735 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis using Improved Novel Convolutional Neural Network (SNCNN)

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    Sentiment Analysis is an important method in which many researchers are working on the automated approach for extraction and analysis of huge volumes of user achieved data, which are accessible on social networking websites. This approach helps in analyzing the direct falls under the domain of SA. SA comprises the vast field of effective classification of user-initiated text under defined polarities. The proposed work includes four major steps for solving these issues: the first step is preprocessing which holds tokenization, stop word removal, stemming, cleaning up of unwanted text information like removing of Ads from Web pages, Text normalization for converting binary format. Secondly, the Feature extraction is based on the Bag words, Word2Vec and TF-ID which is a Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency. Thirdly, this feature selection includes the procedure for examining semantic gaps along with source features using teaching models and this involves target task characteristic application for Improved Novel Convolutional Neural Network (INCNN). The Feature Selection accompanies the procedure of Information Gain (IG) and PCC which is a Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Finally, the classification step INCNN gives out sentiment posts and responses for the user-based post aspects which helps in enhancing the system performance. The experimental outcome proposes the INCNN algorithm and provides higher performance rather than the existing approach. The proposed INCNN classifier results in highest accuracy

    A Multimodal Approach to Sarcasm Detection on Social Media

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    In recent times, a major share of human communication takes place online. The main reason being the ease of communication on social networking sites (SNSs). Due to the variety and large number of users, SNSs have drawn the attention of the computer science (CS) community, particularly the affective computing (also known as emotional AI), information retrieval, natural language processing, and data mining groups. Researchers are trying to make computers understand the nuances of human communication including sentiment and sarcasm. Emotion or sentiment detection requires more insights about the communication than it does for factual information retrieval. Sarcasm detection is particularly more difficult than categorizing sentiment. Because, in sarcasm, the intended meaning of the expression by the user is opposite to the literal meaning. Because of its complex nature, it is often difficult even for human to detect sarcasm without proper context. However, people on social media succeed in detecting sarcasm despite interacting with strangers across the world. That motivates us to investigate the human process of detecting sarcasm on social media where abundant context information is often unavailable and the group of users communicating with each other are rarely well-acquainted. We have conducted a qualitative study to examine the patterns of users conveying sarcasm on social media. Whereas most sarcasm detection systems deal in word-by-word basis to accomplish their goal, we focused on the holistic sentiment conveyed by the post. We argue that utilization of word-level information will limit the systems performance to the domain of the dataset used to train the system and might not perform well for non-English language. As an endeavor to make our system less dependent on text data, we proposed a multimodal approach for sarcasm detection. We showed the applicability of images and reaction emoticons as other sources of hints about the sentiment of the post. Our research showed the superior results from a multimodal approach when compared to a unimodal approach. Multimodal sarcasm detection systems, as the one presented in this research, with the inclusion of more modes or sources of data might lead to a better sarcasm detection model

    A Unique Multi-Agent-Based Approach for Enhanced QoS Resource Allocation in Multi Cloud Environment while Maintaining Minimized Energy and Maximize Revenue

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    The use of the multi-cloud data storage in one heterogeneous service is a polynimbus cloud strategy. Cloud computing uses a pay-as-you-go model to deliver services to a variety of end users. Customers can outsource daunting tasks to cloud data centres for processing and producing results, thanks to cloud computing. Cloud computing becomes the popular IT brand that provides various on-demand services over the internet. This technology is devoted to distributing computer and software resources. The proven usefulness of workflows to enforce relevant scientific achievements is the availability of data from advanced scientific tools. Scheduling algorithms are essential in order to automate these strenuous workflows efficiently. A number of new heuristics based on a Cloud resource model have been developed. The majority of these heuristic - based address QoS issues in one or two dimensions. The cloud computing technology offers a decentralised pool of services and resources with various models that are provided to the customers across the Internet in an on-demand, continuously distributed, and pay-per-use model. The key challenge we address in this paper is to maximise revenue while maintaining a minimum consumption of energy with an enhanced QoS for resource allocation. The obtained results from proposed method when compared with the existing state of art methods observed to be novel and better

    Fine-tuned Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Social Media Data: Comparative Study

