262 research outputs found

    Designing Optimal Quantum Detectors Via Semidefinite Programming

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    We consider the problem of designing an optimal quantum detector to minimize the probability of a detection error when distinguishing between a collection of quantum states, represented by a set of density operators. We show that the design of the optimal detector can be formulated as a semidefinite programming problem. Based on this formulation, we derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for an optimal quantum measurement. We then show that the optimal measurement can be found by solving a standard (convex) semidefinite program followed by the solution of a set of linear equations or, at worst, a standard linear programming problem. By exploiting the many well-known algorithms for solving semidefinite programs, which are guaranteed to converge to the global optimum, the optimal measurement can be computed very efficiently in polynomial time. Using the semidefinite programming formulation, we also show that the rank of each optimal measurement operator is no larger than the rank of the corresponding density operator. In particular, if the quantum state ensemble is a pure-state ensemble consisting of (not necessarily independent) rank-one density operators, then we show that the optimal measurement is a pure-state measurement consisting of rank-one measurement operators.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Two-sided estimates of minimum-error distinguishability of mixed quantum states via generalized Holevo-Curlander bounds

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    We prove a concise factor-of-2 estimate for the failure rate of optimally distinguishing an arbitrary ensemble of mixed quantum states, generalizing work of Holevo [Theor. Probab. Appl. 23, 411 (1978)] and Curlander [Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 1979]. A modification to the minimal principle of Cocha and Poor [Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing (Rinton, Princeton, NJ, 2003)] is used to derive a suboptimal measurement which has an error rate within a factor of 2 of the optimal by construction. This measurement is quadratically weighted and has appeared as the first iterate of a sequence of measurements proposed by Jezek et al. [Phys. Rev. A 65, 060301 (2002)]. Unlike the so-called pretty good measurement, it coincides with Holevo's asymptotically optimal measurement in the case of nonequiprobable pure states. A quadratically weighted version of the measurement bound by Barnum and Knill [J. Math. Phys. 43, 2097 (2002)] is proven. Bounds on the distinguishability of syndromes in the sense of Schumacher and Westmoreland [Phys. Rev. A 56, 131 (1997)] appear as a corollary. An appendix relates our bounds to the trace-Jensen inequality.Comment: It was not realized at the time of publication that the lower bound of Theorem 10 has a simple generalization using matrix monotonicity (See [J. Math. Phys. 50, 062102]). Furthermore, this generalization is a trivial variation of a previously-obtained bound of Ogawa and Nagaoka [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 45, 2486-2489 (1999)], which had been overlooked by the autho

    Theory of Quantum Pulse Position Modulation and Related Numerical Problems

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    The paper deals with quantum pulse position modulation (PPM), both in the absence (pure states) and in the presence (mixed states) of thermal noise, using the Glauber representation of coherent laser radiation. The objective is to find optimal (or suboptimal) measurement operators and to evaluate the corresponding error probability. For PPM, the correct formulation of quantum states is given by the tensorial product of m identical Hilbert spaces, where m is the PPM order. The presence of mixed states, due to thermal noise, generates an optimization problem involving matrices of huge dimensions, which already for 4-PPM, are of the order of ten thousand. To overcome this computational complexity, the currently available methods of quantum detection, which are based on explicit results, convex linear programming and square root measurement, are compared to find the computationally less expensive one. In this paper a fundamental role is played by the geometrically uniform symmetry of the quantum PPM format. The evaluation of error probability confirms the vast superiority of the quantum detection over its classical counterpart.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Communication

    Quantum Detection with Unknown States

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    We address the problem of distinguishing among a finite collection of quantum states, when the states are not entirely known. For completely specified states, necessary and sufficient conditions on a quantum measurement minimizing the probability of a detection error have been derived. In this work, we assume that each of the states in our collection is a mixture of a known state and an unknown state. We investigate two criteria for optimality. The first is minimization of the worst-case probability of a detection error. For the second we assume a probability distribution on the unknown states, and minimize of the expected probability of a detection error. We find that under both criteria, the optimal detectors are equivalent to the optimal detectors of an ``effective ensemble''. In the worst-case, the effective ensemble is comprised of the known states with altered prior probabilities, and in the average case it is made up of altered states with the original prior probabilities.Comment: Refereed version. Improved numerical examples and figures. A few typos fixe

    A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Optimal Unambiguous Discrimination of Quantum States

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    In this paper we consider the problem of unambiguous discrimination between a set of linearly independent pure quantum states. We show that the design of the optimal measurement that minimizes the probability of an inconclusive result can be formulated as a semidefinite programming problem. Based on this formulation, we develop a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for an optimal quantum measurement. We show that the optimal measurement can be computed very efficiently in polynomial time by exploiting the many well-known algorithms for solving semidefinite programs, which are guaranteed to converge to the global optimum. Using the general conditions for optimality, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions so that the measurement that results in an equal probability of an inconclusive result for each one of the quantum states is optimal. We refer to this measurement as the equal-probability measurement (EPM). We then show that for any state set, the prior probabilities of the states can be chosen such that the EPM is optimal. Finally, we consider state sets with strong symmetry properties and equal prior probabilities for which the EPM is optimal. We first consider geometrically uniform state sets that are defined over a group of unitary matrices and are generated by a single generating vector. We then consider compound geometrically uniform state sets which are generated by a group of unitary matrices using multiple generating vectors, where the generating vectors satisfy a certain (weighted) norm constraint.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor