegradable plates made from Bagasse pulp have several advantages over traditional plastic plates. For example, they are more environmentally friendly because they are made from renewable resources and can be composted after use. Additionally, they are safer for human health because they do not contain harmful chemicals that can leach into food. The production process for Bagasse pulp plates is also relatively simple and cost-effective. Bagasse is first collected and then processed to remove impurities and extract the pulp. The pulp is then molded into the desired shape and dried to form a sturdy plate. Overall, biodegradable plates made from Bagasse pulp are a promising alternative to traditional plastic plates. They are environmentally friendly, safe for human health, and cost-effective to produce. As such, they have the potential to play an important role in reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable practices. Over the years, the world was not paying strict attention to the impact of rapid growth in plastic use. As a result, uncontrollable volumes of plastic garbage have been released into the environment. Half of all plastic garbage generated worldwide is made up of packaging materials. The purpose of this article is to offer an alternative by creating bioplastic goods that can be produced in various shapes and sizes across various sectors, including food packaging, single-use tableware, and crafts. Products made from bagasse help address the issue of plastic pollution. To find the optimum option for creating bagasse-based biodegradable dinnerware in Egypt and throughout the world, researchers tested various scenarios. The findings show that bagasse pulp may replace plastics in biodegradable packaging. As a result of this value-added utilization of natural fibers, less waste and less of it ends up in landfills. The practical significance of this study is to help advance low-carbon economic solutions and to produce secure bioplastic materials that can replace Styrofoam in tableware and food packaging production

    Libro de las XIII Jornadas Argentinas de Tratamiento de Minerales : (XIII JATRAMI)

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    El tratamiento de minerales es un proceso global que transforma recursos naturales no renovables en innumerables insumos y aplicaciones tecnol贸gicas utilizadas en las diversas facetas econ贸micas, antropog茅nicas y sociales de la civilizaci贸n actual. Dentro de este marco, las Jornadas Argentinas de Tratamiento de Minerales (JATRAMI) han sido, desde su primera edici贸n en el a帽o 1988, la reuni贸n de los m谩s prestigiosos especialistas, nacionales y extranjeros, quienes han expuesto sus desarrollos, ideas y pensamientos sobre el quehacer en las distintas disciplinas de la tem谩tica. Las XIII JATRAMI se realizaron en la Ciudad de Mendoza, los d铆as 5, 6 y 7 de Octubre de 2016, con la presencia de investigadores e investigadoras de nuestro pa铆s, como as铆 tambi茅n de Brasil, Colombia, Espa帽a, Per煤 y Chile. Los t贸picos presentados en estas Jornadas fueron: Caracterizaci贸n y procesamiento de minerales. - Hidrometalurgia. - Pirometalurgia. - Biohidrometalurgia. - Reciclado de materiales que contengan metales. - Control y tratamiento de efluentes generados por la industria minera y relacionadas. - Remediaci贸n de suelos contaminados con metales y minerales radiactivos. - Temas de inter茅s dentro de la industria metal煤rgica, su relaci贸n con la preservaci贸n del ambiente y el control del cambio clim谩tic0. Conscientes de la importancia actual del cuidado ambiental y del objetivo fundamental de la sociedad mendocina en cuanto a la protecci贸n de las fuentes de agua y de la naturaleza virgen de la provincia, fueron el marco 贸ptimo para unir esfuerzos y aunar criterios en cuanto a las pr谩cticas mineras amigables con el ambiente y su importancia en la vida cotidiana de la sociedad en general. Este libro contiene los Trabajos Completos presentados en las XIII JATRAMI, editados y ordenados de acuerdo a los t贸picos mencionados