12,318 research outputs found

    Smile detection in the wild based on transfer learning

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    Smile detection from unconstrained facial images is a specialized and challenging problem. As one of the most informative expressions, smiles convey basic underlying emotions, such as happiness and satisfaction, which lead to multiple applications, e.g., human behavior analysis and interactive controlling. Compared to the size of databases for face recognition, far less labeled data is available for training smile detection systems. To leverage the large amount of labeled data from face recognition datasets and to alleviate overfitting on smile detection, an efficient transfer learning-based smile detection approach is proposed in this paper. Unlike previous works which use either hand-engineered features or train deep convolutional networks from scratch, a well-trained deep face recognition model is explored and fine-tuned for smile detection in the wild. Three different models are built as a result of fine-tuning the face recognition model with different inputs, including aligned, unaligned and grayscale images generated from the GENKI-4K dataset. Experiments show that the proposed approach achieves improved state-of-the-art performance. Robustness of the model to noise and blur artifacts is also evaluated in this paper

    The image ray transform for structural feature detection

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    The use of analogies to physical phenomena is an exciting paradigm in computer vision that allows unorthodox approaches to feature extraction, creating new techniques with unique properties. A technique known as the "image ray transform" has been developed based upon an analogy to the propagation of light as rays. The transform analogises an image to a set of glass blocks with refractive index linked to pixel properties and then casts a large number of rays through the image. The course of these rays is accumulated into an output image. The technique can successfully extract tubular and circular features and we show successful circle detection, ear biometrics and retinal vessel extraction. The transform has also been extended through the use of multiple rays arranged as a beam to increase robustness to noise, and we show quantitative results for fully automatic ear recognition, achieving 95.2% rank one recognition across 63 subjects

    Provable Self-Representation Based Outlier Detection in a Union of Subspaces

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    Many computer vision tasks involve processing large amounts of data contaminated by outliers, which need to be detected and rejected. While outlier detection methods based on robust statistics have existed for decades, only recently have methods based on sparse and low-rank representation been developed along with guarantees of correct outlier detection when the inliers lie in one or more low-dimensional subspaces. This paper proposes a new outlier detection method that combines tools from sparse representation with random walks on a graph. By exploiting the property that data points can be expressed as sparse linear combinations of each other, we obtain an asymmetric affinity matrix among data points, which we use to construct a weighted directed graph. By defining a suitable Markov Chain from this graph, we establish a connection between inliers/outliers and essential/inessential states of the Markov chain, which allows us to detect outliers by using random walks. We provide a theoretical analysis that justifies the correctness of our method under geometric and connectivity assumptions. Experimental results on image databases demonstrate its superiority with respect to state-of-the-art sparse and low-rank outlier detection methods.Comment: 16 pages. CVPR 2017 spotlight oral presentatio

    MARGIN: Uncovering Deep Neural Networks using Graph Signal Analysis

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    Interpretability has emerged as a crucial aspect of machine learning, aimed at providing insights into the working of complex neural networks. However, existing solutions vary vastly based on the nature of the interpretability task, with each use case requiring substantial time and effort. This paper introduces MARGIN, a simple yet general approach to address a large set of interpretability tasks ranging from identifying prototypes to explaining image predictions. MARGIN exploits ideas rooted in graph signal analysis to determine influential nodes in a graph, which are defined as those nodes that maximally describe a function defined on the graph. By carefully defining task-specific graphs and functions, we demonstrate that MARGIN outperforms existing approaches in a number of disparate interpretability challenges.Comment: Technical Repor

    Sequential Dimensionality Reduction for Extracting Localized Features

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    Linear dimensionality reduction techniques are powerful tools for image analysis as they allow the identification of important features in a data set. In particular, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become very popular as it is able to extract sparse, localized and easily interpretable features by imposing an additive combination of nonnegative basis elements. Nonnegative matrix underapproximation (NMU) is a closely related technique that has the advantage to identify features sequentially. In this paper, we propose a variant of NMU that is particularly well suited for image analysis as it incorporates the spatial information, that is, it takes into account the fact that neighboring pixels are more likely to be contained in the same features, and favors the extraction of localized features by looking for sparse basis elements. We show that our new approach competes favorably with comparable state-of-the-art techniques on synthetic, facial and hyperspectral image data sets.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. New numerical experiments on synthetic data sets, discussion about the convergenc

    Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing

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    Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions. We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis, through reviewing the literature and relating the existing works with both qualitative and numerical comparisons. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure
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