839 research outputs found

    Detecting highly overlapping community structure by greedy clique expansion

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    In complex networks it is common for each node to belong to several communities, implying a highly overlapping community structure. Recent advances in benchmarking indicate that existing community assignment algorithms that are capable of detecting overlapping communities perform well only when the extent of community overlap is kept to modest levels. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a new community assignment algorithm called Greedy Clique Expansion (GCE). The algorithm identifies distinct cliques as seeds and expands these seeds by greedily optimizing a local fitness function. We perform extensive benchmarks on synthetic data to demonstrate that GCE's good performance is robust across diverse graph topologies. Significantly, GCE is the only algorithm to perform well on these synthetic graphs, in which every node belongs to multiple communities. Furthermore, when put to the task of identifying functional modules in protein interaction data, and college dorm assignments in Facebook friendship data, we find that GCE performs competitively.Comment: 10 pages, 7 Figures. Implementation source and binaries available at http://sites.google.com/site/greedycliqueexpansion

    Detecting Community Structure in Dynamic Social Networks Using the Concept of Leadership

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    Detecting community structure in social networks is a fundamental problem empowering us to identify groups of actors with similar interests. There have been extensive works focusing on finding communities in static networks, however, in reality, due to dynamic nature of social networks, they are evolving continuously. Ignoring the dynamic aspect of social networks, neither allows us to capture evolutionary behavior of the network nor to predict the future status of individuals. Aside from being dynamic, another significant characteristic of real-world social networks is the presence of leaders, i.e. nodes with high degree centrality having a high attraction to absorb other members and hence to form a local community. In this paper, we devised an efficient method to incrementally detect communities in highly dynamic social networks using the intuitive idea of importance and persistence of community leaders over time. Our proposed method is able to find new communities based on the previous structure of the network without recomputing them from scratch. This unique feature, enables us to efficiently detect and track communities over time rapidly. Experimental results on the synthetic and real-world social networks demonstrate that our method is both effective and efficient in discovering communities in dynamic social networks

    Overlapping Community Discovery Methods: A Survey

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    The detection of overlapping communities is a challenging problem which is gaining increasing interest in recent years because of the natural attitude of individuals, observed in real-world networks, to participate in multiple groups at the same time. This review gives a description of the main proposals in the field. Besides the methods designed for static networks, some new approaches that deal with the detection of overlapping communities in networks that change over time, are described. Methods are classified with respect to the underlying principles guiding them to obtain a network division in groups sharing part of their nodes. For each of them we also report, when available, computational complexity and web site address from which it is possible to download the software implementing the method.Comment: 20 pages, Book Chapter, appears as Social networks: Analysis and Case Studies, A. Gunduz-Oguducu and A. S. Etaner-Uyar eds, Lecture Notes in Social Networks, pp. 105-125, Springer,201

    Communities as Well Separated Subgraphs With Cohesive Cores: Identification of Core-Periphery Structures in Link Communities

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    Communities in networks are commonly considered as highly cohesive subgraphs which are well separated from the rest of the network. However, cohesion and separation often cannot be maximized at the same time, which is why a compromise is sought by some methods. When a compromise is not suitable for the problem to be solved it might be advantageous to separate the two criteria. In this paper, we explore such an approach by defining communities as well separated subgraphs which can have one or more cohesive cores surrounded by peripheries. We apply this idea to link communities and present an algorithm for constructing hierarchical core-periphery structures in link communities and first test results.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted version of a paper accepted for the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, December 11-13, 2018, Cambridge, UK; revised version at

    Overlapping Community Detection in Networks: the State of the Art and Comparative Study

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    This paper reviews the state of the art in overlapping community detection algorithms, quality measures, and benchmarks. A thorough comparison of different algorithms (a total of fourteen) is provided. In addition to community level evaluation, we propose a framework for evaluating algorithms' ability to detect overlapping nodes, which helps to assess over-detection and under-detection. After considering community level detection performance measured by Normalized Mutual Information, the Omega index, and node level detection performance measured by F-score, we reached the following conclusions. For low overlapping density networks, SLPA, OSLOM, Game and COPRA offer better performance than the other tested algorithms. For networks with high overlapping density and high overlapping diversity, both SLPA and Game provide relatively stable performance. However, test results also suggest that the detection in such networks is still not yet fully resolved. A common feature observed by various algorithms in real-world networks is the relatively small fraction of overlapping nodes (typically less than 30%), each of which belongs to only 2 or 3 communities.Comment: This paper (final version) is accepted in 2012. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 45, no. 4, 2013 (In press) Contact: [email protected]