20 research outputs found

    A Study into the Usability and Security Implications of Text and Image Based Challenge Questions in the Context of Online Examination

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    Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Online examinations are an integral component of online learning environments and research studies have identified academic dishonesty as a critical threat to the credibility of such examinations. Academic dishonesty exists in many forms. Collusion is seen as a major security threat, wherein a student invites a third party for help or to impersonate him or her in an online examination. This work aims to investigate the authentication of students using text-based and image-based challenge questions. The study reported in this paper involved 70 online participants from nine countries completing a five week online course and simulating an abuse case scenario. The results of a usability analysis suggested that i) image-based questions are more usable than text-based questions (p < 0.01) and ii) using a more flexible data entry method increased the usability of text-based questions (p < 0.01). An impersonation abuse scenario was simulated to test the influence of sharing with different database sizes. The findings revealed that iii) an increase in the number of questions shared for impersonation increased the success of an impersonation attack and the results showed a significant linear trend (p < 0.01). However, the number of correct answers decreased when the attacker had to memorize and answer the questions in an invigilated online examination or their response to questions was timed. The study also revealed that iv) an increase in the size of challenge question database decreased the success of an impersonation attack (p < 0.01).Peer reviewe

    Reliable Authentication Method by Using Cellular Phones in WBT

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    Institutions of higher education that give the credits by distance learning using WBT have increased recently. In these situations, the authentication model by (ID, password) pair is general. However, this authentication model cannot prevent “Identity theft” effectively. In this paper, we propose a new authentication model to solve this problem by using cellular phones.ArticleProceedings of the International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies (ICNICONSMCL’06)conference pape

    Evaluating Security and Usability of Profile Based Challenge Questions Authentication in Online Examinations

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    © 2014 Ullah et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.Student authentication in online learning environments is an increasingly challenging issue due to the inherent absence of physical interaction with online users and potential security threats to online examinations. This study is part of ongoing research on student authentication in online examinations evaluating the potential benefits of using challenge questions. The authors developed a Profile Based Authentication Framework (PBAF), which utilises challenge questions for students’ authentication in online examinations. This paper examines the findings of an empirical study in which 23 participants used the PBAF including an abuse case security analysis of the PBAF approach. The overall usability analysis suggests that the PBAF is efficient, effective and usable. However, specific questions need replacement with suitable alternatives due to usability challenges. The results of the current research study suggest that memorability, clarity of questions, syntactic variation and question relevance can cause usability issues leading to authentication failure. A configurable traffic light system was designed and implemented to improve the usability of challenge questions. The security analysis indicates that the PBAF is resistant to informed guessing in general, however, specific questions were identified with security issues. The security analysis identifies challenge questions with potential risks of informed guessing by friends and colleagues. The study was performed with a small number of participants in a simulation online course and the results need to be verified in a real educational context on a larger sample sizePeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Reliable Authentication Method by Using Cellular Phones in Web Based Training

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    Articles are the intellectual property of the author. The Creative Commons copyright permits copy or dissemination for education or non-profit purposes so long as author and title of the article are included with title, volume, number and URL for the Journal.Institutions of higher education that offer credits through distance learning using web based training (WBT) have increased recently. In these situations, an authentication model using the IDpassword pair is generally used. However, this authentication model cannot prevent “identity theft” effectively. We propose a new authentication method that solves this problem by using cellular phones as an authentication token. The authentication accuracy is expected to be improved by combining the ID-password pair with the subscriber ID of cellular phones. We realized a prototype system and prepared a questionnaire in order to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, and as a result, we demonstrated the effectiveness and realizability of our method.ArticleInternational Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 3(12):35-45 (2006)journal articl

    Generating repudiable, memorizable and privacy preserving security questions using the Propp Theory of Narrative

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    &nbsp;Security questions are often based on personal information that is limited in variety, available in the public record and very difficult to change if compromised. A personalized folktale shared only by the communicating parties provides memorizable basis for individualized security questions that can be readily replaced in the event of a security breach. We utilize the Propp theory of narrative to provide a basis of abstraction for story generation systems. We develop a proof-of-concept system based on placeholder replacement to demonstrate the generation of repudiate and memorizable questions and answers suitable for online security questions. A 3-component protocol is presented that demonstrates the use of this process to derive a shared secret key through privacy amplification. This combination of story generation and communication security provides the basis for improvements in current security question practice

    A Study of Online Security Practices

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    abstract: Data from a total of 282 online web applications was collected, and accounts for 230 of those web applications were created in order to gather data about authentication practices, multistep authentication practices, security question practices, fallback authentication practices, and other security practices for online accounts. The account creation and data collection was done between June 2016 and April 2017. The password strengths for online accounts were analyzed and password strength data was compared to existing data. Security questions used by online accounts were evaluated for security and usability, and fallback authentication practices were assessed based on their adherence to best practices. Alternative authentication schemes were examined, and other security considerations such as use of HTTPS and CAPTCHAs were explored. Based on existing data, password policies require stronger passwords in for web applications in 2017 compared to the requirements in 2010. Nevertheless, password policies for many accounts are still not adequate. About a quarter of online web applications examined use security questions, and many of the questions have usability and security concerns. Security mechanisms such as HTTPS and continuous authentication are in general not used in conjunction with security questions for most web applications, which reduces the overall security of the web application. A majority of web applications use email addresses as the login credential and the password recovery credential and do not follow best practices. About a quarter of accounts use multistep authentication and a quarter of accounts employ continuous authentication, yet most accounts fail to combine security measures for defense in depth. The overall conclusion is that some online web applications are using secure practices; however, a majority of online web applications fail to properly implement and utilize secure practices.Dissertation/ThesisCombination of Security PracticesCoded Account Data for 282 and 230 Web ApplicationsPassword Recovery Statistics and GraphsPassword Policies Statistics and GraphsSecurity Question Statistics and GraphsMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    On Enhancing Security of Password-Based Authentication

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    Password has been the dominant authentication scheme for more than 30 years, and it will not be easily replaced in the foreseeable future. However, password authentication has long been plagued by the dilemma between security and usability, mainly due to human memory limitations. For example, a user often chooses an easy-to-guess (weak) password since it is easier to remember. The ever increasing number of online accounts per user even exacerbates this problem. In this dissertation, we present four research projects that focus on the security of password authentication and its ecosystem. First, we observe that personal information plays a very important role when a user creates a password. Enlightened by this, we conduct a study on how users create their passwords using their personal information based on a leaked password dataset. We create a new metric---Coverage---to quantify the personal information in passwords. Armed with this knowledge, we develop a novel password cracker named Personal-PCFG (Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars) that leverages personal information for targeted password guessing. Experiments show that Personal-PCFG is much more efficient than the original PCFG in cracking passwords. The second project aims to ease the password management hassle for a user. Password managers are introduced so that users need only one password (master password) to access all their other passwords. However, the password manager induces a single point of failure and is potentially vulnerable to data breach. To address these issues, we propose BluePass, a decentralized password manager that features a dual-possession security that involves a master password and a mobile device. In addition, BluePass enables a hand-free user experience by retrieving passwords from the mobile device through Bluetooth communications. In the third project, we investigate an overlooked aspect in the password lifecycle, the password recovery procedure. We study the password recovery protocols in the Alexa top 500 websites, and report interesting findings on the de facto implementation. We observe that the backup email is the primary way for password recovery, and the email becomes a single point of failure. We assess the likelihood of an account recovery attack, analyze the security policy of major email providers, and propose a security enhancement protocol to help securing password recovery emails by two factor authentication. \newline Finally, we focus on a more fundamental level, user identity. Password-based authentication is just a one-time checking to ensure that a user is legitimate. However, a user\u27s identity could be hijacked at any step. For example, an attacker can leverage a zero-day vulnerability to take over the root privilege. Thus, tracking the user behavior is essential to examine the identity legitimacy. We develop a user tracking system based on OS-level logs inside an enterprise network, and apply a variety of techniques to generate a concise and salient user profile for identity examination

