9 research outputs found

    Anomaly Detection in Social Media Using Recurrent Neural Network

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In today’s information environment there is an increasing reliance on online and social media in the acquisition, dissemination and consumption of news. Specifically, the utilization of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter has increased as a cutting edge medium for breaking news. On the other hand, the low cost, easy access and rapid propagation of news through social media makes the platform more sensitive to fake and anomalous reporting. The propagation of fake and anomalous news is not some benign exercise. The extensive spread of fake news has the potential to do serious and real damage to individuals and society. As a result, the detection of fake news in social media has become a vibrant and important field of research. In this paper, a novel application of machine learning approaches to the detection and classification of fake and anomalous data are considered. An initial clustering step with the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm is proposed before training the result with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The results of a preliminary application of the KNN phase before the RNN phase produces a quantitative and measureable improvement in the detection of outliers, and as such is more effective in detecting anomalies or outliers against the test dataset of 2016 US Presidential Election predictions

    Análisis de comportamiento en tiempo real de los usuarios de Twitter

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    The purpose of this work is to develop a tool that analyzes Twitter profiles in real time. The framework where every part of the project is included is detailed in each section, establishing the relationship between each one of them. The dataset analyzed comes from profiles of the social network Twitter, and the analysis algorithms used in this work are based on the philosophy of Evolving Systems. Thanks to them we can create models representing all the data analyzed with a low cost storage. The decision to develop an application of this type is based on the rise that nowadays has the analysis of data from social networks. Social networks today are a constant reflection of the daily lives of many people, and thanks to the massive data collection and analysis of this data we can obtain useful knowledge applicable in multiple areas. In our case, Twitter is the third most used social network worldwide, so its influence in society is very high. Some possible applications of our tool are for example: advertising campaigns, television events tracking or analysis of the impact of broadcasts on Twitter.Ingeniería Informátic

    Profiling user interactions on online social networks.

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    Over the last couple of years, there has been signi_cant research e_ort in mining user behavior on online social networks for applications ranging from sentiment analysis to marketing. In most of those applications, usually a snapshot of user attributes or user relationships are analyzed to build the data mining models, without considering how user attributes and user relationships can be utilized together. In this thesis, we will describe how user relationships within a social network can be further augmented by information gathered from user generated texts to analyze large scale dynamics of social networks. Speci_cally, we aim at explaining social network interactions by using information gleaned from friendships, pro_les, and status posts of users. Our approach pro_les user interactions in terms of shared similarities among users, and applies the gained knowledge to help users in understanding the inherent reasons, consequences and bene_ts of interacting with other social network users

    Trustworthiness in Social Big Data Incorporating Semantic Analysis, Machine Learning and Distributed Data Processing

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    This thesis presents several state-of-the-art approaches constructed for the purpose of (i) studying the trustworthiness of users in Online Social Network platforms, (ii) deriving concealed knowledge from their textual content, and (iii) classifying and predicting the domain knowledge of users and their content. The developed approaches are refined through proof-of-concept experiments, several benchmark comparisons, and appropriate and rigorous evaluation metrics to verify and validate their effectiveness and efficiency, and hence, those of the applied frameworks

    Distributed Contextual Anomaly Detection from Big Event Streams

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    The age of big digital data is emerged and the size of generating data is rapidly increasing in a millisecond through the Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE) objects. Specifically, most of today’s available data are generated in a form of streams through different applications including sensor networks, bioinformatics, smart airport, smart highway traffic, smart home applications, e-commerce online shopping, and social media streams. In this context, processing and mining such high volume of data stream becomes one of the research priority concern and challenging tasks. On the one hand, processing high volumes of streaming data with low-latency response is a critical concern in most of the real-time application before the important information can be missed or disregarded. On the other hand, detecting events from data stream is becoming a new research challenging task since the existing traditional anomaly detection method is mainly focusing on; a) limited size of data, b) centralised detection with limited computing resource, and c) specific anomaly detection types of either point or collective rather than the Contextual behaviour of the data. Thus, detecting Contextual events from high sequence volume of data stream is one of the research concerns to be addressed in this thesis. As the size of IoT data stream is scaled up to a high volume, it is impractical to propose existing processing data structure and anomaly detection method. This is due to the space, time and the complexity of the existing data processing model and learning algorithms. In this thesis, a novel distributed anomaly detection method and algorithm is proposed to detect Contextual behaviours from the sequence of bounded streams. Capturing event streams and partitioning them over several windows to control the high rate of event streams mainly base on, the proposed solution firstly. Secondly, by proposing a parallel and distributed algorithm to detect Contextual anomalous event. The experimental results are evaluated based on the algorithm’s performances, processing low-latency response, and detecting Contextual anomalous behaviour accuracy rate from the event streams. Finally, to address scalability concerned of the Contextual events, appropriate computational metrics are proposed to measure and evaluate the processing latency of distributed method. The achieved result is evidenced distributed detection is effective in terms of learning from high volumes of streams in real-time

    Detecting anomalies in social network data consumption

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    As the popularity and usage of social media exploded over the years, understanding how social network users\u2019 interests evolve gained importance in diverse fields, ranging from sociological studies to marketing. In this paper, we use two snapshots from the Twitter network and analyze data interest patterns of users in time to understand individual and collective user behavior on social networks. Building topical profiles of users, we propose novel metrics to identify anomalous friendships, and validate our results with Amazon Mechanical Turk experiments. We show that although more than 80 % of all friendships on Twitter are created due to data interests, 83 % of all users have at least one friendship that can be explained neither by users\u2019 past interest nor collective behavior of other similar user

    Detecting anomalies in social network data consumption

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