32,463 research outputs found

    Understanding Social Characteristic from Spatial Proximity in Mobile Social Network

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    Over the past decades, cities as gathering places of millions of people rapidly evolved in all aspects of population, society, and environments. As one recent trend, location-based social networking applications on mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular. Such mobile devices also become data repositories of massive human activities. Compared with sensing applications in traditional sensor network, Social sensing application in mobile social network, as in which all individuals are regarded as numerous sensors, would result in the fusion of mobile, social and sensor data. In particular, it has been observed that the fusion of these data can be a very powerful tool for series mining purposes. A clear knowledge about the interaction between individual mobility and social networks is essential for improving the existing individual activity model in this paper. We first propose a new measurement called geographic community for clustering spatial proximity in mobile social networks. A novel approach for detecting these geographic communities in mobile social networks has been proposed. Through developing a spatial proximity matrix, an improved symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization method (SNMF) is used to detect geographic communities in mobile social networks. By a real dataset containing thousands of mobile phone users in a provincial capital of China, the correlation between geographic community and common social properties of users have been tested. While exploring shared individual movement patterns, we propose a hybrid approach that utilizes spatial proximity and social proximity of individuals for mining network structure in mobile social networks. Several experimental results have been shown to verify the feasibility of this proposed hybrid approach based on the MIT dataset

    Depicting urban boundaries from a mobility network of spatial interactions: A case study of Great Britain with geo-located Twitter data

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    Existing urban boundaries are usually defined by government agencies for administrative, economic, and political purposes. Defining urban boundaries that consider socio-economic relationships and citizen commute patterns is important for many aspects of urban and regional planning. In this paper, we describe a method to delineate urban boundaries based upon human interactions with physical space inferred from social media. Specifically, we depicted the urban boundaries of Great Britain using a mobility network of Twitter user spatial interactions, which was inferred from over 69 million geo-located tweets. We define the non-administrative anthropographic boundaries in a hierarchical fashion based on different physical movement ranges of users derived from the collective mobility patterns of Twitter users in Great Britain. The results of strongly connected urban regions in the form of communities in the network space yield geographically cohesive, non-overlapping urban areas, which provide a clear delineation of the non-administrative anthropographic urban boundaries of Great Britain. The method was applied to both national (Great Britain) and municipal scales (the London metropolis). While our results corresponded well with the administrative boundaries, many unexpected and interesting boundaries were identified. Importantly, as the depicted urban boundaries exhibited a strong instance of spatial proximity, we employed a gravity model to understand the distance decay effects in shaping the delineated urban boundaries. The model explains how geographical distances found in the mobility patterns affect the interaction intensity among different non-administrative anthropographic urban areas, which provides new insights into human spatial interactions with urban space.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, International Journal of Geographic Information Scienc

    Defending against Sybil Devices in Crowdsourced Mapping Services

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    Real-time crowdsourced maps such as Waze provide timely updates on traffic, congestion, accidents and points of interest. In this paper, we demonstrate how lack of strong location authentication allows creation of software-based {\em Sybil devices} that expose crowdsourced map systems to a variety of security and privacy attacks. Our experiments show that a single Sybil device with limited resources can cause havoc on Waze, reporting false congestion and accidents and automatically rerouting user traffic. More importantly, we describe techniques to generate Sybil devices at scale, creating armies of virtual vehicles capable of remotely tracking precise movements for large user populations while avoiding detection. We propose a new approach to defend against Sybil devices based on {\em co-location edges}, authenticated records that attest to the one-time physical co-location of a pair of devices. Over time, co-location edges combine to form large {\em proximity graphs} that attest to physical interactions between devices, allowing scalable detection of virtual vehicles. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach using large-scale simulations, and discuss how they can be used to dramatically reduce the impact of attacks against crowdsourced mapping services.Comment: Measure and integratio

