3 research outputs found

    Рентгенотелевізійна система на основі зворотно розсіяного випромінювання

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    Мета роботи полягає у досліджені фізичних процесів, що проходять в системах на основі зворотно розсіяного випромінювання та створенні комп’ютерної моделі. Дана модель може бути використана як базис для виготовлення реальної установки для використання в промисловості, медицині, та охороні безпеки. Проведено дослідження поточного стану рентгенотелевізійних систем на зворотно розсіяному випромінюванні. Проаналізовано існуючий комп’ютерний апарат, в якому можливо промоделювати систем на основі зворотно розсіяного рентгенівського випромінювання (програми Geant, Serpent). В якості середовища моделювання було обрано програмне забезпечення Serpent. Результатом роботи являється розроблена модель рентгенотелевізійної системи на основі зворотно розсіяного зв’язку. Отримані експериментальні дані задовольняють теоретичні очікування. Унікальність роботи полягає в першому відомому використанні середовища Serpent для створення моделі систем на основі зворотно розсіяного рентгенівського випромінювання. Дана модель може бути розширена та удосконалена, і використана для знаходження оптимальних конструкційних характеристик при створенні реальної системи.Research of objects with unilateral access is a promising area for the development of non-destructive testing systems. To create a real system and determine its optimal parameters, it is important to conduct preliminary computer simulations. The paper is devoted to creating model of a non-destructive system based on backscattered X-rays in Serpent Monte Carlo code. There are no known studies of the use of Serpent software to build such models. The purpose of the study was to confirm the possibility of detecting a defect, i.e., a material of a different density than the test object, which was placed in this object. A model was created, the main components of which were the radiation source, the object under study, the defect, and detector of backscattered radiation. Experiments were performed for several combinations of system parameters, in particular when changing the angle of illumination and the distance between the object and the detector. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results met theoretical expectations. In particular, the Compton equation was fulfilled, which states that as the cosine of the scattering angle increases, the energy of scattered radiation also increases. The results of the study can be used to build real non-destructive testing devices. These devices can be used in medicine, industry and security systems

    Enhanced microwave imaging of the subsurface for humanitarian demining applications

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    © Cranfield University 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright ownerThis thesis presents a theoretical analysis and applied evaluation deploying ground penetrating radar (GPR) for landmine detection. An original contribution has been made in designing and manufacturing a light-weight, low-cost, fully polarimetric antenna system for GPR, enabling easy transportation and assembly. This facilitates extensive use by various smaller communities in remote areas. By achieving the goal of supplying various smaller communities with advanced ground penetrating radar technology the technological standard of landmine detection can be improved beyond existing solutions such as metal detection or manual probing. The novel radar system itself allows detection of various subsurface targets of different shapes and sizes, metallic and non-metallic, in a number of different soils, such as sand, loam or gravel and therefore can be used in versatile environments. The GPR system has been realised by designing novel light-weight, 3D printed X-band horn antennas, manufactured from single piece plastic then copper electroplated. These antennas are 50% lighter than their commercial equivalents. They are incorporated in an antenna array as a group of four to allow full-polarimetric imaging of the subsurface. High resolution images of landmines and calibration targets were performed in the subsurface over an experimental sand test bed. For performing subsurface measurements in the near-field, four novel gradient-index (GRIN) lenses were designed and 3D printed to be incorporated in the apertures of the Xband antennas. The improved target detection from these lenses was proven by scanning the test bed and comparing the imaging data of the antenna array with and without lensesattached. A rigorous theoretical study of different decomposition techniques and their effect on the imaging and detection accuracy for polarimetric surface penetrating data was performed and applied to the gathered imaging data to reliably isolate and detect subsurface targets. Studied decomposition techniques were Pauli decomposition parameters and Yamaguchi polarimetry decomposition. It was found that it is paramount to use both algorithms on one set of subsurface data to detect all features of a buried target. A novel temporal imaging technique was developed for exploiting natural occurring changes in soil moisture level, and hence its dielectric properties. Contrary to the previously introduced imaging techniques this moisture change detection (MCD) mechanism does not rely on knowledge of the used measurement setup or deploying clutter suppression techniques. This time averaged technique uses several images of a moist subsurface taken over a period while the moisture evaporates from the soil. Each image pixel is weighted by the phase change occurring over the evaporation period and a resulting B-scan image reveals the subsurface targets without surrounding clutter. Finally, a multi-static antenna set-up is examined on its capability for suppressing surface clutter and its limitations are verified by introducing artificial surface clutter in form of pebbles to the scene. The resulting technique was found to suppress up to 30 The GPR antenna system developed in this thesis and the corresponding imaging techniques have contributed to a significant improvement in subsurface radar imaging performance and target discrimination capabilities. This work will contribute to more efficient landmine clearance in some of the most challenged parts of the world

    Enhanced Microwave Imaging of the Subsurface for Humanitarian Demining Applications

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    © Cranfield University 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright ownerThis thesis presents a theoretical analysis and applied evaluation deploying ground penetrat ing radar (GPR) for landmine detection. An original contribution has been made in designing and manufacturing a light-weight, low-cost, fully polarimetric antenna system for GPR, enabling easy transportation and as sembly. This facilitates extensive use by various smaller communities in remote areas. By achieving the goal of supplying various smaller communities with advanced ground pene trating radar technology the technological standard of landmine detection can be improved beyond existing solutions such as metal detection or manual probing. The novel radar system itself allows detection of various subsurface targets of different shapes and sizes, metallic and non-metallic, in a number of different soils, such as sand, loam or gravel and therefore can be used in versatile environments. The GPR system has been realised by designing novel light-weight, 3D printed X-band horn antennas, manufactured from single piece plastic then copper electroplated. These an tennas are 50% lighter than their commercial equivalents. They are incorporated in an an tenna array as a group of four to allow full-polarimetric imaging of the subsurface. High resolution images of landmines and calibration targets were performed in the subsurface over an experimental sand test bed. For performing subsurface measurements in the near-field, four novel gradient-index (GRIN) lenses were designed and 3D printed to be incorporated in the apertures of the X band antennas. The improved target detection from these lenses was proven by scanning the test bed and comparing the imaging data of the antenna array with and without lenses attached. A rigorous theoretical study of different decomposition techniques and their effect on the imaging and detection accuracy for polarimetric surface penetrating data was performed and applied to the gathered imaging data to reliably isolate and detect subsurface targets. Studied decomposition techniques were Pauli decomposition parameters and Yamaguchi polarime try decomposition. It was found that it is paramount to use both algorithms on one set of subsurface data to detect all features of a buried target. A novel temporal imaging technique was developed for exploiting natural occurring changes in soil moisture level, and hence its dielectric properties. Contrary to the previously intro duced imaging techniques this moisture change detection (MCD) mechanism does not rely on knowledge of the used measurement setup or deploying clutter suppression techniques. This time averaged technique uses several images of a moist subsurface taken over a period while the moisture evaporates from the soil. Each image pixel is weighted by the phase change occurring over the evaporation period and a resulting B-scan image reveals the subsurface targets without surrounding clutter. Finally, a multi-static antenna set-up is examined on its capability for suppressing sur face clutter and its limitations are verified by introducing artificial surface clutter in form of pebbles to the scene. The resulting technique was found to suppress up to 30 The GPR antenna system developed in this thesis and the corresponding imaging tech niques have contributed to a significant improvement in subsurface radar imaging perfor mance and target discrimination capabilities. This work will contribute to more efficient landmine clearance in some of the most challenged parts of the world.Ph