    Exploiting autobiographical memory for fallback authentication on smartphones

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    Smartphones have advanced from simple communication devices to multipurpose devices that capture almost every single moment in our daily lives and thus contain sensitive data like photos or contact information. In order to protect this data, users can choose from a variety of authentication schemes. However, what happens if one of these schemes fails, for example, when users are not able to provide the correct password within a limited number of attempts? So far, situations like this have been neglected by the usable security and privacy community that mainly focuses on primary authentication schemes. But fallback authentication is comparably important to enable users to regain access to their devices (and data) in case of lockouts. In theory, any scheme for primary authentication on smartphones could also be used as fallback solution. In practice, fallback authentication happens less frequently and imposes different requirements and challenges on its design. The aim of this work is to understand and address these challenges. We investigate the oc- currences of fallback authentication on smartphones in real life in order to grasp the charac- teristics that fallback authentication conveys. We also get deeper insights into the difficulties that users have to cope with during lockout situations. In combination with the knowledge from previous research, these insights are valuable to provide a detailed definition of fall- back authentication that has been missing so far. The definition covers usability and security characteristics and depicts the differences to primary authentication. Furthermore, we explore the potential of autobiographical memory, a part of the human memory that relates to personal experiences of the past, for the design of alternative fall- back schemes to overcome the well-known memorability issues of current solutions. We present the design and evaluation of two static approaches that are based on the memory of locations and special drawings. We also cover three dynamic approaches that relate to re- cent smartphone activities, icon arrangements and installed apps. This series of work allows us to analyze the suitability of different types of memories for fallback authentication. It also helps us to extend the definition of fallback authentication by identifying factors that influence the quality of fallback schemes. The main contributions of this thesis can be summarized as follows: First, it gives essen- tial insights into the relevance, frequency and problems of fallback authentication on smart- phones in real life. Second, it provides a clear definition of fallback authentication to classify authentication schemes based on usability and security properties. Third, it shows example implementations and evaluations of static and dynamic fallback schemes that are based on different autobiographical memories. Finally, it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these memories and gives recommendations for their design, evaluation and analysis in the context of fallback authentication.Aus vormals einfachen Kommunikationsgeräten haben sich Smartphones inzwischen zu Multifunktionsgeräten weiterentwickelt, die fast jeden einzelnen Moment in unserem Alltag verfolgen und aufzeichnen. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass diese Geräte auch viele sen- sible Daten beinhalten, wie zum Beispiel Fotos oder Kontaktinformationen. Um diese Daten zu schützen, können Smartphone-Nutzer aus einer Vielzahl von Authentifizierungsverfahren auswählen. Doch was passiert, wenn eines dieser Verfahren versagt, zum Beispiel wenn Nutzer nicht in der Lage sind ihr korrektes Passwort innerhalb einer begrenzten Anzahl von Versuchen einzugeben? Derartige Fragen wurden bislang von der Usable Security und Privacy Gemeinschaft vernachlässigt, deren Augenmerk vielmehr auf dem Forschungsfeld der primären Authentifizierung gerichtet war. Jedoch ist das Gebiet der Fallback-Authentifizierung von vergleichbarer Bedeutung, um Nutzern die Möglichkeit zu bieten, wieder Zugang zu ihren Daten und Geräten zu erlangen, wenn sie sich aussperren. Im Prinzip kann jedes primäre Authentifizierungsverfahren auch für die Fallback-Authentifizierung eingesetzt werden. Da letzteres in der Praxis jedoch viel seltener passiert, bringt der Entwurf neuer Verfahren für die Fallback-Authentifizierung neue Anforderungen und Herausforderungen mit sich. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, diese Herausforderungen zu verstehen und herauszuarbeiten. Dazu haben wir untersucht, wie häufig sich Smartphone-Nutzer im Alltag aussperren, um darauf basierend die Hauptanforderungen für den Entwurf von Verfahren zur Fallback-Authentifizierung herzuleiten. Zudem konnten wir durch die Untersuchung ein tieferes Verständnis für die Probleme der Nutzer in solchen Situationen entwickeln. Zusammen mit den Erkenntnissen aus verwandten Arbeiten ermöglichten die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung eine detaillierte Definition für den Begriff der Fallback-Authentifizierung bereitzustellen und unter Berücksichtigung von Faktoren der Nutzerfreundlichkeit und Sicherheit deren Unterschiede zur primären Authentifizierung hervorzuheben. Zudem haben wir die Möglichkeiten des autobiographischen Gedächtnisses für den Entwurf alternativer Verfahren zu Fallback-Authentifizierung exploriert. Das autobiographische Gedächtnis ist ein Teil des menschlichen Gehirns und besteht aus persönlichen Erinnerungen der Vergangenheit. Durch den persönlichen Bezug erscheinen diese Erinnerungen vielversprechend, um die Probleme bekannter Verfahren zu überwinden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stellen wir deshalb zwei statische und drei dynamische Verfahren zur Fallback-Authentifizierung vor, die sich auf autobiographischen Erinnerungen stützen. Während sich die statischen Verfahren auf ortsbezogene Erinnerungen und das Anfertigen spezieller Zeichnungen konzentrieren, basieren die dynamischen Verfahren auf Erinnerungen der nahen Vergangenheit (z. B. Aktivitäten auf dem Smartphone, Anordnung von Anwendungen oder de- ren Installation). Die vorgestellten Konzepte erlauben nicht nur das Potential verschiedener autobiographischer Erinnerungen zu analysieren, sondern ermöglichen es auch Faktoren zu identifizieren, die einen Einfluss auf die Qualität der vorgestellten Konzepte haben und somit nützlich sind, um die Definition der Fallback-Authentifizierung zu erweitern. Zusammenfassung Der wissenschaftliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit lässt sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: (1) Die Arbeit gibt einen wichtigen Einblick in die Relevanz, Häufigkeit und Probleme der Fallback-Authentifizierung im Alltag der Nutzer. (2) Sie stellt eine klare Definition für den Begriff der Fallback-Authentifizierung bereit, um Authentifizierungssysteme anhand verschiedener Eigenschaften wie Nutzerfreundlichkeit und Sicherheit zu klassifizieren. (3) Sie diskutiert die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener autobiographischer Erinnerungen anhand von Beispielimplementierungen und gibt darauf basierend Empfehlungen zu deren Nutzung und Evaluierung im Kontext der Fallback-Authentifizierung