813 research outputs found

    Reachability analysis of linear hybrid systems via block decomposition

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    Reachability analysis aims at identifying states reachable by a system within a given time horizon. This task is known to be computationally expensive for linear hybrid systems. Reachability analysis works by iteratively applying continuous and discrete post operators to compute states reachable according to continuous and discrete dynamics, respectively. In this paper, we enhance both of these operators and make sure that most of the involved computations are performed in low-dimensional state space. In particular, we improve the continuous-post operator by performing computations in high-dimensional state space only for time intervals relevant for the subsequent application of the discrete-post operator. Furthermore, the new discrete-post operator performs low-dimensional computations by leveraging the structure of the guard and assignment of a considered transition. We illustrate the potential of our approach on a number of challenging benchmarks.Comment: Accepted at EMSOFT 202

    Fast detection of polyhedral intersection

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    AbstractMethods are given for unifying and extending previous work on detecting intersections of suitably preprocessed polyhedra. New upper bounds of O(log n) and O(log2 n) are given on plane-polyhedron and polyhedron-polyhedron intersection problems

    An exact general remeshing scheme applied to physically conservative voxelization

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    We present an exact general remeshing scheme to compute analytic integrals of polynomial functions over the intersections between convex polyhedral cells of old and new meshes. In physics applications this allows one to ensure global mass, momentum, and energy conservation while applying higher-order polynomial interpolation. We elaborate on applications of our algorithm arising in the analysis of cosmological N-body data, computer graphics, and continuum mechanics problems. We focus on the particular case of remeshing tetrahedral cells onto a Cartesian grid such that the volume integral of the polynomial density function given on the input mesh is guaranteed to equal the corresponding integral over the output mesh. We refer to this as "physically conservative voxelization". At the core of our method is an algorithm for intersecting two convex polyhedra by successively clipping one against the faces of the other. This algorithm is an implementation of the ideas presented abstractly by Sugihara (1994), who suggests using the planar graph representations of convex polyhedra to ensure topological consistency of the output. This makes our implementation robust to geometric degeneracy in the input. We employ a simplicial decomposition to calculate moment integrals up to quadratic order over the resulting intersection domain. We also address practical issues arising in a software implementation, including numerical stability in geometric calculations, management of cancellation errors, and extension to two dimensions. In a comparison to recent work, we show substantial performance gains. We provide a C implementation intended to be a fast, accurate, and robust tool for geometric calculations on polyhedral mesh elements.Comment: Code implementation available at https://github.com/devonmpowell/r3

    Separation-Sensitive Collision Detection for Convex Objects

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    We develop a class of new kinetic data structures for collision detection between moving convex polytopes; the performance of these structures is sensitive to the separation of the polytopes during their motion. For two convex polygons in the plane, let DD be the maximum diameter of the polygons, and let ss be the minimum distance between them during their motion. Our separation certificate changes O(log(D/s))O(\log(D/s)) times when the relative motion of the two polygons is a translation along a straight line or convex curve, O(D/s)O(\sqrt{D/s}) for translation along an algebraic trajectory, and O(D/s)O(D/s) for algebraic rigid motion (translation and rotation). Each certificate update is performed in O(log(D/s))O(\log(D/s)) time. Variants of these data structures are also shown that exhibit \emph{hysteresis}---after a separation certificate fails, the new certificate cannot fail again until the objects have moved by some constant fraction of their current separation. We can then bound the number of events by the combinatorial size of a certain cover of the motion path by balls.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Proc. 10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1999; see also http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/jeffe/pubs/kollide.html ; v2 replaces submission with camera-ready versio

    A Product Formula for the Normalized Volume of Free Sums of Lattice Polytopes

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    The free sum is a basic geometric operation among convex polytopes. This note focuses on the relationship between the normalized volume of the free sum and that of the summands. In particular, we show that the normalized volume of the free sum of full dimensional polytopes is precisely the product of the normalized volumes of the summands.Comment: Published in the proceedings of 2017 Southern Regional Algebra Conferenc

    Vertex-Facet Incidences of Unbounded Polyhedra

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    How much of the combinatorial structure of a pointed polyhedron is contained in its vertex-facet incidences? Not too much, in general, as we demonstrate by examples. However, one can tell from the incidence data whether the polyhedron is bounded. In the case of a polyhedron that is simple and "simplicial," i.e., a d-dimensional polyhedron that has d facets through each vertex and d vertices on each facet, we derive from the structure of the vertex-facet incidence matrix that the polyhedron is necessarily bounded. In particular, this yields a characterization of those polyhedra that have circulants as vertex-facet incidence matrices.Comment: LaTeX2e, 14 pages with 4 figure

    Witness (Delaunay) Graphs

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    Proximity graphs are used in several areas in which a neighborliness relationship for input data sets is a useful tool in their analysis, and have also received substantial attention from the graph drawing community, as they are a natural way of implicitly representing graphs. However, as a tool for graph representation, proximity graphs have some limitations that may be overcome with suitable generalizations. We introduce a generalization, witness graphs, that encompasses both the goal of more power and flexibility for graph drawing issues and a wider spectrum for neighborhood analysis. We study in detail two concrete examples, both related to Delaunay graphs, and consider as well some problems on stabbing geometric objects and point set discrimination, that can be naturally described in terms of witness graphs.Comment: 27 pages. JCCGG 200

    Efficient contact determination between geometric models

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