556,225 research outputs found

    On Detection and Ranking Methods for a Distributed Radio-Frequency Sensor Network: Theory and Algorithmic Implementation

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    A theoretical foundation for pre-detection fusion of sensors is needed if the United States Air Force is to ever field a system of distributed and layered sensors that can detect and perform parameter estimation of complex, extended targets in difficult interference environments, without human intervention, in near real-time. This research is relevant to the United States Air Force within its layered sensing and cognitive radar/sensor initiatives. The asymmetric threat of the twenty-first century introduces stressing sensing conditions that may exceed the ability of traditional monostatic sensing systems to perform their required intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. In particular, there is growing interest within the United States Air Force to move beyond single sensor sensing systems, and instead begin fielding and leveraging distributed sensing systems to overcome the inherent challenges imposed by the modern threat space. This thesis seeks to analyze the impact of integrating target echoes in the angular domain, to determine if better detection and ranking performance is achieved through the use of a distributed sensor network. Bespoke algorithms are introduced for detection and ranking ISR missions leveraging a distributed network of radio-frequency sensors: the first set of bespoke algorithms area based upon a depth-based nonparametric detection algorithm, which is to shown to enhance the recovery of targets under lower signal-to-noise ratios than an equivalent monostatic radar system; the second set of bespoke algorithms are based upon random matrix theoretic and concentration of measure mathematics, and demonstrated to outperform the depth-based nonparametric approach. This latter approach shall be shown to be effective across a broad range of signal-to-noise ratios, both positive and negative

    Learning Recovery Strategies for Dynamic Self-healing in Reactive Systems

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    Self-healing systems depend on following a set of predefined instructions to recover from a known failure state. Failure states are generally detected based on domain specific specialized metrics. Failure fixes are applied at predefined application hooks that are not sufficiently expressive to manage different failure types. Self-healing is usually applied in the context of distributed systems, where the detection of failures is constrained to communication problems, and resolution strategies often consist of replacing complete components. Our proposal targets complex reactive systems, defining monitors as predicates specifying satisfiability conditions of system properties. Such monitors are functionally expressive and can be defined at run time to detect failure states at any execution point. Once failure states are detected, we use a Reinforcement Learning-based technique to learn a recovery strategy based on users' corrective sequences. Finally, to execute the learned strategies, we extract them as COP variations that activate dynamically whenever the failure state is detected, overwriting the base system behavior with the recovery strategy for that state. We validate the feasibility and effectiveness of our framework through a prototypical reactive application for tracking mouse movements, and the DeltaIoT exemplar for self-healing systems. Our results demonstrate that with just the definition of monitors, the system is effective in detecting and recovering from failures between 55%-92% of the cases in the first application, and at par with the predefined strategies in the second application.Comment: Preprint accepted to 19th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS24

    An Interactive Distributed Simulation Framework With Application To Wireless Networks And Intrusion Detection

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    In this dissertation, we describe the portable, open-source distributed simulation framework (WINDS) targeting simulations of wireless network infrastructures that we have developed. We present the simulation framework which uses modular architecture and apply the framework to studies of mobility pattern effects, routing and intrusion detection mechanisms in simulations of large-scale wireless ad hoc, infrastructure, and totally mobile networks. The distributed simulations within the framework execute seamlessly and transparently to the user on a symmetric multiprocessor cluster computer or a network of computers with no modifications to the code or user objects. A visual graphical interface precisely depicts simulation object states and interactions throughout the simulation execution, giving the user full control over the simulation in real time. The network configuration is detected by the framework, and communication latency is taken into consideration when dynamically adjusting the simulation clock, allowing the simulation to run on a heterogeneous computing system. The simulation framework is easily extensible to multi-cluster systems and computing grids. An entire simulation system can be constructed in a short time, utilizing user-created and supplied simulation components, including mobile nodes, base stations, routing algorithms, traffic patterns and other objects. These objects are automatically compiled and loaded by the simulation system, and are available for dynamic simulation injection at runtime. Using our distributed simulation framework, we have studied modern intrusion detection systems (IDS) and assessed applicability of existing intrusion detection techniques to wireless networks. We have developed a mobile agent-based IDS targeting mobile wireless networks, and introduced load-balancing optimizations aimed at limited-resource systems to improve intrusion detection performance. Packet-based monitoring agents of our IDS employ a CASE-based reasoner engine that performs fast lookups of network packets in the existing SNORT-based intrusion rule-set. Experiments were performed using the intrusion data from MIT Lincoln Laboratories studies, and executed on a cluster computer utilizing our distributed simulation system

