22 research outputs found

    Interactive Videos in IPTV using Hypervideo Links

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    [EN] One of the main advantages of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is the capability of full duplex communication between the Television (TV) provider and the clients which permits the interactivity of both. From this interactivity, TV providers can obtain extra information from clients. Moreover, clients can even take profit from this type of communication that allows them surfing between videos. However, this feature cannot be used in Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). This paper shows the design and development of an interactive video for IPTV services that contains hypervideo links with additional information and content that is very useful for viewers. Furthermore, we detail the protocol used to maintain the service between the TV provider and the clients to maintain the service. Finally, the system is tested in a real scenario and the resulting measurements are provided in order to evaluate the network performance needed to offer an adequate service to each client because according to results shows, the use of hypervideo links does not imply an important increase in the ratio of packets per second.This work has been partially supported by the Postdoctoral Scholarship Contratos Postdoctorales UPV 2014 (PAID-10-14) of the Universitat Politècnica de València , by the Programa para la Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-2015-S2-884) of the Universitat Politècnica de València .Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J.; Abdullah, MT.; Sendra, S. (2017). Interactive Videos in IPTV using Hypervideo Links. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(3-4):77-93. https://doi.org/10.5296/npa.v9i3-4.12540S779393-

    User Information Needs for Environmental Opinion-forming and Decision-making in Link-enriched Video

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    Link-enriched video can support users in informative processes of environmental opinion-forming and decision-making. To enable this, we need to specify the information that should be captured in an annotation schema for describing the video. We conducted expert interviews to elicit users’ potential information needs. We carried out a user survey to assess the relevance of t

    Linking inside a video collection - what and how to measure?

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    Although linking video to additional information sources seems to be a sensible approach to satisfy information needs of user, the perspective of users is not yet analyzed on a fundamental level in real-life scenarios. However, a better understanding of the motivation of users to follow links in video, which anchors users prefer to link from within a video, and what type of link targets users are typically interested in, is important to be able to model automatic linking of audiovisual content appropriately. In this paper we report on our methodology towards eliciting user requirements with respect to video linking in the course of a broader study on user requirements in searching and a series of benchmark evaluations on searching and linking

    Collaborative knowledge building with shared video representations

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    Online video has become established as a fundamental part of the fabric of the web; widely used by people for information sharing, learning and entertainment. We report results from a design study that explored how people interact to create shared multi-path video representations in a social video environment. The participants created multiple versions of a video by providing alternative and interchangeable scenes that formed different paths through the video content. This multi-path video approach was designed to circumvent limitations of traditionally linear video for use as a shared representation in collaborative knowledge building activities. The article describes how people created video resources in collaborative activities in two different settings. We discuss different modes of working that were observed and outline the specific challenges of using the video medium as shared representation. Finally we demonstrate how an analysis of collaborative dimensions of the shared multi-path video representation can be applied to discuss the design space and to raise the discourse about the usefulness of these representations in knowledge building environments

    User information needs for environmental opinion-forming and decision-making in link-enriched video

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    Link-enriched video can support users in informative processes of environmental opinion-forming and decision-making. To enable this, we need to specify the information that should be captured in an annotation schema for describing the video. We conducted expert interviews to elicit users’ potential information needs. We carried out a user survey to assess the relevance of t

    Visualization of personal history for video navigation

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    Figure 1. Our prototype history-based interface called the Video History System (VHS) aids navigation through the management of a user’s personal viewing history. Playback of video is controlled with familiar tools such as play/pause, seek and filmstrip (left)- the VHS records each part of the video viewed by the user. The history is then visualized in one of two ways: as Video Tiles (centre) or as a Video Timeline (right).1 We present an investigation of two different visualizations of video history: Video Timeline and Video Tiles. Video Timeline extends the commonly employed list-based visualization for navigation history by applying size to indicate heuristics and occupying the full screen with a two-sided timeline. Video Tiles visualizes history items in a grid-based layout by follow-ing pre-defined templates based on items ’ heuristics and or-dering, utilizing screen space more effectively at the expense of a clearer temporal location. The visualizations are com-pared against the state-of-the-art method (a filmstrip-based visualization), with ten participants tasked with sharing their previously-seen affective intervals. Our study shows that our visualizations are perceived as intuitive and both outperform and are strongly preferred to the current method. Based on these results, Video Timeline and Video Tiles provide an ef-fective addition to video viewers to help manage the growing quantity of video. They provide users with insight into their navigation patterns, allowing them to quickly find previously-seen intervals, leading to efficient clip sharing, simpler au-thoring and video summarization

    Deliverable D3.2 Specification of Presentation Interfaces for the Three Scenarios

