13 research outputs found


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    In this paper, a system for overlapping acoustic event detection is proposed, which models the temporal evolution of sound events. The system is based on probabilistic latent component analysis, supporting the use of a sound event dictionary where each exemplar consists of a succession of spectral templates. The temporal succession of the templates is controlled through event class-wise Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). As input time/frequency representation, the Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth (ERB) spectrogram is used. Experiments are carried out on polyphonic datasets of office sounds generated using an acoustic scene simulator, as well as real and synthesized monophonic datasets for comparative purposes. Results show that the proposed system outperforms several state-of-the-art methods for overlapping acoustic event detection on the same task, using both frame-based and event-based metrics, and is robust to varying event density and noise levels

    Improving Sound Event Detection In Domestic Environments Using Sound Separation

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    Performing sound event detection on real-world recordings often implies dealing with overlapping target sound events and non-target sounds, also referred to as interference or noise. Until now these problems were mainly tackled at the classifier level. We propose to use sound separation as a pre-processing for sound event detection. In this paper we start from a sound separation model trained on the Free Universal Sound Separation dataset and the DCASE 2020 task 4 sound event detection baseline. We explore different methods to combine separated sound sources and the original mixture within the sound event detection. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of adapting the sound separation model to the sound event detection data on both the sound separation and the sound event detection

    Improving Sound Event Detection In Domestic Environments Using Sound Separation

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    International audiencePerforming sound event detection on real-world recordings often implies dealing with overlapping target sound events and non-target sounds, also referred to as interference or noise. Until now these problems were mainly tackled at the classifier level. We propose to use sound separation as a pre-processing for sound event detection. In this paper we start from a sound separation model trained on the Free Universal Sound Separation dataset and the DCASE 2020 task 4 sound event detection baseline. We explore different methods to combine separated sound sources and the original mixture within the sound event detection. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of adapting the sound separation model to the sound event detection data on both the sound separation and the sound event detection

    What’s All the FUSS About Free Universal Sound Separation Data?

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    We introduce the Free Universal Sound Separation (FUSS) dataset, a new corpus for experiments in separating mixtures of an unknown number of sounds from an open domain of sound types. The dataset consists of 23 hours of single-source audio data drawn from 357 classes, which are used to create mixtures of one to four sources. To simulate reverberation, an acoustic room simulator is used to generate impulse responses of box shaped rooms with frequency-dependent reflective walls. Additional open-source data augmentation tools are also provided to produce new mixtures with different combinations of sources and room simulations. Finally, we introduce an open-source baseline separation model, based on an improved time-domain convolutional network (TDCN++), that can separate a variable number of sources in a mixture. This model achieves 9.8 dB of scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio improvement (SI-SNRi) on mixtures with two to four sources, while reconstructing single-source inputs with 35.5 dB absolute SI-SNR. We hope this dataset will lower the barrier to new research and allow for fast iteration and application of novel techniques from other machine learning domains to the sound separation challenge

    Analyse des annotations faibles pour l'étiquetage d'événements sonores.

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    Weak labels are a recurring problem in the context of ambient sound analysis. While multiple methods using neural networks have been proposed to address it, limited attention has been given to the analysis of the problem to have a better understanding of it. Many of these methods seem to improve detection or tagging performance, but they have been evaluated in scenarios where other problems such as unreliable labels, overlapping sound events, or class unbalance also occur. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude whether the observed improvement is due to solving the problem of weak labels or not. In this article, we provide for the first time a detailed analysis of the impact of weak labels independently of other problems on a sound event tagging system. We show that, in order to limit the negative impact of weak labels on the performance, the training clips must be at least as long as the test clips and longer training clip durations have a minor impact. We also show that good temporal aggregation can help to reduce this impact at test time and provide insight on the annotation granularity needed depending on the targeted scenario

    Real-Time Monophonic and Polyphonic Audio Classification from Power Spectra

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    International audienceThis work addresses the recurring challenge of real-time monophonic and polyphonic audio source classification. The whole normalized power spectrum (NPS) is directly involved in the proposed process, avoiding complex and hazardous traditional feature extraction. It is also a natural candidate for polyphonic events thanks to its additive property in such cases. The classification task is performed through a nonparametric kernel-based generative modeling of the power spectrum. Advantage of this model is twofold: it is almost hypothesis free and it allows to straightforwardly obtain the maximum a posteriori classification rule of online signals. Moreover it makes use of the monophonic dataset to build the polyphonic one. Then, to reach the real-time target, the complexity of the method can be tuned by using a standard hierarchical clustering preprocessing of the prototypes, revealing a particularly efficient computation time and classification accuracy trade-off. The proposed method, called RARE (for Real-time Audio Recognition Engine) reveals encouraging results both in monophonic and polyphonic classification tasks on benchmark and owned datasets, including also the targeted real-time situation. In particular, this method benefits from several advantages compared to the state-of-the-art methods including a reduced training time, no feature extraction, the ability to control the computation - accuracy trade-off and no training on already mixed sounds for polyphonic classification

    Acoustic Features for Environmental Sound Analysis

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    International audienceMost of the time it is nearly impossible to differentiate between particular type of sound events from a waveform only. Therefore, frequency domain and time-frequency domain representations have been used for years providing representations of the sound signals that are more inline with the human perception. However, these representations are usually too generic and often fail to describe specific content that is present in a sound recording. A lot of work have been devoted to design features that could allow extracting such specific information leading to a wide variety of hand-crafted features. During the past years, owing to the increasing availability of medium scale and large scale sound datasets, an alternative approach to feature extraction has become popular, the so-called feature learning. Finally, processing the amount of data that is at hand nowadays can quickly become overwhelming. It is therefore of paramount importance to be able to reduce the size of the dataset in the feature space. The general processing chain to convert an sound signal to a feature vector that can be efficiently exploited by a classifier and the relation to features used for speech and music processing are described is this chapter

    Detection of overlapping acoustic events using a temporally-constrained probabilistic model

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    In this paper, a system for overlapping acoustic event detection is proposed, which models the temporal evolution of sound events. The system is based on probabilistic latent component analysis, supporting the use of a sound event dictionary where each exemplar consists of a succession of spectral templates. The temporal succession of the templates is controlled through event class-wise Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). As input time/frequency representation, the Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth (ERB) spectrogram is used. Experiments are carried out on polyphonic datasets of office sounds generated using an acoustic scene simulator, as well as real and synthesized monophonic datasets for comparative purposes. Results show that the proposed system outperforms several state-of-the-art methods for overlapping acoustic event detection on the same task, using both frame-based and event-based metrics, and is robust to varying event density and noise levels