2 research outputs found

    Ensino/aprendizagem num novo contexto tecnológico: um estudo no âmbito do ensino superior

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    Today’s students of higher education are considered digital natives. They have a wide array of technologies at their disposal that are used in their day-to-day lives in very different contexts; including recreation, work and academic. This scenario promotes a change of culture by the main actors associated with the Teaching/Learning process. This prompted the development of the present thesis which aims to evaluate the degree of use and acceptance of technologies supporting the Teaching/Learning process in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The methodology used when conducting this study was based initially on a review of the specialized literature, identifying the three main technological generations supporting the Teaching/Learning process: Learning Management Systems (LMS), Web 2.0 technologies and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Subsequently, the technologies recognized as the most relevant within each of these generations have been the subject of (i) a systematic literature review, (ii) a content analysis elaborated on the platforms/technologies used in international Higher Education Institutions, and (iii) an empirical work conducted at a Portuguese Higher Education Institution. Concerning the latter, an understanding of the behavior of the two main players involved in the Teaching/Learning process (students and teachers) was particularly sought after. Therefore, studies were conducted on (i) the students’ use of the main technologies, (ii) the students’ acceptance of some of these technologies in the context of Teaching/Learning and (iii) the use and acceptance of the technologies by teachers. The results indicated that the Moodle platform is the LMS most used in Higher Education Institutions. In this context, the platform is mostly used as a content repository and a communication channel. As for Web 2.0, Video Sharing, Social Networks and Wikis were proven to be the technologies most used by students and teachers. The results also revealed that the technologies in question are well accepted by both parties, thus showing that their adoption could benefit the Teaching/Learning process in the new technological paradigm. Regarding the MOOCs, few teachers showed knowledge of the concept and no teachers who had created these type of courses were identified. This study resulted in the development of seven scientific works with peer review, being five scientific papers published or submitted to international scientific journals and two chapters published in international books. These scientific works constitute an integral part of this doctoral thesis.Atualmente, os estudantes do ensino superior são considerados nativos digitais, tendo à sua disposição um conjunto abrangente de tecnologias que utilizam no seu dia a dia nos mais diversos contextos, incluindo o de lazer, de trabalho e académico. Este cenário promove uma mudança de cultura por parte dos principais atores associados ao processo de Ensino/Aprendizagem, o que motivou o desenvolvimento da presente tese que tem por objetivo avaliar o grau de utilização e de aceitação das tecnologias de suporte ao processo Ensino/Aprendizagem nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). A metodologia utilizada na condução deste estudo, baseou-se inicialmente numa revisão da literatura especializada, tendo-se identificado as três principais gerações tecnológicas de suporte ao processo Ensino/Aprendizagem, mais especificamente os Learning Management Systems (LSM), as tecnologias Web 2.0 e os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Seguidamente, as tecnologias reconhecidas como as mais relevantes no âmbito de cada uma destas gerações foram alvo de revisão sistemática da literatura, de análise de conteúdo elaborada sobre as plataformas/tecnologias utilizadas em Instituições de Ensino Superior de referência a nível internacional, e de trabalhos empíricos conduzidos numa Instituição de Ensino Superior Portuguesa. Em particular, no que se refere a estes últimos, procurou-se perceber o comportamento relativo à adoção das tecnologias por parte dos dois principais intervenientes no processo Ensino/Aprendizagem, i.e., estudantes e professores. Desta forma, foram conduzidos estudos acerca (i) da utilização, por parte dos estudantes, das principais tecnologias, (ii) da aceitação, por parte dos estudantes, de algumas dessas tecnologias em contexto Ensino/Aprendizagem e (iii) da utilização e aceitação das tecnologias por parte dos professores. Os resultados apontaram para o facto de a plataforma Moodle representar o LMS mais utilizado no Ensino Superior sendo, no contexto do caso analisado, utilizado maioritariamente como repositório de conteúdos e canal de comunicação. No que se refere à Web 2.0, o Video Sharing, as Redes Sociais e as Wikis revelaram-se como as tecnologias mais utilizadas pelos estudantes e pelos professores. Os resultados revelaram, ainda, que as tecnologias em causa são bem aceites, tanto por parte dos estudantes como dos professores, evidenciando, assim, que a sua adoção poderá beneficiar o processo Ensino/Aprendizagem no paradigma tecnológico. Já no que diz respeito às MOOCs, poucos professores evidenciaram conhecer o conceito, não se tendo identificado professores que tivessem criado este tipo de cursos. Este estudo traduziu-se na elaboração de sete trabalhos científicos com revisão por pares, dos quais cinco artigos publicados/submetidos a revistas científicas internacionais e dois capítulos publicados de livros internacionais, que aqui se apresentam e constituem parte integrante desta tese de doutoramento.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    A reception study of machine translated subtitles for MOOCs

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    As MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) grow rapidly around the world, the language barrier is becoming a serious issue. Removing this obstacle by creating translated subtitles is an indispensable part of developing MOOCs and improving accessibility. Given the large quantity of MOOCs available worldwide and the considerable demand for them, machine translation (MT) appears to offer an alternative or complementary translation solution, thus providing the motivation for this research. The main goal of this research is to test the impact machine translated subtitles have on Chinese viewers’ reception of MOOC content. More specifically, the author is interested in whether there is any difference between viewers’ reception of raw machine translated subtitles as opposed to fully post-edited machine translated subtitles and human translated subtitles. Reception is operationalized by adapting Gambier's (2007) model, which divides ‘reception’ into ‘the three Rs’: (i) response, (ii) reaction and (iii) repercussion. Response refers to the initial physical response of a viewer to an audio-visual stimulus, in this case the subtitle and the rest of the image. Reaction involves the cognitive follow-on from initial response, and is linked to how much effort is involved in processing the subtitling stimulus and what is understood by the viewer. Repercussion refers to attitudinal and sociocultural dimensions of AVT consumption. The research contains a pilot study and a main experiment. Mixed methods of eye-tracking, questionnaires, translation quality assessment and frequency analysis were adopted. Over 60 native Chinese speakers were recruited as participants for this research. They were divided into three groups, those who read subtitles created by raw MT, post-edited MT (PE) and human translation (HT). Results show that most participants had a positive attitude towards the subtitles regardless of their type. Participants who were offered PE subtitles scored the best overall on the selected reception metrics. Participants who were offered HT subtitles performed the worst in some of the selected reception metrics