    Measuring the effect of node aggregation on community detection

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    Many times the nodes of a complex network, whether deliberately or not, are aggregated for technical, ethical, legal limitations or privacy reasons. A common example is the geographic position: one may uncover communities in a network of places, or of individuals identified with their typical geographical position, and then aggregate these places into larger entities, such as municipalities, thus obtaining another network. The communities found in the networks obtained at various levels of aggregation may exhibit various degrees of similarity, from full alignment to perfect independence. This is akin to the problem of ecological and atomic fallacies in statistics, or to the Modified Areal Unit Problem in geography. We identify the class of community detection algorithms most suitable to cope with node aggregation, and develop an index for aggregability, capturing to which extent the aggregation preserves the community structure. We illustrate its relevance on real-world examples (mobile phone and Twitter reply-to networks). Our main message is that any node-partitioning analysis performed on aggregated networks should be interpreted with caution, as the outcome may be strongly influenced by the level of the aggregation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Mobile Social Networking aided content dissemination in heterogeneous networks

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    Since more and more mobile applications are based on the proliferation of social information, the study of Mobile Social Net-works (MSNs) combines social sciences and wireless communications. Operating wireless networks more efficiently by exploiting social relationships between MSN users is an appealing but challenging option for network operators. An MSN-aided content dissemination technique is presented as a potential ex-tension of conventional cellular wireless net-works in order to satisfy growing data traffic. By allowing the MSN users to create a self-organized ad hoc network for spontaneously disseminating contents, the network operator may be able to reduce the operational costs and simultaneously achieve an improved network performance. In this paper, we first summarize the basic features of the MSN architecture, followed by a survey of the factors which may affect MSN-aided content dissemination. Using a case study, we demonstrate that one can save resources of the Base Station (BS) while substantially lowering content dissemination delay. Finally, other potential applications of MSN-aided content dissemination are introduced, and a range of future challenges are summarized

    Fundamental structures of dynamic social networks

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    Social systems are in a constant state of flux with dynamics spanning from minute-by-minute changes to patterns present on the timescale of years. Accurate models of social dynamics are important for understanding spreading of influence or diseases, formation of friendships, and the productivity of teams. While there has been much progress on understanding complex networks over the past decade, little is known about the regularities governing the micro-dynamics of social networks. Here we explore the dynamic social network of a densely-connected population of approximately 1000 individuals and their interactions in the network of real-world person-to-person proximity measured via Bluetooth, as well as their telecommunication networks, online social media contacts, geo-location, and demographic data. These high-resolution data allow us to observe social groups directly, rendering community detection unnecessary. Starting from 5-minute time slices we uncover dynamic social structures expressed on multiple timescales. On the hourly timescale, we find that gatherings are fluid, with members coming and going, but organized via a stable core of individuals. Each core represents a social context. Cores exhibit a pattern of recurring meetings across weeks and months, each with varying degrees of regularity. Taken together, these findings provide a powerful simplification of the social network, where cores represent fundamental structures expressed with strong temporal and spatial regularity. Using this framework, we explore the complex interplay between social and geospatial behavior, documenting how the formation of cores are preceded by coordination behavior in the communication networks, and demonstrating that social behavior can be predicted with high precision.Comment: Main Manuscript: 16 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information: 39 pages, 34 figure

    Link communities reveal multiscale complexity in networks

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    Networks have become a key approach to understanding systems of interacting objects, unifying the study of diverse phenomena including biological organisms and human society. One crucial step when studying the structure and dynamics of networks is to identify communities: groups of related nodes that correspond to functional subunits such as protein complexes or social spheres. Communities in networks often overlap such that nodes simultaneously belong to several groups. Meanwhile, many networks are known to possess hierarchical organization, where communities are recursively grouped into a hierarchical structure. However, the fact that many real networks have communities with pervasive overlap, where each and every node belongs to more than one group, has the consequence that a global hierarchy of nodes cannot capture the relationships between overlapping groups. Here we reinvent communities as groups of links rather than nodes and show that this unorthodox approach successfully reconciles the antagonistic organizing principles of overlapping communities and hierarchy. In contrast to the existing literature, which has entirely focused on grouping nodes, link communities naturally incorporate overlap while revealing hierarchical organization. We find relevant link communities in many networks, including major biological networks such as protein-protein interaction and metabolic networks, and show that a large social network contains hierarchically organized community structures spanning inner-city to regional scales while maintaining pervasive overlap. Our results imply that link communities are fundamental building blocks that reveal overlap and hierarchical organization in networks to be two aspects of the same phenomenon.Comment: Main text and supplementary informatio
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