148,400 research outputs found

    Image Mosaicing for Wide Angle Panorama

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    Images are integral part in our daily lives. With a normal camera it is not possible to get a wide angle panorama with high resolution. Image Mosaicing is one of the novel techniques, for combining two or more images of the same scene taken in different views into one image. In the dark areas, the obtained image is a panoramic image with high resolution without mask. But in the case of lighting areas, the resultant image is generating mask. In order to gets wide angle panorama, in the existing system, extracting feature points, finding the best stitching line, Cluster Analysis (CA) and Dynamic Programming (DP) methods are used. Also used Weighted Average (WA) method for smooth stitching results and also eliminate intensity seam effectively. In the proposed system, to get feature extraction and feature matching SIFT (Scaled Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm used. In this process, outliers can be generated. RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) is used for detecting the outliers from the resultant image. Masking is significantly reduced by using Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques (ART)

    Planogram Compliance Checking Based on Detection of Recurring Patterns

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    In this paper, a novel method for automatic planogram compliance checking in retail chains is proposed without requiring product template images for training. Product layout is extracted from an input image by means of unsupervised recurring pattern detection and matched via graph matching with the expected product layout specified by a planogram to measure the level of compliance. A divide and conquer strategy is employed to improve the speed. Specifically, the input image is divided into several regions based on the planogram. Recurring patterns are detected in each region respectively and then merged together to estimate the product layout. Experimental results on real data have verified the efficacy of the proposed method. Compared with a template-based method, higher accuracies are achieved by the proposed method over a wide range of products.Comment: Accepted by MM (IEEE Multimedia Magazine) 201

    Parallel algorithm for dominant points correspondences in robot binocular stereo vision

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    This paper presents an algorithm to find the correspondences of points representing dominant feature in robot stereo vision. The algorithm consists of two main steps: dominant point extraction and dominant point matching. In the feature extraction phase, the algorithm utilizes the widely used Moravec Interest Operator and two other operators: the Prewitt Operator and a new operator called Gradient Angle Variance Operator. The Interest Operator in the Moravec algorithm was used to exclude featureless areas and simple edges which are oriented in the vertical, horizontal, and two diagonals. It was incorrectly detecting points on edges which are not on the four main directions (vertical, horizontal, and two diagonals). The new algorithm uses the Prewitt operator to exclude featureless areas, so that the Interest Operator is applied only on the edges to exclude simple edges and to leave interesting points. This modification speeds-up the extraction process by approximately 5 times. The Gradient Angle Variance (GAV), an operator which calculates the variance of the gradient angle in a window around the point under concern, is then applied on the interesting points to exclude the redundant ones and leave the actual dominant ones. The matching phase is performed after the extraction of the dominant points in both stereo images. The matching starts with dominant points in the left image and does a local search, looking for corresponding dominant points in the right image. The search is geometrically constrained the epipolar line of the parallel-axes stereo geometry and the maximum disparity of the application environment. If one dominant point in the right image lies in the search areas, then it is the corresponding point of the reference dominant point in the left image. A parameter provided by the GAV is thresholded and used as a rough similarity measure to select the corresponding dominant point if there is more than one point the search area. The correlation is used as a final decision tool when there is still more than one point in the search area. If there is no dominant point in the search area of if the points in the search area are below a correlation threshold, then the dominant point in the reference image is occluded and can not be corresponded. The algorithm has been modeled, implemented and shown to be fast, robust and parallel. The parallelism is created from three main features: locality of the operators; a memory optimization scheme; and the ability to fully parallelize the extraction phase which is the most computational intensive task in the algorithm. The last feature is achieved by performing the extraction phase on the two images simultaneously

    A hybrid technique for face detection in color images

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    In this paper, a hybrid technique for face detection in color images is presented. The proposed technique combines three analysis models, namely skin detection, automatic eye localization, and appearance-based face/nonface classification. Using a robust histogram-based skin detection model, skin-like pixels are first identified in the RGB color space. Based on this, face bounding-boxes are extracted from the image. On detecting a face bounding-box, approximate positions of the candidate mouth feature points are identified using the redness property of image pixels. A region-based eye localization step, based on the detected mouth feature points, is then applied to face bounding-boxes to locate possible eye feature points in the image. Based on the distance between the detected eye feature points, face/non-face classification is performed over a normalized search area using the Bayesian discriminating feature (BDF) analysis method. Some subjective evaluation results are presented on images taken using digital cameras and a Webcam, representing both indoor and outdoor scenes