3 research outputs found

    Detecting centralized architecture-based botnets using travelling salesperson non-deterministic polynomial-hard problem-TSP-NP technique

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    The threats posed by botnets in the cyber-space continues to grow each day and it has become very hard to detect or infiltrate bots given that the botnet developers each day keep changing the propagation and attack techniques. Currently, most of these attacks have been centered on stealing computing energy, theft of personal information and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS attacks). In this paper, the authors propose a novel technique that uses the Non-Deterministic Polynomial-Time Hardness (NP-Hard Problem) based on the Traveling Salesperson Person (TSP) that depicts that a given bot, b j , is able to visit each host on a network environment, NE, and then it returns to the botmaster in form of instruction(command) through optimal minimization of the hosts that are or may be attacked. Given that b j represents a piece of malicious code and based on TSP-NP Hard Problem which forms part of combinatorial optimization, the authors present an effective approach for the detection of the botnet. It is worth noting that the concentration of this study is basically on the centralized botnet architecture. This holistic approach shows that botnet detection accuracy can be increased with a degree of certainty and potentially decrease the chances of false positives. Nevertheless, a discussion on the possible applicability and implementation has also been given in this paper

    Um modelo de otimização para planejamento dinâmico de voo para grupos de drones por meio de sistema multiagente e leilões recursivos

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    Orientador: Eduardo TodtTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 03/07/2020Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho apresenta um modelo aplicado de cooperacao para otimizar voos de veiculos aereos nao tripulados do tipo quadricoptero, tambem conhecidos como Drones, com aplicacao na agricultura de precisao. O modelo utiliza Sistema Multiagente para permitir a abertura, que e a propriedade de inserir e retirar elementos do modelo a qualquer momento. Para garantir a dinamicidade, que e a caracteristica que o modelo tem de se recuperar de eventos adversos ou falhas, agentes cognitivos com BDI foram utilizados. Para garantir a troca de mensagens independente da quantidade de elementos no modelo, foi utilizado o protocolo FIPA Contract-NET. Um algoritmo distribuido de otimizacao utilizando leiloes recursivos tambem foi desenvolvido, o qual visa otimizar o tempo de voo, assim como o uso da bateria dos Drones, sendo a bateria a grande limitacao destes e inibindo sua utilizacao na agricultura de precisao. Esse algoritmo foi testado em seu modelo original e, posteriormente, refinado a partir de heuristicas e metodologias visando diminuir o numero de leiloes recursivos, assim como o tempo de processamento, em comparacao ao modelo original. Este modelo, apos aplicacao das heuristicas e metodologias, foi testado. Em cenarios contendo multiplos Drones, o desempenho foi 30% superior ao algoritmo dinamico encontrado na literatura que tambem pode ser aplicado em ambientes dinamicos. Do ponto de vista de abertura e dinamicidade, o modelo foi testado no simulador MultiDrone Simulator, permitindo gerar novos planos de voo, mesmo com eventos adversos. Os resultados dos testes em simulacao realizados sustentam que o modelo proposto apresenta comportamento como esperado, mostrando-se como uma plataforma promissora de pesquisa para uso de Drones em cenarios da agricultura de precisao, uma vez que este modelo permite a utilizacao de multiplos Drones em ambientes dinamicos e abertos, garantindo a otimizacao do tempo de voo, o que garante economia da bateria dos Drones. Palavras-chave: Drones, Sistema Multiagente, BDI, Leilao RecursivoAbstract: This work presents an applied model of cooperation to optimize flights of unmanned aerial vehicles like quadcopters, also known as Drones, involved in precision agriculture. This model uses a Multiagent System to allow up the opening, which is the property of inserting and removing elements from the model at any time. To allow dynamism, which is the characteristic that the model has to recover from adverse events or failures, cognitive agents with BDI structure were used. To guarantee the exchange of messages in dynamic number of elements, the FIPA Contract-NET protocol were used. A distributed optimization algorithm using recursive auctions was also developed, which aims to optimize the number of points covered by Drones. This model aims to optimize the flight time, which directly reflects the optimization of the Drone's battery use. This is a great limitation of this kind of aerial vehicle and which inhibits its use in precision agriculture. This algorithm was tested as original proposed and, later, refined from heuristics and methodologies in order to decrease the number of auctions, as well as the processing time. This model, after applying the heuristics and methodologies, was tested, and in scenarios containing multiple Drones, the performance was 30 % higher than the dynamic algorithm found in the literature that can also be applied in dynamic environments. From the point of view of openness and dynamics, the model was tested in the MultiDrone Simulator, allowing to generate new flight plans, even with the simulated adverse events. The results of the simulation tests carried out maintain that the proposed model behaves as expected, showing itself as a promising research platform for the use of drones in precision agriculture scenarios, since this model allows the use of multiple Drones in environments dynamic and open, guaranteeing the flight optimization, which ensures battery saving for Drones. Keywords: Drones, Multiagent System, BDI, Recursive Auction