2 research outputs found

    Plotting the map projection graticule involving discontinuities based on combined sampling

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    This article presents  new algorithm for interval plotting the projection graticule on the interval Ω=Ωφ×Ωλ\varOmega=\varOmega_{\varphi}\times\varOmega_{\lambda} based on the combined sampling technique. The proposed method synthesizes uniform and adaptive sampling approaches and treats discontinuities of the coordinate functions F,GF,G. A full set of the projection constant values represented by the projection pole K=[φk,λk]K=[\varphi_{k},\lambda_{k}], two standard parallels φ1,φ2\varphi_{1},\varphi_{2} and the central meridian shift λ0\lambda_{0}^{\prime} are supported. In accordance with the discontinuity direction it utilizes a subdivision of the given latitude/longitude intervals Ωφ=[φ,φ]\varOmega_{\varphi}=[\underline{\varphi},\overline{\varphi}], Ωλ=[λ,λ]\varOmega_{\lambda}=[\underline{\lambda},\overline{\lambda}] to the set of disjoint subintervals Ωk,φg,\varOmega_{k,\varphi}^{g},Ωk,λg\varOmega_{k,\lambda}^{g} forming tiles without internal singularities, containing only "good" data; their parameters can be easily adjusted. Each graticule tile borders generated over Ωkg=Ωk,φg×Ωk,λg\varOmega_{k}^{g}=\varOmega_{k,\varphi}^{g}\times\varOmega_{k,\lambda}^{g} run along singularities. For combined sampling with the given threshold α\overline{\alpha} between adjacent segments of the polygonal approximation the recursive approach has been used; meridian/parallel offsets are Δφ,Δλ\Delta\varphi,\Delta\lambda. Finally, several tests of the proposed algorithms are involved

    An Incremental Navigation Localization Methodology for Application to Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platforms to Assist Individuals Having Severe Motor Disabilities.

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    In the present work, the author explores the issues surrounding the design and development of an intelligent wheelchair platform incorporating the semi-autonomous system paradigm, to meet the needs of individuals with severe motor disabilities. The author presents a discussion of the problems of navigation that must be solved before any system of this type can be instantiated, and enumerates the general design issues that must be addressed by the designers of systems of this type. This discussion includes reviews of various methodologies that have been proposed as solutions to the problems considered. Next, the author introduces a new navigation method, called Incremental Signature Recognition (ISR), for use by semi-autonomous systems in structured environments. This method is based on the recognition, recording, and tracking of environmental discontinuities: sensor reported anomalies in measured environmental parameters. The author then proposes a robust, redundant, dynamic, self-diagnosing sensing methodology for detecting and compensating for hidden failures of single sensors and sensor idiosyncrasies. This technique is optimized for the detection of spatial discontinuity anomalies. Finally, the author gives details of an effort to realize a prototype ISR based system, along with insights into the various implementation choices made