18 research outputs found

    Diagnosing Rarity in Human-Object Interaction Detection

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    Human-object interaction (HOI) detection is a core task in computer vision. The goal is to localize all human-object pairs and recognize their interactions. An interaction defined by a tuple leads to a long-tailed visual recognition challenge since many combinations are rarely represented. The performance of the proposed models is limited especially for the tail categories, but little has been done to understand the reason. To that end, in this paper, we propose to diagnose rarity in HOI detection. We propose a three-step strategy, namely Detection, Identification and Recognition where we carefully analyse the limiting factors by studying state-of-the-art models. Our findings indicate that detection and identification steps are altered by the interaction signals like occlusion and relative location, as a result limiting the recognition accuracy.Comment: Accepted at CVPR'20 Workshop on Learning from Limited Label

    Detecting Human-Object Interactions via Functional Generalization

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    We present an approach for detecting human-object interactions (HOIs) in images, based on the idea that humans interact with functionally similar objects in a similar manner. The proposed model is simple and efficiently uses the data, visual features of the human, relative spatial orientation of the human and the object, and the knowledge that functionally similar objects take part in similar interactions with humans. We provide extensive experimental validation for our approach and demonstrate state-of-the-art results for HOI detection. On the HICO-Det dataset our method achieves a gain of over 2.5% absolute points in mean average precision (mAP) over state-of-the-art. We also show that our approach leads to significant performance gains for zero-shot HOI detection in the seen object setting. We further demonstrate that using a generic object detector, our model can generalize to interactions involving previously unseen objects.Comment: AAAI 202

    Visual Compositional Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection

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    Human-Object interaction (HOI) detection aims to localize and infer relationships between human and objects in an image. It is challenging because an enormous number of possible combinations of objects and verbs types forms a long-tail distribution. We devise a deep Visual Compositional Learning (VCL) framework, which is a simple yet efficient framework to effectively address this problem. VCL first decomposes an HOI representation into object and verb specific features, and then composes new interaction samples in the feature space via stitching the decomposed features. The integration of decomposition and composition enables VCL to share object and verb features among different HOI samples and images, and to generate new interaction samples and new types of HOI, and thus largely alleviates the long-tail distribution problem and benefits low-shot or zero-shot HOI detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VCL can effectively improve the generalization of HOI detection on HICO-DET and V-COCO and outperforms the recent state-of-the-art methods on HICO-DET. Code is available at https://github.com/zhihou7/VCL.Comment: Accepted in ECCV202

    CPARR: Category-based Proposal Analysis for Referring Relationships

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    The task of referring relationships is to localize subject and object entities in an image satisfying a relationship query, which is given in the form of \texttt{}. This requires simultaneous localization of the subject and object entities in a specified relationship. We introduce a simple yet effective proposal-based method for referring relationships. Different from the existing methods such as SSAS, our method can generate a high-resolution result while reducing its complexity and ambiguity. Our method is composed of two modules: a category-based proposal generation module to select the proposals related to the entities and a predicate analysis module to score the compatibility of pairs of selected proposals. We show state-of-the-art performance on the referring relationship task on two public datasets: Visual Relationship Detection and Visual Genome.Comment: CVPR 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Learnin