20 research outputs found

    Using system and user performance features to improve emotion detection in spoken tutoring dialogs

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    In this study, we incorporate automatically obtained system/user performance features into machine learning experiments to detect student emotion in computer tutoring dialogs. Our results show a relative improvement of 2.7% on classification accuracy and 8.08% on Kappa over using standard lexical, prosodie, sequential, and identification features. This level of improvement is comparable to the performance improvement shown in previous studies by applying dialog acts or lexical/prosodic-/discourse- level contextual features

    Detecting Emotion in Speech: Experiments in Three Domains

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    Abstract The goal of my proposed dissertation work is to help answer two fundamental questions: (1) How is emotion communicated in speech? and (2) Does emotion modeling improve spoken dialogue applications? In this paper I describe feature extraction and emotion classification experiments I have conducted and plan to conduct on three different domains: EPSaT, HMIHY, and ITSpoke. In addition, I plan to implement emotion modeling capabilities into ITSpoke and evaluate the effectiveness of doing so

    Recognizing Uncertainty in Speech

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    We address the problem of inferring a speaker's level of certainty based on prosodic information in the speech signal, which has application in speech-based dialogue systems. We show that using phrase-level prosodic features centered around the phrases causing uncertainty, in addition to utterance-level prosodic features, improves our model's level of certainty classification. In addition, our models can be used to predict which phrase a person is uncertain about. These results rely on a novel method for eliciting utterances of varying levels of certainty that allows us to compare the utility of contextually-based feature sets. We elicit level of certainty ratings from both the speakers themselves and a panel of listeners, finding that there is often a mismatch between speakers' internal states and their perceived states, and highlighting the importance of this distinction.Comment: 11 page

    When to Say What and How: Adapting the Elaborateness and Indirectness of Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    With the aim of designing a spoken dialogue system which has the ability to adapt to the user's communication idiosyncrasies, we investigate whether it is possible to carry over insights from the usage of communication styles in human-human interaction to human-computer interaction. In an extensive literature review, it is demonstrated that communication styles play an important role in human communication. Using a multi-lingual data set, we show that there is a significant correlation between the communication style of the system and the preceding communication style of the user. This is why two components that extend the standard architecture of spoken dialogue systems are presented: 1) a communication style classifier that automatically identifies the user communication style and 2) a communication style selection module that selects an appropriate system communication style. We consider the communication styles elaborateness and indirectness as it has been shown that they influence the user's satisfaction and the user's perception of a dialogue. We present a neural classification approach based on supervised learning for each task. Neural networks are trained and evaluated with features that can be automatically derived during an ongoing interaction in every spoken dialogue system. It is shown that both components yield solid results and outperform the baseline in form of a majority-class classifier