4 research outputs found

    Continuous Estimation of Smoking Lapse Risk from Noisy Wrist Sensor Data Using Sparse and Positive-Only Labels

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    Estimating the imminent risk of adverse health behaviors provides opportunities for developing effective behavioral intervention mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of the target behavior. One of the key goals is to find opportune moments for intervention by passively detecting the rising risk of an imminent adverse behavior. Significant progress in mobile health research and the ability to continuously sense internal and external states of individual health and behavior has paved the way for detecting diverse risk factors from mobile sensor data. The next frontier in this research is to account for the combined effects of these risk factors to produce a composite risk score of adverse behaviors using wearable sensors convenient for daily use. Developing a machine learning-based model for assessing the risk of smoking lapse in the natural environment faces significant outstanding challenges requiring the development of novel and unique methodologies for each of them. The first challenge is coming up with an accurate representation of noisy and incomplete sensor data to encode the present and historical influence of behavioral cues, mental states, and the interactions of individuals with their ever-changing environment. The next noteworthy challenge is the absence of confirmed negative labels of low-risk states and adequate precise annotations of high-risk states. Finally, the model should work on convenient wearable devices to facilitate widespread adoption in research and practice. In this dissertation, we develop methods that account for the multi-faceted nature of smoking lapse behavior to train and evaluate a machine learning model capable of estimating composite risk scores in the natural environment. We first develop mRisk, which combines the effects of various mHealth biomarkers such as stress, physical activity, and location history in producing the risk of smoking lapse using sequential deep neural networks. We propose an event-based encoding of sensor data to reduce the effect of noises and then present an approach to efficiently model the historical influence of recent and past sensor-derived contexts on the likelihood of smoking lapse. To circumvent the lack of confirmed negative labels (i.e., annotated low-risk moments) and only a few positive labels (i.e., sensor-based detection of smoking lapse corroborated by self-reports), we propose a new loss function to accurately optimize the models. We build the mRisk models using biomarker (stress, physical activity) streams derived from chest-worn sensors. Adapting the models to work with less invasive and more convenient wrist-based sensors requires adapting the biomarker detection models to work with wrist-worn sensor data. To that end, we develop robust stress and activity inference methodologies from noisy wrist-sensor data. We first propose CQP, which quantifies wrist-sensor collected PPG data quality. Next, we show that integrating CQP within the inference pipeline improves accuracy-yield trade-offs associated with stress detection from wrist-worn PPG sensors in the natural environment. mRisk also requires sensor-based precise detection of smoking events and confirmation through self-reports to extract positive labels. Hence, we develop rSmoke, an orientation-invariant smoking detection model that is robust to the variations in sensor data resulting from orientation switches in the field. We train the proposed mRisk risk estimation models using the wrist-based inferences of lapse risk factors. To evaluate the utility of the risk models, we simulate the delivery of intelligent smoking interventions to at-risk participants as informed by the composite risk scores. Our results demonstrate the envisaged impact of machine learning-based models operating on wrist-worn wearable sensor data to output continuous smoking lapse risk scores. The novel methodologies we propose throughout this dissertation help instigate a new frontier in smoking research that can potentially improve the smoking abstinence rate in participants willing to quit

    A proposal to improve wearables development time and performance : software and hardware approaches.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia da Computa??o. Departamento de Ci?ncia da Computa??o, Instituto de Ci?ncias Exatas e Biol?gicas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Wearable devices are a trending topic in both commercial and academic areas. Increasing demand for innovation has raised the number of research and products, addressing brandnew challenges, and creating profitable opportunities. Current wearable devices can be employed in solving problems in a wide variety of areas. Such coverage generates a relevant number of requirements and variables that influences solutions performance. It is common to build specific wearable versions to fit each targeting application niche, what requires time and resources. Currently, the related literature does not present ways to treat the hardware/software in a generic way enough to allow both parts reuse. This manuscript presents the proposal of two components focused on hardware/software, respectively, allowing the reuse of di?erent parts of a wearable solution. A platform for wearables development is outlined as a viable way to recycle an existing organization and architecture. The platform use was proven through the creation of a wearable device that was enabled to be used in di?erent contexts of the mining industry. In the software side, a development and customization tool for specific operating systems is demonstrated. This tool aims not only to reuse standard software components but also to provide improved performance simultaneously. A real prototype was designed and created as a manner to validate the concepts. In the results, the comparison between the operating system generated by the tool versus a conventional operating system allows quantifying the improvement rate. The former operating system showed approximate performance gains of 100% in processing tasks, 150% in memory consumption and I/O operations, and approximately 20% of reduction in energy consumption. In the end, performance analysis allows inferring that the proposals presented here contribute to this area, easing the development and reuse of wearable solutions as a whole

    Detecting Cocaine Use with Wearable Electrocardiogram Sensors

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    Ubiquitous physiological sensing has the potential to profoundly improve our understanding of human behavior, leading to more targeted treatments for a variety of disorders. The long term goal of this work is development of novel computational tools to support the study of addiction in the context of cocaine use. The current paper takes the first step in this important direction by posing a simple, but crucial question: Can cocaine use be reliably detected using wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors? The main contributions in this paper include the presentation of a novel clinical study of cocaine use, the development of a computational pipeline for inferring morphological features from noisy ECG waveforms, and the evaluation of feature sets for cocaine use detection. Our results show that 32mg/70kg doses of cocaine can be detected with the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve levels above 0.9 both within and between-subjects

    Texas Law Review

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    Journal containing articles, notes, book reviews, and other analyses of law and legal cases