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    This deliverable presents a state-of-art and requirements analysis report for hypervideo authored as part of the WP1 of the LinkedTV project. Initially, we present some use-case (viewers) scenarios in the LinkedTV project and through the analysis of the distinctive needs and demands of each scenario we point out the technical requirements from a user-side perspective. Subsequently we study methods for the automatic and semi-automatic decomposition of the audiovisual content in order to effectively support the annotation process. Considering that the multimedia content comprises of different types of information, i.e., visual, textual and audio, we report various methods for the analysis of these three different streams. Finally we present various annotation tools which could integrate the developed analysis results so as to effectively support users (video producers) in the semi-automatic linking of hypervideo content, and based on them we report on the initial progress in building the LinkedTV annotation tool. For each one of the different classes of techniques being discussed in the deliverable we present the evaluation results from the application of one such method of the literature to a dataset well-suited to the needs of the LinkedTV project, and we indicate the future technical requirements that should be addressed in order to achieve higher levels of performance (e.g., in terms of accuracy and time-efficiency), as necessary

    Epälineaarinen televisioitu urheilu – käyttäjätutkimus viivästettyjen sisältöjen katselukokemuksesta

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    Engaging with television is increasingly moving from viewing of linear broadcasts to time-shifted content. Sports is one of the most important but also one of the most time-dependent content genres. The objective of this thesis is to categorize time-shifted sports viewing behavior and clarify whether non-linear options can offer enjoyable viewing experiences. Our user research included contextual interviews, a survey and analysis of real-life usage data. The results confirm that live viewing is the dominant and preferred type of sports viewing experience. However, we identified three different paradigms of time-shifted viewing as well. They were perceived as secondary options, but relevant within certain circumstances. Our research shows that a number of peripheral activities affect non-linear viewing of sports. Social interactions, media use and betting are among the factors that seem to diminish the advantages of time-shifting. The findings support further development of services that offer non-linear sports content. Such services should let the viewers choose between a laid- back type of experience and more active involvement.Television katselu on yhä enemmän muuttumassa lineaarikanavien katselusta epälineaarisiin sisältöihin. Urheilu on yksi television tärkeimmistä mutta myös aikasidonnaisimmista ohjelmatyypeistä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on luokitella urheilun epälineaarista katsomista ja selvittää, voiko se tarjota nautinnollisia katselukokemuksia. Käyttäjätutkimuksemme koostui kontekstuaalisista haastatteluista, kyselystä ja käyttödatan analysoinnista. Tulokset vahvistavat suorien lähetysten olevan suosituin tapa katsoa urheilua. Tunnistimme kuitenkin myös kolme erilaista epälineaarisen katsomisen mallia. Niitä pidettiin toissijaisina, mutta tietyissä olosuhteissa olennaisina vaihtoehtoina. Oheistoiminta vaikuttaa urheilun epälineaariseen katsomiseen. Sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen, median käyttö ja vedonlyönti voivat vähentää epälineaarisen katsomisen etuja. Löydökset tukevat epälineaarisia urheilusisältöjä tarjoavien palveluiden kehitystä. Uusien palveluiden tulisi tarjota mahdollisuus sekä rentoon ja passiiviseen katselukokemukseen että aktiivisempaan katselutapaan

    Epälineaarinen televisioitu urheilu – käyttäjätutkimus viivästettyjen sisältöjen katselukokemuksesta

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    Engaging with television is increasingly moving from viewing of linear broadcasts to time-shifted content. Sports is one of the most important but also one of the most time-dependent content genres. The objective of this thesis is to categorize time-shifted sports viewing behavior and clarify whether non-linear options can offer enjoyable viewing experiences. Our user research included contextual interviews, a survey and analysis of real-life usage data. The results confirm that live viewing is the dominant and preferred type of sports viewing experience. However, we identified three different paradigms of time-shifted viewing as well. They were perceived as secondary options, but relevant within certain circumstances. Our research shows that a number of peripheral activities affect non-linear viewing of sports. Social interactions, media use and betting are among the factors that seem to diminish the advantages of time-shifting. The findings support further development of services that offer non-linear sports content. Such services should let the viewers choose between a laid- back type of experience and more active involvement.Television katselu on yhä enemmän muuttumassa lineaarikanavien katselusta epälineaarisiin sisältöihin. Urheilu on yksi television tärkeimmistä mutta myös aikasidonnaisimmista ohjelmatyypeistä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on luokitella urheilun epälineaarista katsomista ja selvittää, voiko se tarjota nautinnollisia katselukokemuksia. Käyttäjätutkimuksemme koostui kontekstuaalisista haastatteluista, kyselystä ja käyttödatan analysoinnista. Tulokset vahvistavat suorien lähetysten olevan suosituin tapa katsoa urheilua. Tunnistimme kuitenkin myös kolme erilaista epälineaarisen katsomisen mallia. Niitä pidettiin toissijaisina, mutta tietyissä olosuhteissa olennaisina vaihtoehtoina. Oheistoiminta vaikuttaa urheilun epälineaariseen katsomiseen. Sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen, median käyttö ja vedonlyönti voivat vähentää epälineaarisen katsomisen etuja. Löydökset tukevat epälineaarisia urheilusisältöjä tarjoavien palveluiden kehitystä. Uusien palveluiden tulisi tarjota mahdollisuus sekä rentoon ja passiiviseen katselukokemukseen että aktiivisempaan katselutapaan