15 research outputs found

    Denial of service attacks and challenges in broadband wireless networks

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    Broadband wireless networks are providing internet and related services to end users. The three most important broadband wireless technologies are IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, and Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). Security attacks and vulnerabilities vary amongst these broadband wireless networks because of differences in topologies, network operations and physical setups. Amongst the various security risks, Denial of Service (DoS) attack is the most severe security threat, as DoS can compromise the availability and integrity of broadband wireless network. In this paper, we present DoS attack issues in broadband wireless networks, along with possible defenses and future directions

    Impact Analysis of Wormhole and Blackhole attacks over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper, we will implement two attacks over mobile ad hoc networks known as Wormhole attack and Blackhole attack. We will also analyze the impact of these attacks on data communication when using a reactive routing protocol for data communication. The reactive routing protocol used is well known Ad-hoc On- demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol. In the Wormhole attack, at least two malicious nodes i.e., attackers disseminates wrong network information to its neighbors during the routing table formation due to which these attacks become the intermediate nodes on the selected route and drop data packets during the communication process. These two attackers form a tunnel through which they can sent the control packets to each other and if one of them are is placed near the destination then they can make sure that they are being selected on the discovered path. Due to the wrong information spread by the malicious nodes the routing tables of its nearby nodes contains untrue information about routes to various or specific destinations. When this wrong information is used for data communication during the communication process the all the data packets will go to wrong nodes and eventually dropped by attacker nodes. This decreases the network throughput and packet delivery ratio while wastes the scarce network bandwidth. On the other hand, in blackhole attack the attacker node comes on the discovered route and drop all the packets received for destination. To implement the proposed attacks, we used a network simulator called Exata simulator. The simulation results are collected for performance analysis of the underlying network. Various metrics such as packet delivery ratio and network throughput are used to show the effect of the proposed attack over a wide range of network scenarios

    An Approach To Detect The Wormhole Attack In Vehicular Adhoc Networks

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    Abstract -In VANET there is no centralised infrastructure due to which it is vulnerable to various security attacks . One of such attack is wormhole attack, it enables an attacker to capture packets at one location and tunnels them to another location making a wormhole in-between the legitimate nodes of the network. In this paper we proposes a method in which we use decision packets to detect the wormhole nodes in the network and for maintaining the integrity of the packets we compute hash value of each packet. The source node broadcasts the decision packet to all the nodes after receiving the route reply message from the destination node which contains the list of the route forming nodes. The decision packets from the nodes are then evaluated by the destination node based on the hop count value. If the hop count exceeds the threshold value, it means a wormhole is formed between the nodes

    A Survey: Detection and Prevention of Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks refers to a multi-hop packet based network that contains a set of mobile sensor nodes. Every node is free to travel separately on any route and can modify its links to other nodes. Therefore, the network is self organizing and adaptive networks which repeatedly changes its topology. The relations among nodes are restricted to their communication range, and teamwork with intermediate nodes is necessary for nodes to forward the packets to other sensor nodes beyond their communication range. The network2019;s broadcasting character and transmission medium help the attacker to interrupt network. An attacker can transform the routing protocol and interrupt the network operations through mechanisms such as selective forwarding, packet drops, and data fabrication. One of the serious routingdisruption attacks is Wormhole Attack. The main emphasis of this paper is to study wormhole attack, its detection method and the different techniques to prevent the network from these attack


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    Nella seguente tesi, è stato trattato l'aspetto della sicurezza informatica. Nel caso specifico, sono state analizzate le reti MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork) e studiati protocolli quali OLSR e varie versioni sicure dello stesso. La tesi, si è proposta di dare un contributo originale per l'implementaziobe del protocollo OLSR Secure. E' stato possibile raggiungere l'obiettivo, attraverso l'utilizzo di appositi Tools, ad un'accurata e puntigliosa analisi del traffico in rete. Grazie all'implementazione di un'Estensione di OLSR Secure è stato quindi possibile effettuare la detection di vari attacchi, e conseguentemente è stata migliorata la sicurezza delle reti MANET

    Detecting and avoiding wormhole attacks in wireless ad hoc networks

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    A particularly severe attack on routing protocols in ad hoc networks is the so-called wormhole attack in which two or more colluding attackers record packets at one location, and tunnel them to another location for replay at that remote location. When this attack targets specifically routing control packets, the nodes that are close to the attackers are shielded from any alternative routes with more than one or two hops to the remote location. All routes are thus directed to the wormhole established by the attackers. In the optimized link state routing protocol, if a wormhole attack is launched, during the propagation of link state packets, the wrong link information percolates throughout the network, leading to routing disruption. In this article we devise an efficient method to detect and avoid wormhole attacks in the OLSR protocol. This method first attempts to pinpoint links that may potentially be part of a wormhole tunnel. Then a proper wormhole detection mechanism is applied to suspicious links by means of an exchange of encrypted probing packets between the two supposed neighbors (endpoints of the wormhole). The proposed solution exhibits several advantages, among which are its nonreliance on any time synchronization or location information, and its high detection rate under various scenarios