    Superconducting qubit to optical photon transduction

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    Conversion of electrical and optical signals lies at the foundation of the global internet. Such converters are used to extend the reach of long-haul fibre-optic communication systems and within data centres for high-speed optical networking of computers. Likewise, coherent microwave-to-optical conversion of single photons would enable the exchange of quantum states between remotely connected superconducting quantum processors1. Despite the prospects of quantum networking, maintaining the fragile quantum state in such a conversion process with superconducting qubits has not yet been achieved. Here we demonstrate the conversion of a microwave-frequency excitation of a transmon—a type of superconducting qubit—into an optical photon. We achieve this by using an intermediary nanomechanical resonator that converts the electrical excitation of the qubit into a single phonon by means of a piezoelectric interaction and subsequently converts the phonon to an optical photon by means of radiation pressure. We demonstrate optical photon generation from the qubit by recording quantum Rabi oscillations of the qubit through single-photon detection of the emitted light over an optical fibre. With proposed improvements in the device and external measurement set-up, such quantum transducers might be used to realize new hybrid quantum networks and, ultimately, distributed quantum computers

    Bridging Machine Learning for Smart Grid Applications

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    This dissertation proposes to develop, leverage, and apply machine learning algorithms on various smart grid applications including state estimation, false data injection attack detection, and reliability evaluation. The dissertation is divided into four parts as follows.. Part I: Power system state estimation (PSSE). The PSSE is commonly formulated as a weighted least-square (WLS) algorithm and solved using iterative methods such as Gauss-Newton methods. However, iterative methods have become more sensitive to system operating conditions than ever before due to the deployment of intermittent renewable energy sources, zero-emission technologies (e.g., electric vehicles), and demand response programs. Efficient approaches for PSSE are required to avoid pitfalls of the WLS-based PSSE computations for accurate prediction of operating conditions. The first part of this dissertation develops a data-driven real-time PSSE using a deep ensemble learning algorithm. In the proposed approach, the ensemble learning setup is formulated with dense residual neural networks as base-learners and a multivariate-linear regressor as a meta-learner. Historical measurements and states are utilized to train and test the model. The trained model can be used in real-time to estimate power system states (voltage magnitudes and phase angles) using real-time measurements. Most of current data-driven PSSE methods assume the availability of a complete set of measurements, which may not be the case in real power system data acquisition. This work adopts multivariate linear regression to forecast system states for instants of missing measurements to assist the proposed PSSE technique. Case studies are performed on various IEEE standard benchmark systems to validate the proposed approach. Part II: Cyber-attacks on Voltage Regulation. Several wired and wireless advanced communication technologies have been used for coordinated voltage regulation schemes in distribution systems. These technologies have been employed to both receive voltage measurements from field sensors and transmit control settings to voltage regulating devices (VRDs). Communication networks for voltage regulation can be susceptible to data falsification attacks, which can lead to voltage instability. In this context, an attacker can alter multiple field measurements in a coordinated manner to disturb voltage control algorithms. The second part of this dissertation develops a machine learning-based two-stage approach to detect, locate, and distinguish coordinated data falsification attacks on control systems of coordinated voltage regulation schemes in distribution systems with distributed generators. In the first stage (regression), historical voltage measurements along with current meteorological data (solar irradiance and ambient temperature) are provided to random forest regressor to forecast voltage magnitudes of a given current state. In the second stage, a logistic regression compares the forecasted voltage with the measured voltage (used to set VRDs) to detect, locate, and distinguish coordinated data falsification attacks in real-time. The proposed approach is validated through several case studies on a 240-node real distribution system (based in the USA) and the standard IEEE 123-node benchmark distribution system.Part III: Cyber-attacks on Distributed Generators. Part III of the dissertation proposes a deep learning-based multi-label classification approach to detect coordinated and simultaneously launched data falsification attacks on a large number of distributed generators (DGs). The proposed approach is developed to detect power output manipulation and falsification attacks on DGs including additive attacks, deductive attacks, and combination of additive and deductive attacks (attackers use the combination of additive and deductive attacks to camouflage their attacks). The proposed approach is demonstrated on several systems including the 240-node and IEEE 123-node distribution test system. Part IV: Composite System Reliability Evaluation. Traditional composite system reliability evaluation is computationally demanding and may become inapplicable to large integrated power grids due to the requirements of repetitively solving optimal power flow (OPF) for a large number of system states. Machine learning-based approaches have been used to avoid solving OPF in composite system reliability evaluation except in the training stage. However, current approaches have been utilized only to classify system states into success and failure states (i.e., up or down). In other words, they can be used to evaluate power system probability and frequency reliability indices, but they cannot be used to evaluate power and energy reliability indices unless OPF is solved for each failure state to determine minimum load curtailments. In the fourth part of this dissertation, a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based regression approach is proposed to determine the minimum amount of load curtailments of sampled states without solving OPF. Unavoidable load curtailments due to failures are then used to evaluate power and energy indices (e.g., expected demand not supplied) as well as to evaluate the probability and frequency indices. The proposed approach is applied on several systems including the IEEE Reliability Test System and Saskatchewan Power Corporation in Canada
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