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    This study investigated and compared public sentiment related to COVID-19 vaccines expressed on two popular social media platforms, Reddit and Twitter, harvested from January 1, 2020, to March 1, 2022. To accomplish this task, we created a fine-tuned DistilRoBERTa model to predict sentiments of approximately 9.5 million Tweets and 70 thousand Reddit comments. To fine-tune our model, our team manually labeled the sentiment of 3600 Tweets and then augmented our dataset by the method of back-translation. Text sentiment for each social media platform was then classified with our fine-tuned model using Python and the Huggingface sentiment analysis pipeline. Our results determined that the average sentiment expressed on Twitter was more negative (52% positive) than positive and the sentiment expressed on Reddit was more positive than negative (53% positive). Though average sentiment was found to vary between these social media platforms, both displayed similar behavior related to sentiment shared at key vaccine-related developments during the pandemic. Considering this similar trend in shared sentiment demonstrated across social media platforms, Twitter and Reddit continue to be valuable data sources that public health officials can utilize to strengthen vaccine confidence and combat misinformation. As the spread of misinformation poses a range of psychological and psychosocial risks (anxiety, fear, etc.), there is an urgency in understanding the public perspective and attitude toward shared falsities. Comprehensive educational delivery systems tailored to the population's expressed sentiments that facilitate digital literacy, health information-seeking behavior, and precision health promotion could aid in clarifying such misinformation.Comment: 11 Pages, 5 Figures, and 1 Tabl

    On the development of an information system for monitoring user opinion and its role for the public

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    Social media services and analytics platforms are rapidly growing. A large number of various events happen mostly every day, and the role of social media monitoring tools is also increasing. Social networks are widely used for managing and promoting brands and different services. Thus, most popular social analytics platforms aim for business purposes while monitoring various social, economic, and political problems remains underrepresented and not covered by thorough research. Moreover, most of them focus on resource-rich languages such as the English language, whereas texts and comments in other low-resource languages, such as the Russian and Kazakh languages in social media, are not represented well enough. So, this work is devoted to developing and applying the information system called the OMSystem for analyzing users' opinions on news portals, blogs, and social networks in Kazakhstan. The system uses sentiment dictionaries of the Russian and Kazakh languages and machine learning algorithms to determine the sentiment of social media texts. The whole structure and functionalities of the system are also presented. The experimental part is devoted to building machine learning models for sentiment analysis on the Russian and Kazakh datasets. Then the performance of the models is evaluated with accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. The models with the highest scores are selected for implementation in the OMSystem. Then the OMSystem's social analytics module is used to thoroughly analyze the healthcare, political and social aspects of the most relevant topics connected with the vaccination against the coronavirus disease. The analysis allowed us to discover the public social mood in the cities of Almaty and Nur-Sultan and other large regional cities of Kazakhstan. The system's study included two extensive periods: 10-01-2021 to 30-05-2021 and 01-07-2021 to 12-08-2021. In the obtained results, people's moods and attitudes to the Government's policies and actions were studied by such social network indicators as the level of topic discussion activity in society, the level of interest in the topic in society, and the mood level of society. These indicators calculated by the OMSystem allowed careful identification of alarming factors of the public (negative attitude to the government regulations, vaccination policies, trust in vaccination, etc.) and assessment of the social mood

    Multilingual Twitter Sentiment Classification: The Role of Human Annotators

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    What are the limits of automated Twitter sentiment classification? We analyze a large set of manually labeled tweets in different languages, use them as training data, and construct automated classification models. It turns out that the quality of classification models depends much more on the quality and size of training data than on the type of the model trained. Experimental results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the performance of the top classification models. We quantify the quality of training data by applying various annotator agreement measures, and identify the weakest points of different datasets. We show that the model performance approaches the inter-annotator agreement when the size of the training set is sufficiently large. However, it is crucial to regularly monitor the self- and inter-annotator agreements since this improves the training datasets and consequently the model performance. Finally, we show that there is strong evidence that humans perceive the sentiment classes (negative, neutral, and positive) as ordered

    Mapping (Dis-)Information Flow about the MH17 Plane Crash

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    Digital media enables not only fast sharing of information, but also disinformation. One prominent case of an event leading to circulation of disinformation on social media is the MH17 plane crash. Studies analysing the spread of information about this event on Twitter have focused on small, manually annotated datasets, or used proxys for data annotation. In this work, we examine to what extent text classifiers can be used to label data for subsequent content analysis, in particular we focus on predicting pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian Twitter content related to the MH17 plane crash. Even though we find that a neural classifier improves over a hashtag based baseline, labeling pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian content with high precision remains a challenging problem. We provide an error analysis underlining the difficulty of the task and identify factors that might help improve classification in future work. Finally, we show how the classifier can facilitate the annotation task for human annotators
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